• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Lauren Linn - 'The Elven Engineer'
Lauren Linn (Faceclaim 4).jpg
Theme: Steampunk Music (Playground by Bea Miller)
Rp'er Name: ||-CinderRadcliff-||
Post Frequency: 3-4 times a month, maybe more frequently
Discord Name: CinderRadcliff#2805
Current RP: (1x1 Tea Party) [The Republic - The Winter Cottage in the Foothills] After the Tempests

  • Short term goals:
    • Secure a source of steady income
    • Find suppliers that are cheap yet reliable
    • Gain notoriety with merchants both local and abroad
    • Strengthen her body and skills as much as possible
  • Long term goals:
    • Become the lord of her own domain
    • Recreate the artifact from her original world
    • Ensure that the 'Madman' is dead once and for all
Equipped Titles: Abomination (Parent Trees: Construct, Fae), Elf, Survivor
Class: None
Perks: None
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Elvish
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 217 Lbs
Backstory: Lauren was born and raised in another world undergoing a technological renaissance, living near the heart of her nations capitol city. She remembers her childhood fondly, as her parents worked in the same building and often took her with them - with various toys and books for her to entertain herself with in a formerly vacant office between both of theirs. They both worked as inventors, and they were very talented at their jobs as well. Thanks to their success they never had to struggle with finances, often taking her out to various parts of the city and enjoying their time away from work together. As she grew older and entered school she found herself fascinated with the marvels of technology, though what caught her attention in particular was an ancient artifact known as Pandora's Prism. Though no one knew what its original purpose was, their technology at the time allowed them to peer into other universes - with some of these windows into other realities being traversable by human feet. And so, her life's goal became as crystal clear as the Prism itself: To discover the secrets such an artifact holds, and to discover its true purpose.
Lauren committed her life towards this one goal, proving her knowledge in school and getting a full-ride scholarship into a prestigious university. She studied every college course she could to prepare for it, from a Doctorate degree in Quantum Physics to a Doctorate degree in Engineering, alongside various other diplomas to ensure they could successfully build up their work record. By the time she was in her 30s she began working with other scientists to discover the secrets of Pandora's Prism, and learning otherwise classified information about the artifact while working around it. Though she was the youngest of everyone there working on the project, she was the most devoted to uncovering its secrets. However, a freak accident brought her entire world crumbling down around her, as one of her coworkers noticed a small crack in one of the prism's many faces. As they gently touched it something oozed out of it, glowing a bright blue as it rapidly dissolved anything it dripped onto. As the emergency shield was put into place their coworker panicked and tried to escape, rapidly being consumed by the liquid as it began escaping the confines of its prison. Without much time to think she panicked and threw a wrench at the Prism, causing it to violently explode and violently rip apart the entire building.
Current Life: Lauren had first woken up inside of a dark room, with her head feeling fuzzy as she slumped out of bed and onto her feet. As the daylight started to illuminate the room some more she tried feeling her way around the room, though she could only feel anything from one of her arms - her body briefly freezing up as she took a few seconds to think. Her memories were fuzzy, but as she slowly approached a mirror she scanned her body over. Then again. After a slap to the face she started to shake, then screaming in horror and stumbling backwards. As she looked at her unfamiliar body she heard the sound of something hitting the ground and footsteps, quickly getting to her feet and jumping out of the window. Now in a new world with no idea of what to do, she's found herself on the run from the lunatic that replaced three of her four limbs and parts of her abdomen with mechanical parts.

  • Lauren's host was born to a Grave Elf mother and a human father, having been gifted the name of Lilan and inherited her fathers last name Wright. Both of her parents lived within the Grave Elves village her mother was born in, albeit with the residents heavily discriminating against her father. Lilans' home life wasn't much better, as both of her parents regularly got into heated arguments that sometimes turned to violence. By the time she felt like she was 6 years old the arguments got worse and more violent, with one night having her carefully sneak past her parents bedroom. She could only recall grabbing a blanket and her slippers, before silently opening the front door and leaving. The sight of snow and the chill of cold had initially cautioned her to turn back and return to bed, though the thought that she was the cause of her parents ceaseless screaming matches and the guilt that came with it heavily outweighed any hesitation she had. She ran from both her home and her village, wandering through the forest around her home without any direction to go. The numb of the cold gradually crept up her limbs as she continued her trek, the previously warm blanket growing colder and wetter the more she wandered through the forest. The previously light snowfall turned into a flurry of endless white, panic setting in as she ran in a futile attempt to escape it. Before she had blacked out she could faintly hear voices over the howling winds, a figure with a peculiar looking hat and coat slowly approaching her.
  • Lilan was now on what felt like the cusp of 10 years old now, with one less finger and a few less toes than when she was younger. She recalled looking up at her parents, who seemed to be getting along better than ever before her attention was drawn to her childhood friend. She ran up to him before they started chatting, seeing the person that had saved her off in the distance as she chatted with the other villagers. It seemed as if she was a former pirate turned adventurer, though circumstances seemed to have guided her to live within the neighboring village and help defend it from various threats. While she didn't know a lot about the adventurers life, she knew that the pirate also acted as her best friends mother-in-law. As Lilan grew older her parents started taking her over to her friends village more frequently as the discrimination in their own village grew worse, with both of them having grown more concerned about her safety. The memory of seeing their worry and regret still lingered, as since the incident they tried discussing their issues with each other in a more civil manner - having outright stopped their violent fights altogether. Their love for her became apparent after her first and only time running away from home...
  • Lilan felt like she was only 12 years old when her parents asked the pirate to take her with them, as they needed to move out of the village and they couldn't guarantee that they'd be safe while leaving the village behind. Despite her protests she was forced to join the pirate and her childhood friend on the lengthy trip to Ryke's capitol city, with the journey taking weeks to arrive. While staying in Ryken the pirate took this time to teach them the essentials of adventuring, awaiting the day they would reunite with her parents... But as the days turned to weeks and months her hope eroded away, the pirate trying their best to comfort her and cheer her up. It wasn't until years later that the pirate revealed the conversation they had with her parents - her parents asking them to take their daughter to the safety of Ryke, where the East Empire wouldn't be as likely to wage war on and invade. With the truth having been revealed to her and her friend, the two of them parted ways with the pirate and traveled from town to town. The two of them had plenty of fun together during their travels, though tensions between them grew to the point of their separation. And so she was all alone like that cold night in the forest so many years ago, wandering aimlessly for years until finally settling down far to the northern stretches of the continent.
  • Lilan felt like she had turned 17 when she stumbled across a massive ruin deep within the northern borders of the East Empire, the mostly intact exterior giving a sense of grandeur and elegance. As she had wandered inside cautiously the sight of many hundreds of thousands of books made her eyes sparkle with excitement, beginning her delve into the vast collection of knowledge before her. The accidental discovery lead to frequent visits to this ancient site, with each visit and reading session giving her more insight as to how old the ruins had existed for. Some books within its walls retold tales of events that happened many thousands of years ago, while others detailed more recent conflicts such as a tavern fight that broke out in Ryke during a harsh snowstorm. It felt as if someone was still keeping this ancient library up to date. It was during one particular visit to this sacred place that she stumbled upon another curious soul, an elf jotting down words onto empty pages inside of a book. As she approached the elf's ears seemed to twitch as he had heard her footsteps, turning his eyes away from the table and meeting her gaze.
  • Years worth of memories shared between Lilan and the fellow elf named Eins flew by, as the two of them frequently met in the library within the ancient ruin. While it was hard to filter out particular details in any given memory during this span of time, they all seemed to converge and weave a tale of day to day life within the ruins library. Her weekly visits to the library gradually gave way to multiple days a week, with the time spent inside of the library shifting from a few hours a day to half a day spent reading and chatting. And with each day that passed Lilan seemed to learn something new about Eins. She tended to frequent a spot of the ruin with a series of glass panels that mimics the appearance of a warm Ryken summer day, with the marble floors gradually giving way to grass too lively to be real and a massive hedge maze with a circular pavilion in the center of the maze. It was the one place she enjoyed reading the various books in the library the most, as the sight of Ryken projected into the far distance of this fake landscape brought back fond memories of her time living with the pirate adventurer in Ryke. One of her favorite memories of this room however was of the various settings the console within the pavilion had to mess with. The Fae See, the East Empire, Widersia - all of the nations of the current age had setting selections to choose from. A calm night in the Fae See during springtime, the eerily quiet aftermath of a desolate warzone during a cold and rainy autumn day in the East Empire, a frigid winter sunset deep in the northern borders of The Republic... All of these settings having been recorded and configured into the console by the unknown architect of the ruin itself, though she would never get a chance to find out.
  • By the time Lilan felt as if she was 30 years old she could recall many fond memories with Eins, with one of the many being married and a mother of five spirited children. Although all five had long since moved out of their own accord some time ago, they had still frequented often enough to keep the two of them company. However, the peaceful life that they had shared up until that moment changed as news of escalating conflict between the East Empire and the Fae See reached them, alongside a letter to Eins asking for his participation. Having once been a strategist for the Fae See prior to his journey across the continent in pursuit of knowledge, the request was more of a thinly veiled threat should he refuse to participate. The two of them discussed and argued about what they should do for a few days, though both ultimately decided it would be better to participate and remain on good terms than risk their own lives or their children's if they carried through on their threats. The two took one last day to write letters to their children and enjoy what might have been their last peaceful day in this world. As the sun rose the next morning the two departed from their home within the ruins, anxious for what may await them on the battlefield.
  • Lilans memories of the war were far from pleasant... She and Eins knew how cruel and unforgiving the East Empire was to elves of any allegiance, though those holding power within the Fae See weren't saints with the treatment of their soldiers either. She and Eins rarely had any time together due to the constant strategy meetings he was being pulled into, feeling the judgmental glares of her fellow elves giving her a bad feeling. As the days crept by and the tension between the two nations grew, the feeling that death would soon loom over the two of them grew slow and steady - finding herself increasingly paranoid of those around her. Worse yet were the nightmares she began to have, starting out as vague blurry silhouettes of people gathered around an object of ever changing colors. They grew more detailed and more frequent as the war rapidly approached... A blasphemous gemstone doomed to violently shatter and kill anyone unfortunate enough to be too close, with one victim in particular always being the primary focus. Certain details became apparent the longer the nightmares went on, such as the room the gemstone was held in was painted entirely white, most of the furniture and equipment in the room looked significantly more advanced than the technology of Widersia, all of the people working around the gemstone were human... And the images within the gemstone itself became clear enough to see without blur. As the gemstone in yet another nightmare violently exploded prismatic flames and bent light around it as it shattered, she witnessed the woman with silver hair and eyes gradually having their skin burnt off. Yet this time was different. As beneath the fair skin of the woman was skin far more tan, the horrific feeling of watching the woman become another person entirely immediately snapped her out of her nightmare. The person the woman in the dream transformed into was her. It was only after awaking from that nightmare that they finally began to subside, but the thought that the woman from her nightmares would become her stuck around in the back of her head.
  • The last of Lilan's coherent memories was on the battlefield against the East Empire, right after their initial attack. Every part of her body hurt as she felt lightheaded from blood loss, with her arm and both of her legs mutilated beyond what most people with healing magic could recover. Eins sat beside her as she tried to tell him how much she loved him, though she struggled to even move her mouth. As she gradually fell into a comatose state, she felt as if she was trapped within her own body... And much to her horror, she witnessed as Eins fell apart out of grief. He dragged in the bodies of East Empire soldiers and experimented on them, gradually replacing his own body with more and more metal and machinery in an attempt to breath back life into the various corpses he routinely experimented on. Even she wasn't safe from his experiments, as it was right before he completely lost his sanity that he tore apart parts of her flesh and fused them with mechanical limbs similar but fundamentally different from his. It was only after Eins completely lost his sanity that he cut off his own head, the machinery around him swiftly augmenting his corpse with a custom built head filled with all of his knowledge and hatred of the East Empire - awakening the weapon built specifically to eradicate the East Empire. As the head of her former lover rolled underneath of her bed, Lilan sensed the presence of another mind entering her body... And that was when she had first met Lauren Linn.
Acquired Titles: Abomination (Parent Trees: Construct, Fae), Construct, Fae, Elf, Survivor, Eely
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 199
Points Spent: 301
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - C
Speed - D
  • Feature F [Elf Ears] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Mechanical Limbs] - 0 Points
    • Note: Trait of the Abomination Title
  • Feature F [Catalytic Augment] - 14 Points
  • Feature F [Rigid Plating] - 7 Points
  • Feature F [Superconductive Wiring] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Electrical Motors] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Motorized Rollerblade Heels] - 0 Points
  • Special Movement F [Motorized] - 7 Points
  • Special Movement E [Parkour] - 14 Points
  • Fast E - 14 Points
  • Attentive Student E - 14 Points
  • Educated E - 14 Points
    • Academia E
    • Engineering E
    • Physics E
  • Barrier F - 14 Points
  • Regeneration E - 14 Points
  • Resilient E - 14 Points
    • Aging
    • Fatigue/Exhaustion
  • Energized E - 14 Points
  • Magic E - 14 Points
  • Componentless Magic F - 21 Points
  • Selective Magic F - 7 Points
  • Spell Duration F - 7 Points
  • Acrobatics F - 7 Points
  • Athletics F - 7 Points
  • Artisan F - 7 Points
    • Tinkerer
Quality of Life Abilities:
  • Basic Robotics - Artisan F [Tinkerer] + Engineering E + Physics E + Energized E - Lauren can use her extensive knowledge from her past life to build or repair many different types of machines. It does take awhile to do so however. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Overdriven - Fast E + Special Movement F [Motorized] + Special Movement E [Parkour] + Acrobatics F + Athletics F + Energized E - Using the Motorized Rollerblades built into her heels, Lauren can now traverse considerably faster over a vast array of obstacles with grace and precision. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
Combat Oriented Abilities:
  • Electrostatic Pulse - Physics E + Magic E + Componentless Magic F + Energized E - Using her control of mana, Lauren amplifies the electrical signals throughout her entire body, before channeling the electricity accumulated into her next action or attack. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Holographic Great-Shield - Feature F [Catalytic Augment] + Magic E + Componentless Magic F + Selective Magic F + Spell Duration F + Barrier F + Energized E - Using the Catalyst built into her arm alongside her magic, Lauren can project a barrier in front of herself. This barrier is shaped to look like a great shield and is anchored to her arm, allowing it to move alongside her until the duration expires or until the barrier is broken. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Natural Catalyst F
    • Note: Originates from Feature F [Catalytic Augment]
  • Natural Armor F
    • Note: Originates from Feature F [Rigid Plating]
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Artisan tools [Job type: Tinkerer] - Tools include screwdrivers, hammers, thread needles, etc.
  • Handwritten notes
  • Diaries
  • Winter Cottage Map - Leads to a cottage that is warm and cozy year round. - Grade E(USED)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Capture.PNGCozy Retreat 1.jpg
    • Acquired from use of 'Winter Cottage Map' Item
Change Log:
  • 11-3-23
    • Character Sheet Completed/Approved
  • 11-6-23
  • 1-30-24
  • 2-2-24
  • 2-18-24
  • 3-1-24
  • 3-16-24
    • Received 80 points from conclusion of 'Amidst the Memories' RP
    • Spent 21 points raising Precision, Intelligence, and Vitality stats from E to D
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Magic F to Magic E
    • Bought Feature F [Catalytic Augment] and Feature F [Rigid Plating] for 21 points
    • Bought Barrier F for 14 points
    • Bought Selective Magic F for 7 points
    • Bought Energized F for 7 points
    • Upgraded / Added abilities:
      • Added Energized F into Ability [Electrostatic Pulse]
      • New Ability [Holographic Great-Shield] added to list of abilities. E Grade ability, 1 Post cooldown
  • 5-3-24
    • Participated in May 2024 Event
  • 5-10-24
  • 5-28-24
    • Recieved 7 points from May 2024 Event
    • Bought Spell Duration F for 7 points
  • 7-7-24
    • Received 105 Points from 'Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive' Conclusion
    • Spent 28 points raising Intelligence and Vitality from D to C, and Speed and Strength from E to D
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Educated F to Educated E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Regeneration F to Regeneration E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Energized F to Energized E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Resilient F to Resilient E (Acquired: Fatigue Resilience)
    • Bought Special Movement E [Parkour] and Special Movement F [Motorized] for 21 points
    • Bought Fast E for 14 points
    • Bought Acrobatics F and Athletics F for 14 points
  • 7-19-24
  • 9-3-24
  • 9-6-24
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She's a black cat with a red bandana on her neck. The bandana hides a collar that holds a magic crystal.

Rp'er Name: Spoiled Bread
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Spoiled Bread#8417
Current RP: -
  • Regain her past memories
  • Obtain a human form
  • Eliminate all in her hit list:
    • The robotic madman
  • Learn Interdimensional Magic
Equipped Titles:
  • Beast
  • Cat
  • Tiny
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 9 lbs
Backstory: Eeriel doesn't remember much of her past life except a few hazy memories here and there.
Current Life: She got isekaied into a cat familiar of a reclusive wizard. After the wizard died from heart attack she wanders from place to place trying to survive by digging food scraps. Of course she doesn't want to live like this forever.
Acquired Titles: beast, cat, tiny, Kitty, Do Gooder
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 76
Points Spent: 177
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - H
Precision - B
Intelligence - D
Vitality - H
Speed - B
Points used for upgrade: 42​
Character Grade: E​
  • Features: Cat [Cosmetic]
  • Appraisal E [0 pts, Isekai perk]
  • Enhanced senses (smell, hearing) E [7 pts, born for this discount]
  • Magic E [14 pts]
    • Magic Range F [7 pts]
    • Spell Duration F [7 pts]
  • Pocket Dimension F [14 pts]
  • Undetected (vision) F [14 pts]
  • Energized E [14 pts]
  • Educated F - Self-educated feline (Eeriel started to accept her nature as a cat and use it to her advantage)
    • Acrobatic F
    • Stealth F
    • Deception F
  • Arcana F [7 pts]
  • Focus F [7 pts]
  • Fast E [14 pts]
  • Bagworm - Magic E, Spell Duration F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized E - Coat self in a magic layer that distorts light. Turning invisible for up to 1 hours. Perceptive people might see the distortion around the user. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Feint - Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Deception, Energized F - Quickly move away from enemies' line of sight to avoid detection. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Mana Strike - Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E- Shoot a bolt of pure magic up to 30 ft away. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Death Glare - Magic E, Magic Range F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized E - Glare at a target up to 30 ft away and harm them with magic. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Steal - Magic E, Pocket Dimension F, Magic Range F, Energized E - Put a target within 30 ft away into pocket dimension, the target must be equal or less than 1 ft. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Night Slink - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown.
  • Catalyst C [16 pts] : Chaos Crystal, A purple crystal that shines with otherworldly power. Its strapped into a collar in Eeriel's neck.
  • Light Armor F [7 pts] : Eeriel is covered in fluffy furs, enabling her to turns attack into glancing blow.
  • Red Bandana [0 pts, cosmetic]
  • Rations
  • Plushy pillow
Change Log:
  • From Turkey Triathlon November 2023 Event
    • 7 pts
    • Purchase Natural Light Armor F [7 pts]
    • Novelty Boxing Gloves
      • Type: Magic Item
      • A pair of boxing gloves made to resemble juicy, roasted turkeys. Despite their gimmicky appearance, they are expertly crafted and magically infused. Wearing both gloves, the wearer's physical strength will be magically enhanced. A tag sewn into the gloves claims they are produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
      • The product comes with [Superstrength E] included.
  • From White Elephant of Hyroth December 2023 Event
    • Totem of the Gingerbread. This is a small totem that can be placed in the ground near the owner. Once placed the Totem will animate and run around a circle. The Gingerbread Totem will run around taunting everyone around it. The Gingerbread Totem smells delicious with just the right balance between sugar and spice. Eating the Gingerbread Totem fills one with the indescribable nostalgia of cold nights spent near a warm hearth with loved ones. It is food for the soul. Type of Item: Magic Item Special Effects: Transform D
      • Inanimate to animate.
        • Command: “Can’t Catch Me.” Gingerbread Totem transforms into an animate figure that runs around taunting people to chase it.

      • Fast E
      • AOE F (15’)
      • Mind Control D: Try and catch me!
    • Curse: If man is caught the planter takes 1 damage and feel the pain of being devoured
  • From January Resolution Event - Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
    • Magic Range F
  • From Fantasy - [ISEKAI HELL] - Amidst the Memories They Once Had - Escape from the Madman
    • Gain 28 pts
    • Gain title [Kitty]
    • Purchase:
      • Focus F [7 pts]
      • Pocket Dimension F [14 pts]
      • Educated F (Acrobatic, Stealth, Deception) [7 pts]
  • From April 2024 Community Event
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Gain Buddy Pass
  • From Graded - [Isekai Hell] From the City of Faiths to Seeking Thieves
    • Gain 20 pts
    • Gain Title [Do Gooder]
    • Get Energized E [14 pts]
  • Trade with Eriedeth Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Upgrade catalyst E -> C [2 pts]
  • From Graded - [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine
    • Gain 7 pts
    • Gain [World RP Certification]
    • Purchase Fast F [7 pts]
    • Purchase Special Movement - Speedburst F [7 pts]
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Lady Suwa
Rp'er Name: Parrot Parfait
Post Frequency: Variable
Discord Name: Ask me for my discord
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Suwa wants nothing more than to travel the world and listen to people’s stories.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 112 lbs
Backstory:Born blind, Suwa was raised in a relatively quiet but loving household. However, what she loved to do was listen to other people’s adventures as she herself could not have any of them. After a tragic accident with truck-kun alongside her pet shiba, Walnut, they both were reincarnated into this world. Now free to live her life as she now wants to travel the world alongside Walnut to hear everyone’s stories and use her skills to orate those stories to everyone.
Current Life:Recently Reincarnated
Acquired Titles: [Human]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 7
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Companion F
  • Appraisal E
  • Performance [Singing] F
  • Performance [Stringed Instrument] F
  • Feature [Eidetic Memory] F
  • Empathy F
  • Careful Listening - Feature [Eidetic Memory], Empathy F - By using her unusual senses, Suwa is able to quickly determine some of the emotions behind a person's story. When retelling their story, she'll be able to better convey their hardships and joys. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Personal Retelling - Performance [Singing] F, Performance [Stringed Instrument] F, Feature [Eidetic Memory] F, Empathy F - Using her good memory, Suwa retells the story of someone she’s met before, conveying all the feelings she picked up on when hearing their story. Through her use of chords and singing, she's able to recreate some of the emotion the subject of the story was feeling. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Biwa F
  • Travel Clothes
  • Basket Hat
  • Bolter Collie(tm)• Type: Magic Item
    • A felt-covered, dog-shaped toy with a rudimentary, mechanical innerwork. Its movements are stiff but magically automated. It will bark in the vicinity of danger and enter a 'search mode' when provided the scent of a target. A tag attached to its ear claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    • The product comes with [Sixth Sense F – Danger], and [Heightened Sense F – Smell] included.
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

Companion Name: Walnut
Walnut is proud and bold headed. He's simpled minded but resolute in his decisions. Were it not for Suwa, he'd be actually quite rude towards strangers, but for Suwa's sake, he tries to be polite towards others so as not to upset her. Despite his mannered exterior, he's still suspicious towards strangers and jealous against those who receive Suwa's attention.
Walnut sees Suwa as a beloved family member, and as such, treats her affectionately and with respect. Because she's blind, he tries extra hard to take care of her, and should Suwa's life ever be in danger, Walnut would risk himself to protect Suwa.
Appearance: Walnut is a short wolven who's shape resembles a shiba inu. He wears similar clothing to suwa except his clothing is a light blue color instead.
Goals: To protect Suwa from any dangers.
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Wolven]
Height: 4' 1"
Weight: 90 lbs
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Wolven]
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing/Smell] E
  • Sixth Sense [Malicious Intent] E
  • Focus F
  • Features:
    • [Fur]
    • [Ears:Wolf]
    • [Beastial Eyes: Circular]
    • [Muzzle]
    • [Serrated Teeth]
    • [Claws]
    • [Tail]
  • Chills - Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Sixth Sense [Malicious Intent] F - Whenever something feels off, Walnut will involuntarily get chills down his spine. He won't know exactly what's wrong, however. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sense Danger - Heightened Sense [Hearing/Smell] E, Sixth Sense [Malicious Intent] E, Focus F - By sharpening his senses and tuning out unnecessary distractions, Walnut is able to detect any dangers around the area and figure out the direction of the danger. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
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Rp'er Name: Eelnana
Post Frequency: Varies
Discord Name: Eelnana
Current RP: ------
Goals: My immediate goal is to go on an adventure and make sense of this new world, all to satisfy the persistent voice in my head.
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane]
Height: 6 Feet
Weight: 190 Pounds
Hey, I'm Bobby. Life before all this isekai craziness was something else, let me tell you. I was always just a chill, laidback kinda guy, not really born with much. My parents? Well, they weren't exactly what you'd call loving. Neglectful would be putting it lightly. We weren't swimming in riches, and I wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. You know, not the type to be overly joyful and optimistic, but more like a realist. Life threw a bunch of curveballs my way, but I was always the kind to accept those misfortunes and just move on.

College entrance exams? Oh, don't even get me started on those. Failed 'em for three years straight. Yeah, you heard me right, three whole years. My folks, they had enough of me, so they kicked me out. No hard feelings, I guess. Right now, I'm scraping by with odd jobs, mostly involving manual labor and domestic work, just to make ends meet. The plan is to give those college entrance exams another shot, though. Gotta keep those dreams alive, you know?

Now, the weird part, that voice in my head. It started as something I shrugged off. A man's voice, saying stuff that usually didn't matter much. It was like a running commentary in the background of my life. But as time passed, it got worse. Like, seriously worse. The worst was when the voice called out my name while I was crossing the street one day. Talk about bad timing – a bus decided to introduce itself to me in the most unpleasant way.

Next thing I know, I wake up in a completely different world. And you know what the voice said? "Sorry, Bobby." Real helpful, right? Now, here I am, trying to make sense of this whole isekai situation, with a voice in my head that speaks in the most casual and informal manner you can imagine. Life sure knows how to keep me on my toes.
My first few weeks in this new world were, well, an interesting mix of confusion and simplicity. When I found myself in the mountains, I stumbled upon an abandoned cabin that was filled with a bunch of stuff. Not one to turn down an opportunity, I decided to call the place home until someone came to kick me out. But luckily, no one ever did.

With no college entrance exams to worry about, I chose to live a simple life. I learned to forage for food, chop wood for the fireplace, and sell whatever I could find to nearby towns and travelers passing through. It was a tough, rustic kind of existence, but I quickly adapted to living off the land. Life wasn't grand, but it was good enough for me.

However, as the days turned into weeks and I got more comfortable in my mountain hideout, that voice in my head just kept getting louder. It was like a constant nagging, telling me to go on an adventure, that I needed to "catch up" or something. At first, I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just some odd quirk of this new world. But the voice wouldn't shut up.

So, I decided to give in to it. I used some of the hard-earned cash I had saved up to get myself some equipment - a sturdy backpack, some armor, a few trusty weapons, and a map of the continent. I figured maybe an adventure or two was what it would take to quiet the voice down and make some sense of this whole situation.
Acquired Titles: Human [Mundane]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Appraisal E
  • Attentive Student E
  • Athletic F
  • Domestic Arts F [Born for this Perk]
  • Educated F - Mountain Man (Survival, Climbing, Logging)
  • Jumping F
  • Language F - Common, Woodland Animals
  • Superstrength F
  • Wealth F
  • Mighty Cleave - Athletic F, Educated F [Logging], Superstrength F - A powerful axe swing meant to split logs and chop down trees - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Hand Axe F (Wealth Skill)
  • Hand Axe F (Wealth Skill)
  • Two-Handed Axe F (Wealth Skill)
  • Plate Armor [Heavy] F (Wealth Skill)
  • Crossbow F (Wealth Skill)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Cooking tools
  • Rope
  • Backpack
  • Old and Small Mountain Cabin
Character Creation - 11/5/23
  • Human [Mundane] title acquired and equipped
  • 7 points spent on Strength F → Strength E
  • 7 points spent on Precision F → Precision E
  • 7 points spent on Intelligence F → Intelligence E
  • 7 points spent on Vitality F → Vitality E
  • 7 points spent on Speed F → Speed E
  • 0 points spent on Appraisal E (Free)
  • 14 points spent on Attentive Student E
  • 7 points spent on Athletic F
  • 0 points spent on Domestic Arts F
    • 7-point discount applied from Born for This Perk
  • 7 points spent on Educated F - Mountain Man (Survival, Climbing, Logging)
  • 7 points spent on Jumping F
  • 0 points spent on Language F - Common, Woodland Animals (Free)
  • 14 points spent on Superstrength F
  • 21 points spent on Wealth F
  • 0 points spent on Hand Axe F
    • 7-point discount from Wealth F applied
  • 0 points spent on Hand Axe F
    • 7-point discount from Wealth F applied
  • 0 points spent on Two-Handed Axe F
    • 7-point discount from Wealth F applied
  • 0 points spent on Plate Armor [Heavy] F
    • 7-point discount from Wealth F applied
  • 0 points spent on Crossbow F
    • 7-point discount from Wealth F applied
  • Mighty Cleave ability created
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Designer (10).png
Theme: Resurrections-Celeste
Characters Pronouns: He/Him
Rp'er Name: Lolory
Post Frequency:
Depends on the speed of my partner | once or twice a week.
Discord Name: liseranthistle
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become a master Alchemist.
Equipped Titles: Beastman (Mundane) | Enigma
Height: 4"11
Weight: 115lbs

The very first thing Winrey sees of the world is his creator, Miss Oakwell. She's dressed in all white, a long coat with deep pockets, and a white undershirt that peeks through the buttoned up middle. She even has white gloves on as she carefully picks him up off of the floor that he's fallen onto. The hard, cold tile makes his knees ache and he stands up on wobbly bipedal legs. The second thing he notices is that his legs are much different from his creators. While hers are long, and not bent in an awkward shape, his are covered in brown fur and end in slim paws. "Perfect." Miss Oakwell speaks above him as she holds his hands in her own, she looks down at him with admiration and Winrey felt as if he should do something else to impress her. The room they're in is dark, with low ambient light coming from the large glass canisters behind him. He slowly turns his head back to catch a glimpse of these, and briefly notices other strange children like himself floating aimlessly in them. "Homonculus, speak." Oakwell commands of him, but he's not sure how to yet. She squints and hums to herself as she goes to scribble something down on a notebook. "We'll work on that later...For now, walk towards me." She stands back a few feet with her arms outstretched, and Winrey takes careful steps to her. He trips and falls halfway, but she is there to pick him up again with a sigh. "We'll...work on that as well. Good job." She says. Winrey is certain then, that he has accomplished something wonderful for the first time.

2. "Ugh can't you do anything right, you stupid creature?" Oakwell kicks the bucket holding the dirty mop water over. Winrey's face is implacable as she rages on like usual. He's not aware of why she's upset this time, as he did do as she had asked, which was to clean the manor that evening. "The foyer is still filthy, and it's half past evening now. What on earth has taken you so long that you couldn't even finish your chores?" She asked with a scowl and a hand on her hip.

"I went to the garden today." Winrey replied. Oakwell rolls her eyes at him, annoyed.

"You always go to the garden. Hell, if I didn't spend so much on it, I'd raze it myself so you'd finally focus and do as your told around here." She grumbled. Oakwell took a cigarette out of her dress pocket, and lit it with a single flick of a lighter. She bent down low to Winrey's level and puffed smoke in his face rudely. "Clean. The. Foyer. Or else you'll get no dinner. Again." He simply nodded and headed for the foyer room. As he cleaned the foyer as Oakwell commanded, he thought back to his time in the garden, specificially about what he saw when he chanced a peek over that tall fence. A hole in the fence that was usually well hidden by the weeds and bushes allowed for him to see on the other side, and he was never allowed to leave the manor at Oakwell's request. Curiosity had got the better of him, and what awaited on the other side of the fence was a huddle of children. They were far in the distance, but just close enough that he could see them running and playing cheerfully on the largest expanse of greenery he'd ever seen. His long, rabbit ears twitched slightly as he stared at the scene. He had never wanted to escape so badly until that very moment.

3. Today was a lot different than the others, a visitor had came to the manor. And for the first time in his short life, Winrey was permitted to see the visitor. Miss Oakwell tended to shut him away downstairs in the lab where he slept until they left, and only then was he allowed back upstairs. The visitor was a tall woman with dark brown skin, and long silk black hair that seemed immaculately taken care of. She studied him with curious eyes, and like Miss Oakwell she too had a habit of smoking. "Wow...I can't believe you actually managed to make one." The woman said in a low drawl. "Can you talk, kid?"

"Yes." Winrey responded. She seemed impressed by this, and asked him more questions.

"Are you good at cleaning? Oakwell tells me you clean her manor pretty well." Oakwell scoffs at this, but Winrey nods. "Great, well I'll take him off your hands for good if you're still running this 'orphanage' business." The woman looks to Miss Oakwell who simply shrugs uncaringly.

"I already had his paperwork done weeks ago. I'll mail it to you when I'm ready. He may be my only successful attempt...but he's completely useless in every other aspect." She said disdainfully. "Take him away whenever you get ready." She shooed them away and left them both in the foyer room.

"Don't you have bags to pack, kid?" The woman asked. Winrey shook his head, and she sighed. "Well alright...we'll work on that later, I suppose. I'm Elvyra Highwater, and from now on you're my responsibility. If anyone asks, I'm your aunt, got it?" She looked at him pointedly until Winrey nodded again. "Good. Now, let's get going, we've got quite the busy night ahead of us."

4. Work was hard that day, but Winrey had managed it easily. Madame Highwater had tasked him with disposing of not just 1 but 3 separate bodies that night, and it made for a gruesome clean up job afterwards. A year ago, when she had "adopted" him so readily from Miss Oakwell, he had expected to live a somewhat normal life, like the children in the park he saw all those months ago. Instead, he found himself being complicit in the crime Madame Highwater commited. He was aware she had two jobs, one during the day and one at night. She was the picture perfect charitable business woman to the public, but a ruthless "loan shark" to all of her wealthy acquaintances. Those who didn't pay their debts on time were "dealt with", and the person in charge of cleaning up the aftermath was Winrey.

One particular night, however, he was unfortunate enough to take a mistep in the shallow grave that had been dug by the new recruits Madame Highwater sent with him. Winrey tripped, and fell alongside the body bag, and the shovel followed afterwards, it's metal blade cutting deep into his throat with help from the fall. He was thankful to have passed out soon afterwards, though when he awoke to his surprise, it was not in the dark forest he died in.
Current Life: The sun shone brightly through Winrey's bedroom window as he read over "The Novice's Guide to Alchemy". Footsteps sounded by the door, and he swiftly closed it, and replaced it with his Scriptures. "Winrey? It's almost late in the morning! You haven't even eaten breakfast, have you?" His father poked his head in, his own rabbit ears stood at attention.

"I was going over the rites." Winrey answered.

"Oh, enough about that! You've probably got that entire book memorized by now. The church needs a good sweeping, so hurry down and eat." His father gave him a quick smile, and Winrey decided to not push his luck with his secret book on alchemy hidden just out of sight. He threw it under his bed, and headed down stairs to the kitchen where his parents had set up a nice meal for everyone that morning. This life was much more amicable than the last, he now had actual parents who cared and loved him. They lived in Ryke together, manning a small church in Noghe Village, and as Beastfolk they kept to themselves mostly. Winrey liked this world for the simple fact that now there really were people like himself with strange animal parts. It made him feel less alone.

However, he still yearned for freedom despite already having it. He now had a chance to learn all he could about "Homonculi" and the process of making one. His parents weren't too fond of such dark research, however. It sounded wicked, and unnatural to them, which he knew because they'd always preach at the church about how awful such practices were. So he made due with reading about it in secret, while he worked as a simple altarboy.
Acquired Titles: "Coward"
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 109
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 88
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Heightened Sense (Hearing)-E (Born for this Perk)
  • Appraisal- E
  • Fast - E
  • Jumping- F
  • Alchemy-E
  • Religion-F
  • Cosmetic Feature (Long Ears)
  • Healing-E
  • Regeneration-F
  • "I know you're there" - Heightened Sense E, Appraisal F - Allows for the user to sense the presence of others, can strain the ears if used for too long. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • "While there's still daylight"- Fast E, Jumping F-Allows for the user to move quicker for a short period of time without tiring. -Grade E - 1 Post cooldown
  • "A feverfew and far between"- Healing E, Alchemy E-Allows for the user to use Holy Water vials to heal themself or others by making a "feverfew" potion. -Grade E- 1 Post Cooldown
  • "Don't Let the Rot set in"- Regen F, Allows for the user to slowly regenerate their health over time by resting-Grade F- 6 Post Cooldown

  • Natural Light Armor-E
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Holy Water Vials - Small glass vials of Holy water. Some are half empty and in desperate need of refilling!
  • Novice Guide for Alchemy- A book detailing the simpler aspects of Alchemy.
  • Scripture for the Dead- A holy book used commonly by worshipers of Meldaron that details different funerary rites.
  • (White Elephant Event)Fox Plushy-You can hug it and feel it's softness Boon: Gives an e grade heal that includes mental damage and healing one status ailment (Limited to owner of plushie)
  • (Not a Single Crumb)Rusty Dagger G- A dagger Winrey found in a creepy basement. It's seen better days...
Change Log:
Not a Single Crumb-37 points,
  • Rusty Dagger
  • "Coward" Title
  • "Theft F" Title (Got rid of Theft F -7pts)
  • Healing E (-14pts)
  • Added Ability "A feverfew and Far between"-E Grade, 1 Post Cooldown
Isekai Hell White Elephant Event 2023
  • Fox Plushy

Isekai Hell January 2023 Writing Event
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Ralph Grimshaw

Rp'er Name: Scarletti
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: Scarlet
Goals: To get stronger.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Mundane[born for this], Neko, Delver, Ryken Adventuers Guild F
Equipped Classes: Anchor
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 121 lbs

A regular high school student. He enjoyed reading manga and watching anime, with his favorite setting being isekai. One day, a truck would swerve onto the pavement out of nowhere, slamming into him before the world faded into nothingness.

Current Life:
The memories of his first few moments in this world were long sealed away in the deepest parts of his mind. Sometimes, he still saw them in his nightmares. He could vaguely remember being tied up, dragged around and beaten like a slave, going to bed hungry on most nights. He wasn’t alone. There were many of his kind, with cat ears and a tail, locked up in cages. Then one day, a beacon of light came. A charming young woman who brought to the slaves a brilliant plan for escape. Everything was going well, as more and more slaves decided to join the rebellion and fight for their freedom.

However, on the day of their escape, there were loud shouts, fighting, chaos everywhere. Something had gone wrong. Their plan had been leaked. The young woman grabbed his hand, leading him to the escape route throughout all the confusion. Somehow, they finally made it. The exit gate was right before them. But suddenly, he was pulled aside by the woman. The next thing he knew, an arrow was mere inches from his face, with blood dripping from its tip. But it wasn’t his blood.

The boy stopped in his tracks, wishing it was all just a dream. Her final words were the only thing that spurred him to keep going. He managed to escape into the nearby forests, running barefooted till his feet bled. He didn’t know where he was headed, all he knew was that he had to keep going no matter what. The boy ran and ran until finally he collapsed.

Upon awakening once more, he found himself in a strange hut, all bandaged up and resting atop a bed of straws. It was unreal. He managed to escape, but at what cost? He had no comrades left.

The sounds of metal clanging nearby snapped him out of his thoughts, as a short but sturdy figure hammered away at his anvil. It was there he would spend years recovering from the trauma, and learning the ways of the blacksmith. When asked about his past, he could only lie with a smile on his face. “I don’t remember.”

Acquired Titles: Beast, Mundane[born for this], Neko, [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark, Ryken Adventuers Guild F
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 62
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 62

Strength - C
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - F

  • Feature: [Ears: Cat] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a feline.
  • Feature: [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
  • Feature: [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  • Feature: [Claws] - Cosmetics
  • Feature: Darkvision F (7)
  • Heightened senses - Hearing F (born for this)
  • Super strength F (14)
  • Attentive student E (14)
  • Artisan: Blacksmith E (14)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Appraisal E
  • [Fighting Style – Scythes] D - reach, blight F (Fire), area F
  • Duration reduction F (7)
  • Educated F (athletics, intimidation, insight) (7)
  • Fiery fury - [Fighting Style – Scythes] E, blight F (fire), super strength F, reach, energized E, athletics F - Ralph attacks within 10ft of his scythe, empowering his attacks with flames and using 200 lbs of force - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Fiery fury 2 - [Fighting Style – Scythes] E, blight F (fire), super strength F, area F, energized E, athletics F - Ralph attacks nearby targets within 5ft, empowering his attacks with flames and using 200 lbs of force - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
  • Heavy armor E (crafted)
  • s1.jpg
Special effects: When used, calls forth a spectral bird that follows the user for the RP. Bird is cosmetic and cannot perform actions. Boon: Bird can alert user to visible things of note deemed by the narrator.


  • [World Training Certification]
Change Log:
  • November 7, 2023: Spent 105 points (spent 14 on strength D, 14 on precision D, 7 on intelligence E, 14 on vitality D, 7 on Feature: Darkvision F, 0 on Heightened senses - Hearing F (born for this), 14 on Super strength F, 14 on attentive student E, 14 on artisan: blacksmith E, 7 on energized F)
  • Nov 17: acquired [World Training Certification]
  • Jan 27, 2024: gained 62 points from not a single crumb
  • Feb 4: gained [Fighting Style – Scythes] E, with reach and blight F (fire), from marketplace
  • Feb 12: Spent 42 points, intelligence E to D for 7, energized F to E for 7, strength D to C for 7, fighting style E to D for 7 and obtaining core area F, obtained duration reduction F for 7 points, obtained educated F (athletics, intimidation, insight) for 7, obtained anchor class, added cleave, fiery fury, fiery fury 2
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From: Almeida

Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 148
Points Spent: 252 (105 + 147)
Points Not Spent: 1

Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Construct, War-hammer Apprentice, Apprentice Tinkerer, Apprentice Athlete, Ryken Adventurer F, Delver, Bear Bopper, Student of Hammering E

Height: 1.75 m / 5 feet 9 inch
Weight: 102 kg / 225 lb

What is the price of daylight? A day without food. That was his life. Work at the mines was only open to people like him during the night, when the slightly-better-off mineworkers were sleeping. Whenever he didn't work for a day, he didn't get to eat for a day. Whenever he worked for a day, he'd start before the sun was up and end after it went down. An entire day in the dark. That was his life. He was mining silver, that much he knew. Yet he never saw any of it. He could spot the unrefined ores from miles away, yet never saw the finished product. Most of his conscious life had been spent in those mines. He knew them better than any other. Especially the tinier spaces he'd crawled through as a child.

You'd think the mines would be the thing to claim his life, considering how dangerous they were and how bad the conditions to work in them tended to be. They weren't. It was another miner. They'd found some valuable gems together, which nobody would expect in the silver mine. It's why nobody would check for them either. Which was why nobody would notice them to go missing. The plan to run off with them was quickly made. They'd try to find a better life elsewhere. Yet he'd not even left the mines before feeling his skull cracked by a rock. The person he'd been working with for most his life decided he'd rather not share their find. He died the way he lived. Unremarkable and in the dark.

Current Life:
How different was the start of his next life. When he was offered the chance at one, he agreed without much thought. Yet it started far more chaotic. The first thing he heard was. “It's alive! It's alive! My beautiful creature!” The first thing he saw was the face of what could only be described as a 'mad scientist' followed by the scene of him being in a laboratory. It reminded him of a novel he'd once read. Frankenstein. Was he... was he a Frankenstein's monster?

He could confirm that his body was far different than he was used to. Part of it was flesh, another part was metal. It was an odd mixture of both. He could feel it as if on instinct; even some of his organs and bones were metal and machine. Other parts of him were still flesh and blood. It wasn't the only thing that was odd. He looked feminine, but it didn't seem like he was exclusively so. What was he? Some weird half-human machine? Why was he made this way? He had no clue. He had no clue why he even existed here to begin with.

When he tried to look around, all he got was some mad rambling about “the future of evolution has been made!” from his, her... their supposed creator. He wasn't sure what he'd settle on. He wasn't granted the time to make up his mind either, as some people that seemed like knights stormed in. “What the hell have you done, you madman!” “Your experiments caused outages throughout all of the city!” “You've gone too far this time!” “Even your ties to the nobles can't save you now!” Those were the type of things he'd hear called out. The sounds of guns being fired, the signs of smoke... Then he passed out. Perhaps his body was still too unstable.

When he woke up again, he found himself in what seemed to be a hospital. He was greeted by what could only be described as a large metal man whom introduced himself as Sverre. In the next few weeks, he learned he was in Widersia, a small 'steampunk' country between The See and the East Empire. He learned his creator was an infamous madman, a professor trying to forcefully evolve humanity to its next stage. He'd escaped capture after finishing Almeida's own creation. He learned he was considered a 'Half-Construct, Half-Human' creature and he soon learned that most would definitely address him as a lady, regardless of what he was in his first life or how exactly he'd been made in this one. Oddly enough, it was something he got used to more quickly than he expected. Perhaps the fact that all the seized documents referred to him as 'Almeida' to the point he'd taken it on as his name had helped him to speed up said process. It did sound fairly feminine, after all.

Either way, he spent a year or two working for Sverre, training to become a Marshall like him and eventually being gifted the great honour of owning (as Sverre put it) 'a hammer like me own, he's a handsome fella!' and being told that Widersia was too small of a stage for him. He was asked to set out on a much bigger adventure, to traverse the world and to become a hero of renown. He realised immediately how much he'd like that. To no longer live in the dark, but the enter the light. To become as famous as he'd once been unknown. All he'd need was a few adventurers with which to prove himself!

There were only a few things that might hold him back a little. Somehow, even through his best efforts, his mind seems incapable of understanding the [common] language. Perhaps part of his language perceiving brain was mechanical and busted? He's also convinced his hammer can talk to him. The hammer's name is Valerius. One day he'll figure out how to make others hear Valerius speak to them as well.

  • Become a well-renowned Hero.
  • Prove that Valerius can truly talk.
  • Figure out why he can't seem to learn the [Common] language.

[Race] Titles
  • Abomination – all creatures of conflicting natures. Hybrids of multiple racial trees.
  • Human - all creatures in this tree are human or some sub-human.
  • Construct - all creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and are sentient/self aware.
  • Cyborg – Abomination title, Human title, Construct title, Feature [Mechanical Parts], Resilient F, Tinkerer F, Athletics F – Strong and tough humanoids that are a mixture of human and machine.

[Race] Perks
  • Born For These - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements per racial tree you are a part of.

[Connection] Titles
  • [Ryken Adventurer F] - character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
    • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • [Republic’s warning] - This character has received a warning from republic officials due to being part or full construct and having gotten into trouble. Every time this character enters the republic a extra set of eyes will be kept on them.

[Society] Titles
  • [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
  • [Bear Bopper] - Character bopped a bear.
  • [Closet Criminal] - No one may know the thoughts of the character, for if they did, they may wish to remain far away. Good thing they have not acted on their impulses, yet.

[Job] Titles
  • Student of Hammering E – Martial Ethos War-Hammer E
  • Apprentice Tinkerer – Tinkerer F
  • Apprentice Athlete – Athletics F

Strength – B
(28 points)
Precision – B
(28 points)
Intelligence – E
(7 points)
Vitality – E
(7 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)



  • [Specialized] Fighting Style [War-hammer] E (14 points) | Pre-req: D grade stats relevant to weapons, All weapons relevant to style
    A Specialized Fighting Style using war-hammers to defeat opponents.
    • [Blight (Valkanite)] E (21 points)
      Generally this is a technique that enhances an attack in some way to deal extra damage if effective. [Valkanite] - fire caused by a flammable mineral upon impact.
    • [Continuing (Valkanite) E (21 points)
      The attack has a means of causing ongoing damage. An acids or fires burn. The poison that courses through veins. This technique only applies to sources of damage in an attack and not other special effects. This technique can be used to inflict long term ongoing effects like diseases or curses or short term effects like pain.[Valkanite] - fire caused by a flammable mineral upon impact.
    • [Deflect] E (21 points) | Action: 1
      Used to create abilities to deflect non-magic or physical attacks. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you.
    • Enervation E (21 points) Action: 1
      Puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique
    • [Flare (Sight)] E (21 points) | Action:
      Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. When duration selected, increase by 1 target post per grade. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration.
  • [Martial Ethos [War-Hammer] (Hammering) E (14 points)
    Pre-req: Fighting Style [War-Hammer] E
    Blight (Valkanite), Continuing (Valkanite), Deflect, Enervation, Flare (Sight)

    Character has honed their various martial techniques into a singular school of thought or otherwise joined a martial school.

    [Student of Hammering E] - enables rps for student characters without need for an enrolment rp.

    Initiative [Attack] - character's martial ethos gives them an edge when facing certain types of defences to their abilities. Character attacks (not defences) reduces defence ability contribution to a defence action by 1 per grade of Martial ethos when contested by Attacking.


  • Appraisal D (0 points) | Axillary ability - requires meta knowledge, D Grade Character
  • Feature [Multiracial] F (7 points)
    Allows a character to be part of more than one race tree.
  • Feature [Mechanical Parts] (0 points, cosmetic)
    Character has parts of their body and/or organs replaces with mechanical version. Does not provide additional benefits.

  • Resilient [Incapacitated] F (0 points, free with Born For These) | Type: Defensive!, Passive! -Pre-req: E Grade Vitality!
    Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded.


  • Language [Analog] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Terran] (0 points, free upon creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • Artisan [Tinkerer] C (21 points, Born For These Discount) | Type: Domestic! - Pre-req: B Grade Precision!
    Tinkerer - maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements.
  • Athletics F (7 points) | Type: Auxiliary!, Utility! - Pre-req: E Grade Strength!
    The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large weights.

  • Full-On-Hammering E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Deflect E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 3 actions – 1 post Cooldown.
  • Grand Slam E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 2 actions – 1 post Cooldown.
  • Blinding Hammer-On E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Flare (Sight) E --- Grade E – 1 action – 1 post Cooldown.
  • Tiring Hammer-On E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Enervation E - Grade E – 1 action – 1 post Cooldown.

  • War-hammer [Valerius] C (0 points, free with Tinkerer)
    Almeida's trusty war-hammer (see her full image).
  • Heavy Armour F (0 points, free with Tinkerer)
    Some armour existing of Tinkered together fabrics, metals and other items that sometimes make it tough to tell where her armour ends and [Construct] bits start.
  • Un-melting Ice Shard F
    • Type of Item: Magic Item
    • Special Effects: For as long as it is held or worn, the user becomes acclimated to cold temperatures.
    • Skill: Resilient F [Cold environments]
    • Boon: While holding the item lines of penguins appear bringing hot chocolate

  • a backpack
  • a bedroll
  • a mess kit
  • a tinderbox
  • 10 torches
  • 10 days of rations
  • a waterskin
  • 50 feet of hempen rope
  • tinkerer's tools
  • ores of valkanite


Change Log:
  • Creation: Strength E (7 points)
  • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Added Feature [Multiracial] (7 points,)
  • Creation: Added Weapon Mastery [War-hammer] F (70 points)
  • Creation: Added Appraisal (free with creation)
  • Creation: Added Languages Terran, Analog (free with creation)
  • Creation: Added Artisan [Tinkerer] F (0 points, free with Born For These)
  • Creation: Added Athletics F (7 points)
  • Creation: Added Resilient F [Incapacitated] (0 points, free with Born For These)
  • Creation: Added War-hammer (0 points, free with Tinkerer)
  • [12-01-2024] Acquired:: [Ice Shard F] from The White Elephant of Hyroth Returns
  • [27/01/2024] Moved Points Earned section to higher on the sheet.
  • [27/01/2024] Acquired: 42 points, [Ryken Adventurer F] and [Delver] title from Not a single crumb. 09/11/2023 – 31/12/2023
  • [31/03/2024] Acquired: 7 points from March Madness Event 2024.
  • [12/04/2024] Acquired: 43 points and [Bear Bopper] title from Search for the Skythorn Blossom. 01/01/2024 – 11/02/2024
  • [02/05/2024] Intelligence F => E (7 points)
  • [15/05/2024] Scooped [Weapon Mastery] due it being removed in a system update. Removed skill, removed abilities, removed 70 points from spent, re-added them to points unspent.
  • [15/05/2024] Upgraded Strength E => D (7 points)
  • [15/05/2024] Upgraded Precision E => D (7 points)
  • [15/05/2024] Upgraded Tinkerer F => E (7 points)
  • [15/05/2024] Upgraded Valerius F => E (0 points, free with Tinkerer)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Fighting Style [War-hammer] (specialized) E (14 points).
  • [15/05/2024] Added Blight (Valkanite) E (21 points, specialized)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Continuing (Valkanite) E (21 points, specialized)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Deflect E (21 points, specialized)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Enervation E (21 points, specialized)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Flare (Sight) E (21 points, specialized)
  • [15/05/2024] Added Martial Ethos E (14 points)
  • [15/05/2024] Added new abilities.
  • [29/06/2024] Acquired: 41 points and [Republic’s warning] title from Runaway Singers Song!. 03/03/2024 – 05/05/2024
  • [01/07/2024] Acquired: 15 points and [Closet Criminal] title from 聖域平和 Seiiki Heiwa: Bathing of the Blood. 12/02/2024 – 27/02/2024
  • [21/09/2024] Added language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [21/09/2024] Added language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • [21/09/2024] Strength D => B (14 points)
  • [21/09/2024] Precision D => B (14 points)
  • [21/09/2024] Artisan [Tinkerer] E => C (14 points)
  • [21/09/2024] War-hammer [Valerius] E => C (free with Tinkerer)
  • [21/09/2024] Added Heavy Armour F (free with Tinkerer)
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Ryoji "Kai" Ishikawa
Rp'er Name: Gryphon3707
Post Frequency: Daily to Semi Daily
Discord Name: Aryphopha
Current RP: N/A
- Get Eyes back
- Redeem self
- Find meaning
Equipped Titles: Human, Delver
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 180lbs
Backstory: Kai was born a God. His father was the Deity of time itself, his mother the Goddess of war. They were two of seven of the primary Gods that ruled the realm Kai once resided in, he himself being gifted the oceans as a recognition of his status. To pinpoint exactly how old Kai was in his old life would be nearly impossible, immortality warped his perception of time and something as silly as age wasn't counted when most existed beyond the creation of the world itself. They were worshiped, cared to and looked after beyond most wildest imaginations. Yet even Gods suffered from the tumultuous emotions of mankind, each wanted more beyond what they already had. The Sky demanded The Sea, The Earth demanded The Heavens, The Hells yearned for it all. None content with what they had, a civil war broke out among the Seven Gods tearing Kai's world apart.

The conflict lasted for centurys. It wasn't until the river ran red with blood and earth itself split open that a winner emerged. Abyssus, The God of the Underworld. Zephyros, The God of the Sky and Adrastea, The Goddess of Justice stood atop their war-torn realm as the new leaders. Kai's father was cut down, his mother whisked away. For Kai himself, he was allowed to live although Adrastea took his eyes. Zephyros took his Godhood, stripping away his powers and Abyssus banished him. Casting Kai far away to a world unknown, gone from the squabbling of the Gods.

Current Life: Ryoji awoke in the mountains of Paizu his past life, status and sight stripped from him. Angry, cold and scared Ryoji traveled down the mountains. With a lack of proper clothing and eyesight, the now human Ryoji found himself struggling. Soon passing out on the mountain side, it wasn't until a follower of Meldaron found him and brought him back to their temple that he awoke once more. The devotes bringing the man up to speed on their world.

For the next several months Ryoji would reside in the temple, partaking in various worship and practice. During this time Ryoji trained himself to not only see without his sight but fight without it as well. It wasn't until mid-summer that Ryoji departed, heading to the capital Ryken to attempt to not only regain his sight but earn back what was
Acquired Titles: - Human, Delver
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 25
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 11
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - C
  • Fast D
  • Precognition F
  • Fighting Style [Swords] F
  • Blind Fighter F
  • Super Sense (Echolocation) F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Super Speedy Bone Breaking Quickness to Eliminate and Destroy my Foes and Opposition (SSBBQtEaDmFaO For short) - Fast D, Precognition F, Super Sense (Echolocation) F - Kai charges forth at his foe. Using Precognition and Echolocation to point himself in the direction he’d need to go to impact with his enemy as he runs into them at 30mph with his blade - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • A Swift Slice - Precognition F, Super Sense (Echolocation) F, Blind Fighter F- Kai Predicts his opponents movement, using various sound and sense ques to detect where his opponent is attempting to slice them with his sword - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Nagamaki (Long Sword) E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

NOT A SINGLE CRUMB - Jan 29th, 2024
( Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Not a single crumb )
  • Ryken Adventuers Guild F
  • 25 PTs
  • [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
Character Upgrades - April 6th, 2024
Points Spent: 14
  • Strength D -> C (7)
  • Nagamaki E -> D (7)
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Jura: Scrapped

Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Gaius Danius Griinia
Post Frequency: Never
Discord Name: #DanGriin4359
Current RP: Scrapped Character
Goals: Money
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 175cm
Weight: 150lbs
Jura has no memory of his past life, only a lingering feeling of searing flames.
Jura is a serf who fled his incredibly monotonous lifestyle to become a great wizard. Unfortunately his potential has been judged to be so terrible that he was barely expected to learn Fireball. Hence why he swore to overcome literally all challenges with Fireballs.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Appraisal E -0pts
  • Fire Affinity F -7pts
  • Magic E -14pts
  • Magic Area of Effect F -7pts
  • Magic Targets -7pts
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Fireball = Fire Affinity F + Magic F + Magic Area of Effect F + Magic Targets F [1 Post Cooldown]
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Catalyst E -14pts
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
Last edited by a moderator:
Theme: None
Rp'er Name: SixthSense
Post Frequency:
Once a week, sometimes twice
Discord Name: Pkken
Current RP: [Fae-See] Sleepy Little Lambs (1x1)
Make the most out of the second chance at life he was given.
Grow stronger
Equipped Titles: Beast(Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Republic adventurer E, Floating Fox, Striker
Height: 6’2
Weight: 180
Backstory: in his previous life, Kota was never able to amount to much. The crippling fear of the unknown had left him in a rather complacent spot, that place being unemployed in his parents basement. Slowly one by one his friend group dissipated. Friends he would spend hours upon hours with were now occupied with careers and or family leaving. Even pressure from his parents became heavier as time passed until. It was stressful but enough to push him to make a change and seek out employment at the least, managing to land a job working overnight at an inner city gas station.

The gig would be short lived as he was already running late for his first day. Having missed the only bus for hours he was forced to walk as an attempt to salvage his first impression. Midway through his journey he had noticed strangled screaming from a back alley. As he turned his head he noticed 3 men standing over another individual. Momentarily Kota locked eyes with them before leaping into a full sprint down the block. He managed to traverse halfway through the cross walk but much to his dismay he noticed two bright lights speeding toward him before blacking out.
Current Life: When Kota opened his eyes he found himself high in the clouds standing on air. In front of him a person of unknown origin who referred to themselves as a god. They explained to Kota that he had passed away. Immediately his eyes filled with tears, worried for his family but even more so fearful of the unknown. The god explained to him that he would be reincarnated into a new world, one vastly different from the previous. Reluctantly Kota agreed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Kota found himself being held up by a young man large in stature who was not too much older than he was prior to death. A pair of white fox ears twitched atop the man’s head. Kota was a bit perplexed as to why he was being this man. He felt a pair of appendages atop his own head that also twitched as well as one on his tailbone.

Shortly after the man was passed over to a woman of unparalleled beauty who also possessed white fox ears. She was also large in stature like the man or more like Kota himself was just small. The woman rocked him side by side causing the small Kota to slowly fall into slumber. He would later find out that these two individuals were his parents in this world. The woman's name was Akira and the man’s name was Shota.

Kota would soon come to find out that he had been reborn into a race of beast people, known as Kitsune. He would spend the next 18 years growing up in a small settlement known as Valheria which was home to primarily Kitsune. Located in between the ocean bordering North of the republic and the Paizu mountains.
Acquired Titles: Beast(Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Ryken Adventurers Guild F, Delver, Striker
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 336
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent: 6
Character Grade : E
Stats: (56)
Strength - C(21)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - F
Speed - D(14)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature Multiple Tails. Current amount=4 (0)
  • Feature Fox Ears (0)
  • Feature Beastial Eyes (0)
  • Heightened Sense [Smell; Hearing] E (14)
  • Sixth Sense F - Can sense the presence of spirits (7)
  • Dark Vision F (7)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Survival F (7)
  • Appraisal E
  • Fighting Style Fox Fist D(21) - A practice where the user imbues their limbs with ethereal energy. The user makes use of this in tandem with their natural claw weapons in order to inflict slashing damage upon the foe.
    -Specializations: Vorpal (35), Accurate (21), Penetrating (21), Range (21), Deflect (21)
  • Attentive student E (14)
  • Educated F(7)(Insight, Perception, Acrobatics)- Valherian training from a young age used in tandem with his martial abilities.
  • Warfare F
  • Fast E (14)
  • Special movement F (Speed Burst) 3x movement
  • Regeneration F
  • Striker class perk: Agile: Strikers can combine one attack action (which may be an offensive ability worth 1 action or a basic attack) with one movement action (which may be 1 movement ability worth 1 action or a basic movement) without expending additional action economy once per round as long as they are wearing light armor and wielding a one handed weapon (natural weapons accepted).
  • Ethereal Slash (Fighting style D) (Natural weapons D)(Vorpal D) (Magic F) (Deflect D)- Kota imbues his sharp nails with ethereal energy before slashing his foe. Rank E 1-post cooldown.

    Soul breaker (fighting style D)(Natural weapons D)(Vorpal D)(Penetrating D)(Deflect D)Rank E ability 1-post cooldown. Kota charges up ethereal energy within his fist before delivering a punch capable of passing through his opponents defense. Rank D - 2 post cooldown

    Spirit wave (Fighting style D)(Natural weapons D)(Vorpal D)(Range D)(Deflect D) Kota punches the air in a direction of his choosing, sending a wave of compressed spiritual energy towards a direction. Rank D - 2 post cooldown

    SpeedBoost - (Fast E)(Special Movement F (Speed Burst) Kota enhances his movement capabilities for a brief time, granting him an extremely fast mobility options. E grade ability 1 post cooldown

    Supernatural Sense - (Heightened Senses E)(Sixth Sense F)(Perception F)(Appraisal E)(Darkvision F) Kota attempts to uses his Sensory skills to perceive supernatural and/or non-supernatural entities within his range of ability. Rank E - 1 post cooldown
[*] Natural Weapons Claws D(42) (Born for this Discount, -7)
[*] Light armor E grade (14 points)
[*] Ruby necklace (catalyst) F grade (7)

  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Survival Kit
Assets: None
Change Log:
Changed 2/13/24: acquired 21 points, [Ryken Adventurers guild F], and [Delver] from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Not a single crumb

Changed 2/28/24: spent 7 points on penetrating F martial core. Spent 7 points on attentive student F

Changed 4/11/24: Acquired 43 points, title [Fury Fox], and [Dire Bear Pelt F] from Graded - [Nan Pass Village] Search for the Skythorn Blossom

Changed 4/13/24: Spent 7 points upgrade Strength to D, Spent 14 points upgrading Natural weapons to E, Spent 7 points upgrading attentive student to E, Appraisal raised to E due to being rank E + Isekai trait.

Purchase Vorpal for 14 points, Purchased educated F (Insight, Perception, and Acrobatics) for 7 points.

Total points spent: 49

Changelog 5/15/24: Multidimensional F partial scoop for 7 points. Reason: Skill removed during system update.

7 points spent upgrades Fox Fist fighting style to E.

Technique core Range F purchased from Fighting style E Upgrade discount.

Created abilities Soul Breaker, Spirit wave, And Supernatural Sense

Upgraded Ethereal Slash

Changelog 6/1/24: Acquired 70 points, and republic adventurer E from Graded - [Okiro City] Journey to Gala'Kraoth

Changelog 7/29/24: Acquired 30 points and Floating Fox title from
Post in thread '[Nan Pass Village] 聖域平和 Seiiki Heiwa: Bathing of the Blood'
Graded - [Nan Pass Village] 聖域平和 Seiiki Heiwa: Bathing of the Blood

Acquired 60 points and Tea drinker title from
Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] The Gunhild one :3'
Graded - [Isekai Hell] The Gunhild one :3

Changelog: 8/1/24

Acquired 7 pts from Community event
Community - .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Changelog: 8/2/24


Upgrade Speed to D (7)
Purchase Fast E (14)
Warfare F (7)
Upgrade Strength to C(7)
Natural weapons D (14)
Fox fist fighting style to D (7)
Specialization core Vorpal (21) [was purchased prior at F grade for 14]
Spend 14 pts buying back fighting style point reductions
Specialization core Range (21)
Specialization core Penetrating (21)
Specialization core Accurate (21)
Multiple tail feature upgrade from 2 tails to 4 (0)
Total pointss spent: 154

Upgraded Light armor to E through marketplace deal with Zahrah Fiore Marketplace - Marketplace

Acquire Striker class title and Agile perk

New Face claim

Changelog 8/27/24

Acquired 7 points + World training Certification from Graded - [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

Purchased Deflect Specialization for 21 pts

Purchase Special Movement (Speed burst) F 7 pts

Purchased Regeneration F 7 pts

Updated Abilities and created ability SpeedBoost
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Aureus Albion

Rp'er Name: Rev
Post Frequency: From twice a day, to once a week
Discord Name: ---
Current RP: ---
- Learn about his past life
- Establish relationships
- Find good adversaries to test his skills against
Equipped Titles: [Fae], [Elf], [Mundane], [Born For This], [Mage]
- [Fae] - Spirit is everything and everything is spirit. The elders left their physical bodies some time ago in order to linger and better oversee the world's affairs. Magic is the medium through which the world will be righted.
- [Elf] - One of the more common races of the Fae. Tend to dwell in nature more than cities.
- [Mundane] - Character is just starting out and hasn't focused on a particular direction yet. Skills are widespread and low grade.
- [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements. (Energized F)
- [Mage] - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
Height: 2.01 m/ 6'7''
Weight: 76 kg/ 167 lbs
Backstory: Leon Kylieth was a martial artist and soldier, always looking for his next challenge. He was orphaned at a young age, so he had to learn to find his was through the world by himself. He had an uncle who lived far away, but he had his own business to attend, so he just visited occasionally. One fateful day, while participating on a tournament, a deranged mage blew up the arena in which it took place. This killed many a people, Leon included...
Current Life: ...Or so he thought. The martial artist woke up in the middle of a forest, confused. He had no prior memories, which only became hazy at best. The only thing he could think of was standing up and wander around, looking for answers.
Points at Start: 105 (+21 from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 14
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 7
Strength - H
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - G
Class: Caster
Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
  • Magic E - Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects.
  • Transmutation F - Character can turn an object or mass of non living material into a similarly sized and weighted material for a brief amount of time at a touch.
    Grade of the resulting material is based on the grade of transmutation.
    With magic area skill and the requirements for a spell, large amounts of air may be converted into solid objects or vice-versa.
    Size of objects created from air is based on the grade of skill. Converted objects may be 1 size bigger or smaller than the original. Examples: Lead into gold, Air into metal key, Sword to shield to spear

    F - diminutive (bug sized)
    E - tiny (rodent sized)
    D - small (child sized)
    C - medium (adult sized)
    B - large (truck sized)
    A - huge (large room)
    S - ???

    Base stats
    Duration: 1 post
    Range: material within reach
    Target: 5ft cube or less of material
  • Earth Affinity F - Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell types which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does.
  • Fire Affinity F - Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell types which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does.
  • Magic Area of Effect F - Character can impact a greater area with their magic. Current effect: 15ft
  • Magic Range F - Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to a certain distance. Current effect: 30ft away
  • Magic Targets F - Character can select extra targets to hit or spare for your spell. Current effect: up to 5 targets simultaneously
  • Spell Duration F - Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic to last longer. Narrator decides how many posts a particular duration will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill. Spells/abilities that use this skill do not go on cooldown until the effect of the spell/ability has expired. This can lead to permanently tying up use of all abilities with the same grade for the duration of a roleplay. With the exception of permanent effects, most spell effects will end after an rp is over if not sooner. Current effect: 1 hour in rp time
  • Selective Magic F - Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability.
  • Energized E - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1 (Born For This discount)
  • Arcana F - The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • Alchemy F - The Character has knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses.
  • Focus F - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
  • Feature: Pointy ears (Cosmetic)
  • Language: Common
  • Language: Sylvan
  • Principles of Alchemic Transmutation- Transmutation F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, Fire Affinity F, Earth Affinity F - Within established established magical parameters of the ability, user can modify most non-living matter for use in a multitude of simple, yet beneficial forms for them in one way or another (Starting fires, making keys, create materials and even tools, and so on...) - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Creation Begets Destruction - Transmutation F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters , user can stop the transmutation process halfway through. Resulting on the decomposition of the targeted material/object (must be non-living) - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Quicksand Maw - Transmutation F, Earth Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters, user creates a loose ground pit underneath the target(s), which slows the advance of said target(s) via sinking into the pit - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Punisher - Transmutation F, Earth Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability, user creates a surge of transmuted floor into steel beams able to deal blunt damage in/from various directions - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Obsidian Shower - Transmutation F, Earth Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability, user fires a barrage of sharp obsidian blades - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Scorching Blanket - Transmutation F, Fire Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability, user creates a perimeter of burning surfaces around them without burning themselves - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wyrm Breath - Transmutation F, Fire Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability, user fires a growing cone of flames coming from either a fanning motion of a limb or blowing it out of their mouth - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Emberstorm - Transmutation F, Fire Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Within established magical parameters of the ability, User exudes an omnidirectional burst of flames from all over their body - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Gloves Catalyst E
  • Coin pouch
Change Log:
  • 11/19/23 - Character created. Used "Born for This" discount to purchase Energized F.
  • 11/23/23 - Corrections made regarding lack of points.
  • 08/01/24 - Added rewards from [Frontier] Welcome to The Rubble!
  • 08/02/24 - Removed Magic Domain (old) and removed related Abilities for partial scoop (70 points)
  • 08/04/24 - Points adjusted (unused before, likely miscounted) and spent:
    - Transmutation F (35 points)
    - Earth Affinity F (7 points)
    - Fire Affinity F (7 points)
    - Magic Area of Effect F (7 points)
    - Magic Range F (7 points)
    - Magic Targets F (7 points)
    - Spell Duration F (7 points)
    - Selective Magic F (7 points)
    - Alchemy F (7 points)
    - Focus F (7 points)
    Caster class assigned
  • Abilities made:
    - Principles of Alchemic Transmutation
    - Creation Begets
    - Quicksand Maw
    - Steel Punisher
    - Obsidian Shower
    - Scorching Blanket
    - Wyrm Breath
    - Emberstorm
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Amice Bellamy

Rp'er Name: Elvario

Post Frequency: Daily to weekly

Equipped Titles:
Race: Fae, Small, Gnome
Society – Connections: Ryken Adventurer F
Society – General: -
Job: Apprentice Survivalist
Classes: -

Points at Start: 112 (+7 from G strength)
Points Earned: 189
Points Spent: 147 (112 + 35)
Points Not Spent: 154

Height: 2 feet / 61 cm
Weight: 12 pound / 5.5 kg

Once upon a time, in a village far, far away from any towns, there lived a woodcutter with his wife and daughter. “Can I come with you?” The daughter would ask her father, barely old enough to speak a sentence. “When you're older.” The father would ask. She asked again the next day, yet the answer was the same. She asked again the day after as well, but still, the answers was the same. After asking seven times, she decided to follow her father without permission. However, as she walked into the woods, she got lost... She got lost for long, ever so long. Her legs grew tired, her stomach was empty, her feat hurt, her body grew cold...

Current Life:
Things got blurry after she'd gotten lost in the woods for so long. The next thing she knew, she'd met some strange old man saying he was [god] and she woke up in another forest. Everything was a lot bigger then. Or perhaps she was a lot smaller? She wasn't sure. Sadly enough, no matter how much she looked, she could never find her father. She did find some friendly forest creatures that were willing to take care of her. Thanks to them, she managed to be raised in the wilds, with surprisingly little to want for. Eventually, she'd almost forgotten all about her old life.

However, after having spent many years in the forest and getting a fair bit older, she eventually wanted to explore more of the world. With some effort, she managed to convince her guardians, Asuka and Tahmuras, to come with her. Not only did they wish to see to her safety, she'd actually managed to infect them with her desire to see more of the world and to meet and engage with others. For Tahmuras, this was the reliving of an old habit. For Asuka, this was a chance to find out where others of her species might be.

  • Explore the world, meet new people, see new sights, learn new things.
  • Find herself and her companions some tools (like catalysts) to train their magic with.

[Race] Titles
  • [Fae] - all creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature. Ex: dryads, elves, dwarves.
  • [Gnome] – [Small] Fae that often relying on one or more [Companion] creatures to safeguard them from dangers.

[Race] Perks
  • [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

[Society] Titles
  • [Helper of Natori] - Character has aided Natori village during dire straits, and the village folk will not forget such kindness. When travelling through or to the riverside village, the character will be welcomed warmly with memories of gratitude.
  • [Ryken Adventurer] - Character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
    • Grade F - Characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • [Honorary Circus Member] - Character has successfully aided a circus through the acts of performance.

[Job] Titles
  • [Apprentice Survivalist] – Survival F

Strength – G
(-7 points)
Precision – D
(14 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – F
Speed – D
(14 points)




  • Magic E (14 points) | Type: Core!, Ability! - Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!
    Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.

    May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
    1 target | 5ft range | immediate area | 1 post duration | 1 target
    Augmenter skills like the ones listed already may increase or relax the above restrictions.

  • Appraisal E (0 points) | Axillary ability - requires meta knowledge, E Grade Character
  • Feature [Missing Finger] | Character misses their right pinky-finger. (Cosmetics only)
  • Feature [Missing Litte Toe] | Character misses their right little toe. (Cosmetics only.)


  • Language Sylvan (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)
  • Companion F [Asuka] (35 points)
  • Companion F [Tahmuras] (35 points)

  • Survival F – (0 points, Born For This) Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoid natural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants and animals.


  • Prototype 13: Raijin (B Grade Catalyst)
    A Stunningly Beautiful Catalyst forged by the Legendary Craftswoman Amanda Steelhaven.



Change Log:
  • Creation: Strength F => G (gain 7 points)
  • Creation: Precision F => D (14 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence F => E (7 points)
  • Creation: Speed F => D (14 points)
  • Creation: Magic F (7 points)
  • Creation: Appraisal F (free)
  • Creation: Languages [Sylvan, Common] (free)
  • Creation: Survival F (0 points, Born For This discount)
  • Creation: Companion F [Asuka]
  • Creation: Companion F [Tahmuras]
  • [30-11-2023] Added some flavour details to companions.
  • [02-03-2024] Acquired: 40 points and [Helper of Natori] title from The City of Reunion. 25/11/2023 – 30/01/2024
  • [11-03-2024] Intelligence E => A (28 points)
  • [11-03-2024] Magic F => E (7 points)
  • [20/03/2024] Added Catalyst (B) from Marketplace Deal taking place in Cat Tail Lists. 06/03/2024 – 16/03/2024
  • [19-05-2024] Acquired: 13 points from Cat Tail Lists.
  • [07-07-2024] Scooped Thamuras' [Magic School] as it got removed in a system update and re-bought the skills separately instead.
  • [22-07-2024] Acquired: 105 points and [Ryken Adventurer F] title from Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer. 17/03/2024 – 09/06-2024
  • [22-07-2024] Moved points earned section to higher on the sheet for easier access.
  • [22-07-2024] Added Features [Missing Pinky] and [Missing Little Toe].
  • [04-10-2024] Acquired: 31 points and [Honorary Circus Member] title from The show must go on!. 16/06/2024 – 21/07-2024

Equipped Titles: Fae, Xiānhè

Height: 1.5 m / 4” 9'
Weight: 24 kg / 53 lbs
Wingspan: 7 m / 22” 11'

Current Life:
She's lived her whole life in the quiet, deeper parts of the See's forests, only leaving them after Amice's request. She has never met another of her species before, having been hatched by a different bird type and raised as an adoptive child. It's why she wasn't able to find a partner and hatch an egg of her own. She ended up viewing Amice as close to being her own child as their difference in species might allow her to. Tahmuras is an old friend of hers, whom she trusts well enough to look after Amice, despite not always agreeing with the type of trickster he can be. She's rather nervous to set out into the world, but also excited at the prospect of possibly finding another of her race.

She's a motherly type. Otherwise she's as eager and excited to explore the world (and potentially find more of her species) as Amice.

  • See more of the world with Amice.
  • Find another member of her own race/species.

[Race] Titles
  • [Fae] - all creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature. Ex: dryads, elves, dwarves.
  • [Xiānhè] – Flight F, Air Affinity F, Magic F, Navigation F, Directional Awareness, Features: wings, beak, talons - A mythical type of avian Fae, known to be able to use their [Direction Awareness] and [Navigation] skills to [Fly] across the world, possessing [Air Affinity] to make them soar across the skies in style.

[Race] Perks
  • [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

[Job] Titles

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – C
(21 points)
Intelligence – E
(7 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)

  • Flight F (21 points) | Type: Ability! - Pre-req: C Grade Precision!
    Character acquires a means of personal flight through one means or another. Higher ranks allow for faster, higher, more precise flight.
    • F - 3 miles per hour/ 30ft per round
    • E - 10 miles per hour/ 90ft per round
    • D - 30 miles per hour/ 300ft per round
    • C - 100 miles per hour/ 900ft per round
    • B - 300 miles per hour/ 3000ft per round
    • A - 1000 miles per hour/ 9000ft per round
    • S - ???



  • [Air] Affinity F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
  • Magic F (7 points) | Type: Core!, Ability! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.

    May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
    1 target | 5ft range | immediate area | 1 post duration | 1 target
    Augmenter skills like the ones listed already may increase or relax the above restrictions.

  • Feature [Direction Awareness] (7 points) | Type: Auxiliary!
  • Feature [Beak] (cosmetic)
    Character has an avian beak.
  • Feature [Wings] (free with Flight Skill)
    Character has an two wings.
  • Feature [Talons] (cosmetics)
    Character has an avian talons instead of legs.


  • Language [Sylvan] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)

  • Navigation F (0 points, Born For This discount) | Type: Domestic!, Utility! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment to help the character find the fastest and safest route to a destination.

  • Master The Skies – Flight F, Magic F, Air Affinity F, [Direction Awareness], Navigation F – Character uses their combined skills to master the skies. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.

  • Prototype 2: Amatyst Conduit (F Grade Catalyst)
    A pretty average Catalyst in all regards.



Change Log:
  • Creation: Precision C (21 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
  • Creation: Flight F (21 points)
  • Creation: Air Affinity F (7 points)
  • Creation: Magic F (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Direction Awareness] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Languages [Common, Sylvan] (free)
  • Creation: Navigation F (0 points, Born For This discount).
  • Creation: Ability [Master The Skies]
  • [30/11/2023] Added height, weight, wingspan, personality.
  • [20/03/2024] Added Catalyst (F) from Marketplace Deal taking place in Cat Tail Lists.

Equipped Titles: Fae, Vulpix

Height: 0.8 m / 32'
Weight: 55 kg / 120 lbs

Current Life:
He spent most of his life travelling the world, in as far as it was safe for him to do so. The longest he spent in one place was when he encountered a lost Gnome child, deciding to help raise her along with one of his dearest friends, Asuka. When he learned the Gnome child wanted to travel the world as well, he was more than eager to join her and eventually convinced Asuka to join them as well. Although he believes Asuka to be a tad too strict and stubborn sometimes, he'll always pay close attention to her advise and trusts few others as well as her. That doesn't keep him from trying to teach Amice some playful trickery here and there. He does feel a large responsibility towards keeping the two of them safe, which has rekindled his old desire to become better at his fire magic. If only he could figure out where he'd left his catalyst...

He's a fair bit protective of Amice and Asuka, but has a mischievous streak at times.

  • Show Amice and Asuka more of the world, whilst also exploring more of it himself.
  • Learn how to wield more fire magic in order to keep them safe.

[Race] Titles
  • [Fae] - all creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature. Ex: dryads, elves, dwarves.
  • [Vulpix] – Fae, Magic School (or Domain) [Fire] F, Features: four-legged, snout, furred, tail. - A vulpine-like Fae utilising Fire magic, known to be a bit of a trickster species.

[Race] Perks
  • [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

[Job] Titles

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – D
(14 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)




  • Magic E (14 points) | Type: Core!, Ability! - Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!
    Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.

    May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
    1 target | 5ft range | immediate area | 1 post duration | 1 target
    Augmenter skills like the ones listed already may increase or relax the above restrictions.
  • [Fire] Affinity F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell types which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does.
  • Magic Area of Effect F (7 points) } Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E-grade Magic skill
    Character can impact a greater area with their magic
    F - 15ft radius | E - 50ft radius | D - 500ft radius | C - 1/2 mile radius | B - 5 mile radius | A - 50 mile radius
  • Magic Range F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E-grade Magic skill
    Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 30ft away
    F - 30ft away | E - 100ft away | D - 1000ft away | C - 1 mile away | B - 10 miles away | A - 100 miles away
  • Magic Targets F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E-grade Magic skill
    Character can select extra targets to hit or spare for your spell
    F - up to 5 | E - up to 10 | D - up to 25 | C - up to 50 | B - up to 100 | A - up to 200
  • Spell Duration F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter!, Narrator! - Pre-req: E-grade Magic skill
    Note: Only used with magic based attacks. not with weapon based attacks. does not stack with self.

    Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic to last longer. Narrator decides how many posts a particular duration will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill. Spells/abilities that use this skill do not go on cooldown until the effect of the spell/ability has expired. This can lead to permanently tying up use of all abilities with the same grade for the duration of a roleplay. With the exception of permanent effects, most spell effects will end after an rp is over if not sooner.
    F - 1 hour in rp time | E - 1 day in rp time | D - 1 week in rp time | C - 1 month in rp time | B - 1 season in rp time | A - Permanent until cancelled or nullified
  • Selective Magic F (7 points) | Type: Augmenter! - Pre-req: E Grade Magic skill
    Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability.

  • Feature [Snout] (cosmetic)
    Character has a canine snout.
  • Feature [Fur] (cosmetic)
    Character is furred.
  • Feature [Four-Legged] (cosmetic)
    Character is has four legs instead of arms and legs.
  • Feature [Tail] (cosmetic)
    Character possess a tail.


  • Language [Sylvan] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)

  • Arcana F (0 points, Born for This discount) | Type: Domestic! - Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.

  • Fireball – Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Range F, Area of Effect F, Duration F, Targets F , Selective F – Fires a ball of fire at enemies. - E grade – 1 Post Cooldown

  • Prototype 3: Clam and Wood Conduit (E Grade Catalyst)
    A somewhat refined Catalyst made of odd materials.



Change Log:
  • Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
  • Creation: Magic E (14 points)
  • Creation: Magic School [Fire] F (35 points)
  • Creation: Selective F (7 points)
  • Creation: Languages [Common, Sylvan] (free)
  • Creation: Arcana F (0 points, Born For This discount)
  • Creation: Ability – [Fireball]
  • [30/11/2023] Added height, weight, personality.
  • [20/03/2024] Added Catalyst (E) from Marketplace Deal taking place in Cat Tail Lists.
  • [07-07-2024] Scooped [Magic School] as it got removed in a system update. (+35 points)
  • [07-07-2024] Added [Fire] Affinity (7 points)
  • [07-07-2024] Added Magic Area of Effect (7 points)
  • [07-07-2024] Added Magic Range (7 points)
  • [07-07-2024] Added Magic Targets (7 points)
  • [07-07-2024] Added Spell Duration (7 points)
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Rp'er Name: Scarletti
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: Scarlet
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane[born for this]
Height: 5'0
Weight: 98 lbs

Cindy was your typical weeb and gamer. However, after many days spent staying up late grinding on her favorite MMO, she'd eventually collapse of exhaustion.

Current Life:
As she opened her eyes once again, she found herself in a crib of some sort, with her entire body shrunk down back to a baby. It took a while for her to realize that she'd become a baby again! Her father and mother were retired adventurers, living on the outskirts of town. Growing up, she'd learn the basics of martial arts from her dad in order to protect herself.

When she had grown much older, her parents suggested that it was time for her to leave and find her true motive in life here. Initially, she didn't want to leave as she much enjoyed leeching off her parents and having freedom, but oh wells! She did have to make a living after all!

Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane[born for this]
Points at Start:
105 + 14 (from G precision + G speed)
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 7

Strength - C
Precision - G
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - G

  • Weapon mastery F [polearms] - (63) (born for this discount)
  • Attentive student F (7)
  • Energized F (7)
  • Appraisal F
  • Shadow Burst - blight F (darkness), accurate F, area F, selective F, range F, reach F, continuing F, homing F, incurable F, indirect F, penetrating F, Energized F - Cindy swings her glaive, sending out a wave of darkness that affect an area 5ft in radius, 10ft away, homing in onto enemies while hitting them even if they are behind cover. Their speed is treated as 1 grade below, and their item they use to defend is also treated as 1 grade below. The darkness continues swirling and attacking them after 1 round and the damage is incurable to F grades. - 1 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Pull - blight F (darkness), knockback F, tangled F, accurate F, area F, selective F, range F, reach F, continuing F, homing F, incurable F, indirect F, penetrating F, Energized F - Cindy swings her glaive, sending out a wave of darkness that affect an area 5ft in radius, 10ft away, homing in onto enemies and knocking them towards Cindy, even hitting them if they are behind cover. Their speed is treated as 1 grade below, and their item they use to defend is also treated as 1 grade below. The darkness continues swirling around them, restricting their movements and attacking them after 1 round and the damage is incurable to F grades. - 2 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Snare - drain vitality F, continuing F, tangle F, irritant F, blight F (darkness), area F, selective F, incurable F, homing F, range F, reach F, accurate F, penetrating F, indirect F, contagion F, energized F - Cindy swings her glaive, sending out a wave of darkness that affect an area 5ft in radius, 10ft away, homing in onto enemies while hitting them even if they are behind cover. Their speed is treated as 1 grade below, and their item they use to defend is also treated as 1 grade below. The darkness continues swirling and attacking them after 1 round and the damage is incurable to F grades. Anyone who touches the ensnared victims will get ensnared themselves. Their vitality is drained by 1 grade, and they are blinded by the darkness attacking their eyes, and they are also ensnared by it. - 3 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Guard - multidimensional F, area F, selective F, range F, reach F, blight F (darkness), deflect F, energized F - Cindy's glaive is coated with darkness, as she slashes they swirl around deflecting physical + magical attacks in the area - 1 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Rend - blight F (darkness), accurate F, reach F, continuing F, incurable F, penetrating F, indirect F, Energized F, area F - Cindy coats her glaive in darkness, before slicing at numerous enemies within a 5ft radius. Their speed is treated as 1 grade below, and their item they use to defend is also treated as 1 grade below. The darkness continue swirling and attacking them after 1 round and the damage is incurable to F grades. Hits enemies through cover too. - 1 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • test.png
  • NIL
  • A wind-up, turkey-shaped toy with a mix of magical and mechanical innerwork. After being wound up, it will start clucking loudly until the internal spring unwinds. When it does, the toy will magically teleport itself into the hands that wound it up. A sticker on the bottom of the toy claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company. The product comes with [Undetected F – Hearing], and [Teleport F] included.
Change Log:
  • November 7, 2023: Spent 105 points (spent 14 on intelligence D, 21 on strength C, obtained +7 from precision G, +7 from speed G, 7 on attentive student F, 7 on energized F, 63 on weapon mastery F (born for this), 7 on glaive F)
  • Dec 7: obtained 7 points and Tumult Turkey from event
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An Junliang
Rp'er Name: Qu-Ce
Post Frequency: 48 hours
Current RP: N/A
Short Term:
  • Establish himself in a Ryken noble's court.
  • Further educate himself on the skills he needs for domestic affairs.
Long Term:
  • Gain enough power to wield unborrowed authority.
  • Find his own philosophy for what it means to wield that authority.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 140 lbs.
An Junliang grew up in a poor family in a worn-out tenement in San Francisco’s Chinatown. His parents were demanding, but he was grateful for it when his performance in school landed him a scholarship. He moved out, studied finance and accounting, and came back to support his family once he got his degree.

He was employed by the Lucky Cat Association, a nominally non-profit organization headed by the wealthy Zhao family, focused on supporting the local Chinese diaspora with funds donated by local businesses. This was a front. The true purpose of this organization was to serve as a center for the money laundering and protection rackets the Zhao were running, and which Junliang quickly found himself an accomplice to.

He worked well, and was paid well, and he kept in the good graces of his employers with his tact and obedience. He quickly became more than just a pawn for the Zhao to exploit, but a trusted member, given more freedoms and more responsibilities than they initially trusted him with. It didn’t last long. Whether it was the result of internal conflict or an attack from a rival gang, Junliang found himself on the wrong side of a raid, and died bleeding on the floor.
Death was not where his troubles ended. Waking up in an unfamiliar land, in unfamiliar clothes, in an unfamiliar body, he wandered aimlessly until he stumbled upon a rather rugged group of beastmen. “This one… looks like an escaped slave, don’t you think?” one said, grinning at his fellows. They took him before he could realize it wasn’t a dream.

It didn’t take a genius to realize this place wasn’t his home. It was even more obvious that his newfound place in society was not an ideal one. Learning what he could of the land around him, he eventually seized a chance to escape, and fled from the West Empire to the nearby nation of Ryke. He traveled from place to place, looking for somewhere he could put his clerical abilities to use, and gain the means to live outside of someone else’s control.
[Human], [Diplomat]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Appraisal E
  • Attentive Student E
  • Business E
  • Insight E
  • Warfare E
  • Educated F
    • Deception F
    • Leadership F
    • Persuasion F
  • Forgery F
  • A Man's Worth; Appraisal E, Insight E, Leadership F - Junliang uses his sense for people to size someone up, reliably coming to understand their aptitudes and disposition, and what tasks they may be suited for. Grade E - 1 post cooldown - 2 Actions.
  • Cooking the Books; Business E, Deception F, Forgery F - Using his knowledge of shady corporate management, Junliang can obfuscate or eliminate tracks that would otherwise be left in a paper trail. Grade E - 1 post cooldown.


  • Abacus
  • Papers
  • Quill and inkpot
  • Uncarved seal
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Kuro Nekomata
Theme: "Extra Lessons for the Mysterious-Danganronpa"
Characters Pronouns: She/Her
Rp'er Name: Lolory
Post Frequency:
Once a week/As fast as my partner
Discord Name: liseranthistle
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become a lord so she can reclaim the title of "Lord Nekomata".
Equipped Titles: Beast (Mundane) | Eccentric |Orphan
Height: 5"1
Weight: 122lbs


Kuro sat in the corner of the orphanage, close to the one fireplace the crowded building had that was working that winter, as she read the same story book that she'd read hundreds of times. It was a fairytale for Beastkin about a village of Mice over coming a horrible Catbeast who called himself "Lord Nekomata". He had twin tails, instead of just one like a normal Catbeast, fangs as sharp as a knight's blade, and fur that was so dense and fluffy it was like cutting through thick foliage. Kuro admired him, even if he was a villain who did awful things. The story always ended the same, with Lord Nekomata being cursed with bad luck forever, but she rarely paid the ending any attention. Often times she'd start rereading before she reached the last page.

As she turned the page to her favorite part, when Lord Nekomata razes the Mice village to ashes with fire, she felt the book be ripped from her feeble grip. A boy with floppy, mangy Dog ears stared down at her with a cocky grin as he dangled the book above his head. "Ha, look everyone, this weirdo's reading her dumb fairytales again!" He taunted as he showed the book off to other curious children.

"Give it back! I'm not finished reading!" She shouted at him angrily. He laughed in her face, and threw the book aside, and it landed in the old ashes of the fireplace, dirtying the pages.

"Oh what, are you afraid of getting dirty from the ashes? You're not very girly, so I didn't think you'd mind." He said smugly. Kuro went over to grab the book and once she picked it up, she immediately turned and smashed it's thick cover into his face. She had gotten in trouble that day for "rough housing". She hadn't even broken anything in his face, if you counted a loose tooth (which she didn't). That week, nobody bothered Kuro at all, which they rarely did anyways.

Most of the children strayed away from her because of her tomboyish appearance, and refusal to do "girly" things like play dolls. She read over the same scene where Lord Nekomata razed the village of Mice to ashes, and she felt the incredible urge to do the very same in whatever manner she could. It started small, with getting a few embers from the fire place and lighting patches of the old grass behind the orphanage ablaze before stamping them readily out before anyone could see. Soon, she was hankering to do bigger things. Start larger fires. She planned to destroy the orphanage in the same way as Lord Nekomata did in the story, but before she could ennact her plan, a man she had never met before came and adopted her.

It was a bizarre feeling, one moment she had been plotting the demise of everyone in the building, and the next she was waving goodbye to them as if they were her lifelong friends. "So, you're Kuro, right?" The man asked. He introduced himself as "just Saldana", and she nodded in turn. "That's great, listen kid, do you know anything about the Nekomata clan?"

She burst like a wellspring then, and eagerly told him everything regarding the story that she had read over and over. Saldana chuckled after her tale was finished. "I see, so that lame fairytale is still around, huh?" He murmured. "Well, that tale you've been reading is actually based off of a real guy, you know? He was the first Lord Nekomata, your ancestor in a way. Of course, just like in the story...he was cursed. And so were all his descendants. I've been tasked with trying to track down any survivors." Saldana explained this. "Of course, there's no 'lord Nekomata', least of all an estate. It's gone. I am just supposed to watch over any Nekomata's that remain, try to let them have a good life despite their cursed existence."

"I want to become the Lord Nekomata." Kuro said. Saldana looked at her confused. "I don't care how long it'll take...that's my new goal. My new purpose!" A curse of misfortune sounded fake to her, and even if it were real, she believed that she alone could beat the odds alone. She'd become the Lord Nekomata of the story she read over and over, even if it took her entire lifetime to achieve it!
Current Life: Kuro had nicer clothes than she used to living in the orphanage, though they were not at all befitting of a noble yet. She'd work on that later in life, once she achieved her goal. Until then, she lived in a small humble home in a village with her Uncle Saldana. She was great friends with the local, and enigmatic, Altar boy of the church who often did the funeral rites for any of the deceased. Recently, he's been allowed to go off and adventure to other places with the permission of his parents. They had no clue about his secret hobby of Alchemy, unlike Kuro who knew just about everything regarding his studies.
Acquired Titles: Eccentric | Orphan | Ryken Adventurer's Guild Investigator F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 148
Points Spent: 252
Points Not Spent: 1
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - B
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic-E (Born for this Perk)
  • Magic AOE-F
  • Weaken (precision)-E
  • Intimidation-F
  • Selective Magic-F
  • Transformation (Ghostly Neko)-F
  • Heightened Sense (Dark vision)-E
  • Heightened Sense (Good nose) -F
  • Feature !Cosmetic (Retractable Claws)
  • Feature !Cosmetic (Cat ears)
  • Feature !Cosmetic (Cat Tail)

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • "Lord Nekomata's Curse"-Magic E, Intimidation F, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F| Causes multiple enemies near the user to become incredibly wary and afraid of them. Grade E-1 Post Cooldown

  • "Lord Nekomata's Jinx"- Magic E, Weaken (Precision)-E | Can temporarily leave a mark of bad luck on an object or person so long as that person or object touches the user. Grade E -1 Post Cooldown

  • "Beneath the ash and soot"-Heightened Sense (Dark vision) E, Heightened Sense (Good nose) F| Let's the user see in the dark and reveal traces of things that were there previously using both their eyes and nose. Dulls the senses after prolonged use.-Grade E-1 Post Cooldown

  • "Cat's Cradle"- Transformation F, Magic E, Selective Magic F | Allows the user to transform into a "Ghostly Neko" form which appears to be a translucent and shadowy black cat figure. The user can leave threads of magic that tangle around the feet of their opponent or enemy. Allies are unaffected by the threads of magic.

  • Lord Nekomata and the Mice Village (Catalyst) D- An old story book that Kuro read over and over again. It's been rebound and refurbished since it's days at the orphanage, though some of Kuro's "bad luck" has rubbed off on it after years of use, making others a little wary when they carry it.​
OIG (2).jpg
  • Natural Weapons (claws)-E

  • Lucky Cat Matches- A box of matches her Uncle Saldana gave her.
  • Holy Water Vial- A vial of holy water. It has no effect, but Winrey insisted she carry it anyways.
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron- Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene
    • 1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
      2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
      3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge

  • N/A

This part of the CS is purely for my own entertainment and has no real bearing on Kuro's character or her sheet, I just thought it would be fun. The Diamond Emoji indicates which "skin" is equipped at the moment like in a game <3

  • Valentines Love Letter Event<3
    • 7pts
    • Used 7pts to upgrade intelligence stat from C to B
  • St. Patricks Day Event
    • Elixir of the Verdant Patron
  • 4/25/2024
    • Changed Affinity Skill type from (Non-Lethal) to (Debuff)
  • April 2024 Buddy Event
    • 7pts
  • Mystery at the Valeriana Manor
    • 91 pts
      • Upgraded Speed from F to E (-7pts)
      • Upgraded Precision from F to E(-7pts)
      • Upgraded Vitality from F to E (-7pts)
      • Upgraded Strength from F to D (-14pts)
      • Upgraded Natural Weapons[Claws] from F to E (-7pts)
      • Upgraded Lord Nekomata and the Mice Village[Catalyst] From E to D (-14)
      • Upgraded Magic AOE from F to E (-14)
      • Upgraded Affinity[Debuff] from F to E (-14)
      • Upgraded Magic from E to D (-21)
    • Acquired Optional Title: Ryken Adventurer's Guild Investigator F
  • A Week at the Docks
    • 43 pts
    • Nekomata shipping Employee F
    • Upgraded Speed from E to D
    • Upgraded Vitality from E to D
    • Added Transformation F
    • Added "Cat's Cradle" Ability


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Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
Once or Twice a Week
Discord Name: Beetlebug4530
Current RP: Tinkerer’s Triage: Start Up Company!

- Become acquainted with the customs of this new world
- Live a healthy life of peace and away from the harsh confines of anything that has to do with war.
- Possibly find love
- Get a job (Mailman maybe)

[Memories of Peers and Events from Previous Iteration Not Present in this one.]

Equipped Titles:
[Human] [French]
Height: 6’4
Weight: 186 Pounds
Backstory: All throughout his childhood, François Rothel lived in fascination over the birthing mechanization taking place around him. From the metalworks behind the bodies of these machinations, ranging to the very inner workings of gears, rods, and pistons, little Rothæl found his dream in pursuit of being able to both operate and construct these fine marvels of engineering. Years went by, as François learned and learned the ways of engineering alongside proper etiquette to be hired, his peers at school started calling him Pierre, as the name meant rock, and his commitment to following this life route was set as stone.

Eventually, through ups, downs, struggles and hard work, Pierre started off as a street mechanic, fixing up broken engines or other components to get through with bringing food to the table. From there, the quality went upwards, eventually reaching the rank of being the trusted handyman and chaffuer of a wealthy businessman’s family, giving rides to the elders and children the right and comfortable way. However, as WW1 suddenly loomed over the lands, Pierre found himself hired (Unwillingly at first, but then reluctantly) into fixing up armored cars and even manning the wheel for armored transport.. His fear of death and desire to live only dug himself a deeper role, as he was then made the designated driver of a tank crew on the Western front much to his dismay. Time and time again he found himself and his crew narrowly escaping death’s grasp, whether it be close calls with artillery, or glancing blows from field guns that thankfully didn’t penetrate. All the while, he could see just what darkness was conjuring out on the muddy surfaces of the frontlines. He hated it, and certainly his crew did as well, praying day in and out for the past 4 years that all this pain would end. Fate’s twisted sense of Irony answered their calls within the mere minutes before the Armstice on November 11th, 1918. What would’ve been the final stretch, right after a last ditch artillery barrage became their undoing, for a delayed shell buried itself within a patch of murk in the tank’s path, right before the smoke cleared in their path.. What remained afterwards, in the span of seconds, was a Mark V Tank blown from under and inside, flames rampant from detonated ammunition and the charred bodies of Pierre and his fellow crew..
Current Life:

It was not long after that François regained consciousness. While initially frantic due to the adrenaline rush that usually accompanies agonizing pain, he came back to his senses after faceplanting on the riverbed adjacent to him. He spent the next few hours contemplating and mulling over the fact that he was somewhere completely different, his body was not charcoal, and that he was now out in the wilderness. 30 Minutes passed, and as a Result, François made an oath to himself after careful consideration, that he did not want anything to do with what killed him before.. But his passion of mechanical topics still ran deep, which gave him the idea to continue pursuing it, minus the combat bits. He then set off, walking along the river; unsure of where he may find himself, but hopeful for this new start..
Acquired Titles: [Human] [French]
Points at Start: 105 (+ 69 from Pierre V1 scoop = 174
Points Earned: 69
Points Spent: 168
Points Not Spent: 6
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D 14
Precision - C 21
Intelligence - C 21
Vitality - E 7
Speed - E 7
70 Points Stats - D Grade Character​
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

- Helming [Land] D 21
- Engineering D 21
-Navigation E 14
- Etiquette E 14
- Apprasial D [Isekai’d Character ] 0
- Artisan [Tinkerer] E 14
- Free Language - [Common tounge, Terran]

- Educated E 14
(Performance - Pierre’s show of skill was what got him hired as a chaffuer in the first place, can’t prove yourself without some kind of style y’know.}
(Focus - An essential thing to have, especially during his final years as a tank driver.)
(Stealth - As a driver in war, usually a good thing to do is not be out in the open, especially while in a sluggish machine armed with cannons. To survive, you have to find somewhere to hide, and strike when safe to do so.)

98 Points skills
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

(Charme du bricoleur - [Engineering D, Artisan Tinkerer E, Educated E,] - Pierre applies his learnings to the fullest, making great use of his knowledge and capabilities to ensure his next project comes out the way he desires.) - Grade D: 2 Post Cooldown

(Conduite propre - [Helming (Land) D, Navigation E, Etiquette E] - Pierre cultivates his knowledge in providing his clients with a passenger experience fit for the wealthy. - Grade D: 2 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Mechanic’s toolset
  • Map
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 10/27/22 - Character Created - 69 Points granted due to scoop of Pierre Rothel - Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] Characters - Current'Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Characters - Current
  • 14 Points into Strength D
  • 21 Points into Precision C
  • 21 Points into Intelligence C
  • 7 Points into Vitality E
  • 7 Points into Speed E
  • 21 Points into Helming [Land] D
  • 14 Points into Navigation E
  • 14 Points into Etiquette E
  • 14 Points into Artisan [Tinkerer] E
  • 14 Points into Educated E
  • Appraisal acquisition free of charge due ro character being Isekai’d
  • Starting languages as [Common] and [Terran]
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Axel Willow
Axel Willow.jpg
Theme: Axel Theme
Rp'er Name: Sebastian Cokak VIII
Post Frequency: As most as possible
Discord Name: The Man
Current RP: Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program
  • Become a party god again
  • Enjoy life
  • Find his Adoptive Older Brother
Equipped Titles: None
Height: 5'10 ft tall
Weight: 149.9 lbs
Backstory: (As a kid, Axel lived an average life, until he reached the adulthood, and he became a party guy, he was able to party as no one could ever party, he had the ability to dance like no one could, he had a girl and a lot of stuff, that was until one day he returned home in a drunkover and was kicked out of the house, he began working at a fish store, but every night, he had a party, some times entering job with a drunkover, this caused to be fired, and one night while reunited with his friends he drived drunk and crashed into a truck, his friends and him didn't survive the crash, and they died, he presenced his own funeral, and how the only people in there were his father and mother, but they were there to say of much they were disapointed of their son, Axel, went to the funeral of his friends just to see how the amount of people was 10 folded, he relealized his life was trash, until he meet God, Axel was surprised by the existance of God, but God remembered him of that time he got the last pizza in school lunch, and that was an holy act, then Axel asked if he would go to heaven, God said "Uh uh" and then told him that he will be reincarnate in another life, and he will gain heaven after he enjoys life at the fullest)
Current Life: (once isekaid into this universe, he was born to an adoptive brother who was so old he could have be his father, who was obsessed with opera, and he was tortured everyday to see opera with his brother, one day when he hitted adulthood he was send to the streets of ryke, so he roamed the world, getting drunk and wasting his life, he tried to return to his house but his brother disappeared, he then founded a man with one eye, who just casually beated his ass, so since then he decided to fight in the streets of Ryke, as a justice Homeless Man, after all he is a nobody)
Acquired Titles: Human, Homeless Man
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - E
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - E
  • Speed - E
  • Swimming F
  • Nature F - for earth fish knowledge
  • Domestic Arts F - good for basic clothing fixes
  • Sleight of Hand F - good for juggling
  • Wealth F
  • Performance F
  • Bolster [Strength] F
  • Bolster [Speed] F
  • Drunkover - Bolster [Strength, Speed] F - character amps up strength and speed by 1 grade for a post. - F grade - 0 post cooldown
Equipment: None yet :(

  • Juggling Balls
Assets: None ):
Change Log: None yet
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Valen 'Val' Rerin
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Sir Mayday
Post Frequency:
Once a day, or every other day.
Discord Name: flofloric1
Current RP: N/A as of now
Goals: Explore the world and uncover the lost cultural artifacts and treasures of this stagnant world.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'9 ft
Weight: 175 lbs
Backstory: Valen had always been a man focused on the past rather than the future, believing that is what makes a people. What gives people a identity,are the choices they made both good and bad. He grew up quite the bookworm, reading scholarly texts during his classes. most of them time his teachers wer eupset because he would not focus on the classes and instead would read books about other subjects. Yet he followed his passion of the past, and become a respected figure in archaeology. Yet he fell on rough time. He was a gambling man, and he owed people money. So he ended up selling artifacts and more to other parties. His life became a blur as he stuggled with his gambling addiction, and money ruled his life and decisions. His passion was brushed aside..and eventually he would meet the wrong buyer and was killed rather than paid.
Current Life: Born to a normal family of farmers. Valen was raised to tend fields. Yet he was not one for that lifestyle, and after he was old enough. He left his 'family' they were nice folk. But Valen had passions to fulfill, and honestly having one less mouth to feed would be good for the large family. Valen's memory is spotty, but he remembers exploring ancient sites. Studying old pots, bones, walls. He remembered the joy of finding something unique..and the guilt of handing such a piece over for..money? He does not remember his motives. But he knows that passion for the past..maybe he can use that to save what he could in this stagnant world. He remembers he has a mission, but he is very unsure if he could accomplish such a thing. Save the world?..No, someone else was needed for that. He shall live his life fulfilling his pursuits and exploring this world.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 35 (Lorax)
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Points Spent: 7+7+14+14+21 = 63 points
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Culture F
  • Heightened Senses [Sight]
  • Stealth F
  • Investigation E (Use 7 point discountPerk: Born For This)
  • Athletics E
  • Undetected (Sight) F
  • Agriculture F
    Points Spent: 49
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • By The Book - Culture F, Investigation F, Stealth F - Allows the user to focus on the fine details before them, and focus their minds on developing theories of the scene before them with a subtle approach. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Freeze - Stealth F, Undetected F - Blend into their surroundings, and hide efficiently. But using this skill does not allow them to move. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • N/A
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Kobayashi Hideki

こばやし ひでき


Rp'er Name:MoonBerry
Post Frequency: Once maybe twice a week.
Discord Name: Emeraldfae91

Character Info

Current RP:

Goals: To gain control of the curse that’s turned him to a beast, and to return back to earth; to his dear fiance.

  • [intermediate Isekai]
    Once Kobayashi realized he was within a fantasy world, he decided that the Elves would very likely know a way to send someone back to earth. Since they were likely one of the oldest races here. When he arived, his lack of respeect and humility earned the ire of an elven sorcerer. And after receiving a toungue lashing from her, he proceeded to tell her off, and point out all her flaws. To which she responded by turning him into a large black wolf. Telling him that he should appear as he acts. In his panic and the ensuing chaos, He broke a very important family relic. She seeks reparations.
    [Human] [Werebeast] [Beast] [Canine]

Height: 5’9 Ft/1.7 M
Weight: 175 Ibs/79.3 Kg

Backstory: Hideki lived the life of a man who had a plan. He hated people. And the best way to avoid that, was to save every penny he got from allowance, growing up, and investing it. He made his money work for him, and by the time he was 16, he had enough passive income accrued that he could live happily and comfortably, hardly ever having to leave his home. With some influence, and a few tests, he was able to take his classes online and finish his schooling early. By the time he was twenty three years old, he’d successfully lived the life of a NEET for five years. He hardly ever interacted with anyone. The only person he really did talk to was the sweet neighbor girl. Yamada Asame. A twenty one year old woman with a talent for cooking and sewing. She had dreams to become a fashion designer. She would often check on him and cook for him, and in fact eventually cleaned his apartment for him. She didn’t seem to mind him when he word vomited about his otaku habits. She made him a nervous wreck, but he loved it. She was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him, and they fell in love. He took his two most prized collectibles, and sold them. Then with that money he bought her a beautiful ring, and was on his way back home, working out how to ask her, when he found himself suddenly standing in front of [God].

Enraged that he’d been ripped from his beloved waifu, Hideki took his otaku knowledge and stormed ahead, to the Fae See. Since it obviously made sense that the oldest and most magical people here would know how to send someone back to Earth. His lack of respect and etiquette earned the ire of an important elf. They cursed him to take the form of a beast, since he decided to act like one. From that day forward he was stuck in the body of a large black wolf, as well as labeled [Wanted] in the Fae See. He now wanders around searching for a way to return to his former self, and his home.

Points at Start: 105+7
Points Earned: 28
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - G

  • [Fighting Style:Katana] E
  • [Technique:Accurate] F - Iaido - A fighting style using quick and precise movements to strike the opponent, and resheaths the sword after each attack.
  • As the son of a traditional wealthy Japanese family. His preference of zero social interaction was frowned upon, and in order to try and break him of it; his family put him through several programs throughout childhood. Including wilderness survival, and programs like SST and CBT. (Group social training, and Cognitive behavioral training.
  • [Physics] F
  • [Traps] F
  • [Engineering] F
  • [Hybrid] F

  • (Fighting style refunded for 14pts)[Limiter:Irreversable]

    Height:4.0 Ft.
    Length:7.3 Ft.
    Weight: 283 IBs.
    • [Heightened Sense: Sound/Smell] E
    • [Natural Weapons]
    • [Regenerate] F
    • [Undetected] F
    • [ Resistance: Full Physical] F

    • Iaido Slash F – Fighting Style [Iaido] Katana F, Accurate F, Perception F, Stealth F – Character uses their Katana-based fighting style to to quickly and stealthily and [accurately] slash at an opponent . - Grade F

Equipment: [Katana]E
[*]Flint And steel
[*]Whet Stone
[*]Bed Roll
Change Log: N/A

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Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
Very adaptable. but typically once to a few posts in a 72 hours

Discord Name:
Darkkitsune Eriedeth/Griffin

Current RP:
[Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct

Escape his Creator permanetly
Become famous for acting and singing preformances

Equipped titles:
[construct], [performer],[Republic’s warning],
Diago Luniary is a psychotic Engineer that came from Widersia and created Keircey. After killing Keircey's manager he runs away from his creator
Acquired titles:
[constuct], [preformer] , [wanted by: Diago Luniary],[Republic’s warning],[Adventurers Guild G]

[Adventurers Guild G]-Character applied with the guild but had a poor showing. They are still allowed to take on jobs with the guild to earn full membership or handle the cheapest and most mundane jobs. One more failure and they are barred from membership possibilities for a time.

[Republic’s warning]-This character has received a warning from republic officials due to being part or full construct and having gotten into trouble. Every time this character enters the republic a extra set of eyes will be kept on them.


In Conners' past life he was merely an office worker. Nothing had been any special about the man. He was hardly in contact with his family after having a strained relationship growing up. So he ended up living his adult life alone. One day he had gone to the local bank went well until the place was robbed. He was one of the hostages that got shot. After having died, he woke up in a robotic doll-like body, and had been given the name 'Keircy' to someone that only vaguely remembered their past life and by no means remembered talking with any god, so this was confusing. What was also confusing was his human-like behavior seemed to be something his creator was obsessed about. His creator, Diago Luniary, was a Engineer from Widersia who was growing more and more psychotic as days had passed. Diago was obsessed with the Grand Duchy's entertainment industry. This was why the robot 'Keircy' was made in the first place but had apparently failed numerous times before Conner's soul was put into it's body. Eventually, Diago took Keircey to the Grand Duchy and somehow managed to get him a job there as a peformer under the management of Kae Maris. This, however, didn't stop the verbal and psychial abuse Keircey dealt with daily. If Diago was angry enough, the man would take him apart and put him back together. One day Kae had decided, for reasons Keircey didn't know, to give him a ring catalyst that was shaped like a heart. He was grateful for it as magic had fascinated him, but a few days later, Kae had ended up killed by Diago and Keircey had enough and he escaped. Now being chased by his creator.

In Keircey's current life, he's still on the run from his psychotic creator. With the alternate identity of 'Theodore Alvi' for when he needs to go hiding. Living his life on the run so far, he's just trying to escape his creator for good and hopefully go back to his career as a performer one day.

Points at start:

Points Earned:
[+28 from Cashback perk]

Points spent:

Points not spent:

Strength [F]
Precision [D]
Intelligence B
Vitality [D]
Speed [F]

Performance [F] [singing]
performance [F] [Acting]
Deception [F], Disguise [F], Empathy [F]
Alternate identity [E]
Magic [D]
Affinity [F] [electricity]
Affinity [F] [Blight] [electric shock]
Selective Magic [E]
Magic Range [F]
Magic Targets [F]
Magic AoE [F]
Resiliant [E] [fatigue]
Appraisal [E]
Steady Hands [E]


Titles: [Human], [Native]

Theodore has failed his tests to try to get into the adventurers guild due to his easily frightened nature...

Quintuple Electric Shocks-Magic [E], Affinity [Electricity] [F], Affinity [Blight] [F],Magic Range [F], Magic Targets [F],Selective Magic [F] -Keircey sends out five blasts of electric shocks to five selected targets from 30ft away -E grade-1 post duration- 1 post cool down
Ring of F-electrity!-Magic [E],Affinity [Electricity] [F],Affinity [Blight] [electric shock] [F] Magic Area of Effect [F], Selective Magic [F]-Keircy sends out electric currents to deal damage to all selected enemies in a 15ft radius- E grade-1 post duration- 1 post cooldown
Blast of Magic!- Magic [E], Magic Targets [F], Magic range[F], Selective Magic [F]-Keircey sends out five blasts of magic at 5 selected targets from 30ft away - E grade- 1post duration- 1 post cool down
Blunt blast- Magic [E], Affinity [Blight] [electric shock] [F], Affinity [Electricity] Magic range [F], selective magic [F]- Keircey for one reason or another blasts one shot of electricity at one selected individual target- E grade- 1 post duration- 1 post cool fown
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic wave- Magic [E], Steady Hands [E] , Magic area of effect [F], Selective Magic [F], - Keircey releases a wave of raw magic to deal damage to all selected enemies in a 15ft radius-E grade- 1 post duration- 1 post cooldown


A catalyst given to him by his former manager
Face paint
Temporary hair dye
Plain clothing
Firestarter kit
clothing items
A bag

Strength [F]
Precision [E] [-7]
Intelligence [C] [-21]
Vitality [E] [-7]
Speed [F]
Heart ring Catalyst [E] [-14]
Performance [F] [acting, singing] [-7]
Deception [F],Disguise [F], Empathy [F]
Magic [E] [-14]
Affinity [F] [electricity] [-7]
Affinity [F] [Blight] [-7]
Alternate Identity [F] [-7]
Selective Magic [F] [-7]
Magic Range [F] [-7]
Magic Targets [F] [-7]
Magic [AoE] [F] [-7]
Resilient [F] [-7]
Appraisal [E] [0- for isekaied characters]
Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???] State what person or group is after you. Narrator can decide to leverage the title whenever they wish to have opposition to you to appear flavored by whatever 'Wants' you.
Keircey has Acquired

Character applied with the guild but had a poor showing. They are still allowed to take on jobs with the guild to earn full membership or handle the cheapest and most mundane jobs. One more failure and they are barred from membership possibilities for a time.

39 points

From: [Isekai Hell] Alchemists Heirloom

On February 25th 2024

Spent 14 points to upgrade Heart shaped ring catalyst from [E] > [C]
Spent 7 points on upgrading Precision [E] > [D]
Spent 14 points on Steady Hands [E]
Added Steady hands [E] to skills

Spent: 35 points
Remaining: 4

On February 25th 2024
Due to the issue of upgrading catalyst from E > C with C grade stat the seven points have been put
in the not spent count with the catalyst being D grade

Left over points:11

Issue was fixed: March 28th 2024
Acquired 7 points from participating in the:
March Madness 2024 event

On March 31st 2024
Changed ‘Current Rp’ on June 20th 2024
Keircey has Acquired-
39 points
Optional Title: [Republic’s warning]- This character has received a warning from republic officials due to being part or full construct and having gotten into trouble. Every time this character enters the republic a extra set of eyes will be kept on them.

From- [Republic: Nan pass] Runaway singers song!

Added Spoiler ‘Title Descriptions’ to character sheet

On June 23rd 2024
On September 19th 2024
Spent 7 points on intelligence C -> B
Spent 7 points on vitality E -> D
Spent 7 points on Upgraded alternate identity F ->E
Spent 7 points on upgrading resistence [Fatigue] F > E
Spent 7 points on upgrading heart ring catayst from D -> C
Spent 7 points on purchasing performance [Acting] at F grade
spent 7 points on upgrading Magic E -> D
Spent 7 points on upgradedung Selective magic from F -> E

Spent: 56 points from 57
Points left:1
Last edited:
Theme: (Will put one later)
Rp'er Name: Sona Radar
Post Frequency:
When I feel like it.
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To become rich and powerful, and known to all by any means possible. Also, possessing a kingdom or willing subjects to obide by her own rules and orders is nice.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Mundane
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 90lbs
Backstory: Au-Gh'Ulyqkh, a peculiar being, hatched from a mysterious egg filled with promise and grand aspirations. Yearning to attain a regal status, Au-Gh'Ulyqkh struggled with being taken seriously due to their perpetually childlike curiosity, size and lack of experience. Despite the burden, Au-Gh'Ulyqkh remains determined, embarking on a quest to prove themselves by confronting challenges head-on, seeking knowledge, and learning from the world around them in order to grow into the formidable and respected figure they aspire to be. She can be very much glutton and wanting of anything cool or valuable they notice, and doesn't much enjoy being told what to do unless there is something in benefit for them. Being pampered and given free stuff and attention is part of their idea of royalty.
Current Life: Au-Gh'Ulyqkh is trying to live their best life, despite what struggles might occur. They are hoping for great success, and hopefully a growth spurt, in the near future.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Mundane
Points at Start: 105(+14)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats (F-Grade):
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - H
  • Free Cosmetic Features: Covered in Scales, Fluffy Fur, Animal Ears, Sharp Fangs, Claws
  • Feature: Prehensile Tail
  • Languages: Common, Beastial
  • Born For This: Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements. (Supersense)
  • Special Movement [Quadrupedal](F)
    Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision!

    Character has the ability to move in a way other than normal 2 legged stride that is safer than if they attempted them without this skill. ex: running along narrow ropes and paths, falling, slithering, swinging, untraceable, wall bouncing, wall crawling, water walking, divine path, etc
  • Attentive Student (F)
    Type: Utility!, Growth!, Passive!
    Pre-req: F Grade Character!
    Note: Student skill may not be greater than grade of character.

    When a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.
    Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of rp's if there is a character actively participating in the rp with a greater total of earned points prior to the rewards of that rp. Student skill must be the same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. Not honored if rp'er ghosts rp.
  • Magic (E)
    Type: Core!, Ability!
    Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!
    Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

    Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.
    May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:

    1 target
    5ft range
    immediate area
    1 post duration
    1 target

    Augmenter skills like the ones listed already may increase or relax the above restrictions.
  • Fire Affinity (F)
    Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.
  • Continuing Affinity (F)
    Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph. Continuing (A) - the attack has a means of causing ongoing damage. An acid or fire burn. The poison that courses through veins. This technique only applies to sources of damage in an attack and not other special effects. This technique can be used to inflict long term ongoing effects like diseases or curses or short term effects like pain.
  • Magic Range (F)
    Type: Augmenter!Pre-req: E Grade Magic skill

    Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 10ft away

    • F - 30ft away
    • E - 100ft away
    • D - 1000ft away
    • C - 1 mile away
    • B - 10 miles away
    • A - 100 miles away
    • S - ??? away
  • Heightened Sense (F)(Taste)
    Type: Auxiliary!
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.
  • Supersense (F)(X-Ray Vision)
    Type: Auxiliary!
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    Character has an additional sense. Upgrading the skill increases effective range of the sense. Each time the skill is taken, a new sense may be added. Some senses possible with this skill: echolocation, tremorsense, x-ray vision, microscopic vision, etc.

    F - 10ft radius
    E - 100ft radius
    D - 1000ft radius
    C - 1 mile radius
    B - 10 mile radius
    A - 100 mile radius
  • Climbing (F)
    Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
    Pre-req: E Grade Strength!
    Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

    The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).
  • Popcorn Spark - Magic (E), Fire Affinity (F), Magic Range (F) - Fire a flame projectile from the mouth to accurately strike a target from range (without lighting them on fire, just in case) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Ignition Flame - Magic (E), Fire Affinity (F), Continuing Affinity (F), Magic Range (F) - Fire a ball of flame from the mouth to accurately fire a fiery projectile at a target, as well as to leave the target or zone of impact in flames - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Climber - Climbing (F), Special Movement [Quadrupedal] (F), Prehensile Tail Feature - Climbs around, making full use of their natural capabilities while doing so. Climbing on all fours is to support stability and grip - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Paladin-Doll Catalyst (F)(A standard magic catalyst that has been embedded into a stuffed doll of a holy paladin knight)
  • Natural Armour (F)
Change Log:
  • [11/5/24] Added Scoop target link: Scooped to
  • [14/12/23] Removed Fire Resist, lowered Speed to H, moved claws to free feature, raised intelligence to D, bought Magic E and Magic Range F (also fixed all abilities in adjustment)
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Rp'er Name: Swagkage
Post Frequency: Varies
Discord Name: Swagkage
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Manhunt
Goals: Benji strives to acquire knowledge, navigate the challenges of survival, and ultimately discover a sense of purpose that eluded him in his previous life.

Equipped Titles: Beast [Mundane] | Anchor
Acquired Titles
  • Beast [Mundane]: Beast characters generally have some form of animal in their ancestry. They typically have a wilder look to them but are mostly human on the surface.
  • Anchor: The heavy hitter that means victory is assured when they step into the fray. Primarily using sweeping, cleaving, or crushing blows, they make quick work of their foes.
  • Born For This: Get 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • Cleave: As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
Height: 6 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 200 pounds

Benji, a seemingly ordinary man with a monotonous life, faced the routine struggles of failing to enter college and drifting through part-time jobs. His stern appearance led to frequent misunderstandings escalating into violence, despite his non-confrontational nature. Unbeknownst to many, Benji was a logical soul who helped when possible and withdrew when necessary. His mundane existence took a fateful turn when, in a selfless act, he sacrificed himself to save an elderly woman from an oncoming truck. In death, Benji found an unexpected reward. The heavens granted him a second chance, awakening him in a mysterious realm far removed from his former life. Now, thrust into an unknown world, Benji's journey begins anew, carrying the lessons learned from his ordinary past into an extraordinary, unfamiliar future.
In this unfamiliar realm, Benji found himself transformed into a muscular figure armed with a mighty greatsword, a stark contrast to his former self. Struggling to comprehend this surreal transformation, he realized that understanding his situation was beyond logical explanation. Instead, he chose acceptance, ready to adapt to the unknown. With nothing to lose and a newfound determination, Benji embarked on his journey as a novice adventurer in this enigmatic world, eager to confront whatever challenges lay ahead, embracing the uncertainty that awaited him.

Points at Start: 105 + 38 + 7
Points Earned: 38
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 3

Strength D (+14)​
Precision G (-7)​
Intelligence E (+7)​
Vitality E (+7)​
Speed F (0)​

Appraisal F​
Athletics F​
Attentive Student F​
Duration Reduction F​
Energized F​
Feature: Feline Ears​
Feature: Feline Tail​
Fighting Style E [Broadsword] - Specialized​
  • Core Technique [Deflect]
Heightened Sense F [Smell]​
Insight F​
Language F [Common, Bestial]​
Perception F​
Sixth Sense F [Bloodlust]​
Superstrength F​
Parry | Athletics F, Fighting Style E [Broadsword], Deflect E, Superstrength F | Grade E | 1 Post Cooldown​
A heavy parry aimed to deter non-magical and physical attacks.​
  • Two-handed Broadsword E A large, thick, heavy, and rectangular broadsword.
  • Natural Armor F [Heavy] Durable skin and muscles protect Benji from harm.
  • Bag
  • Bedroll
  • Cloak
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Whetstone
9/12/23 - Character Creation
  • Earned 38 points from scooping Sasuke Blackheart (+38)
  • Earned 7 points from decreasing Precision F to Precision G (+7)
  • Point Breakdown
    • Stats: Strength D (14), Intelligence E (7), Vitality E (7)
    • Skills:
      • Appraisal F (0)
      • Athletics F (7)
      • Attentive Student F (7)
      • Duration Reduction F (7)
      • Energized F (7)
      • Feature: Feline Ears (0)
      • Feature: Feline Tail (0)
      • Fighting Style E [Broadsword] - Specialized (14), Core Technique [Deflect] (21)
      • Heightened Sense F [Smell] (7)
      • Insight F (7)
      • Language F [Common, Bestial] (0)
      • Natural Armor F [Heavy] (0, Born For This Discount Applied)
      • Perception F (7)
      • Sixth Sense F [Bloodlust] (7)
      • Superstrength F (14)
    • Equipment: Two-Handed Broadsword E (14)
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Marinka Ruscenu


Rp'er Name: Gothixx
Post Frequency:
At the least once per week, at most multiple times per week.
Discord Name: 60thix
Current RP: TBA
  • Live her new life to its fullest
  • Find a mentor she could learn from
  • Become a well renowned mercenary
Equipped Titles: [Mundane Human][Mundane Isekai]
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 155 lbs

Most of Chiura Mina’s life consisted of following the orders of others. Her parents urged her to complete school with high marks and she managed to do just that. Chiura spent little time with friends or having much of a social life with her fellow classmates. Throughout her school life she worked on her studies at school, at home, and at a cram school. She completed her high school career with high grades, earning her a spot at the University of Tokyo. After completing her college life with much of the same mundane cycle she soon managed to enter the Japanese workforce. She was caught in an endless cycle of doing whatever was asked of her, which soon led to her downfall when one of the tasks she did for her boss got her involved with an organized crime. One gunshot wound later she awakes to find herself before a god.
Current Life: Since the god had taken pity on her and given her a second chance, Chiura forfeited her previous life’s memories in order to focus on her new life as Marinka Ruscenu. Marinka was born to a loving couple that owned a small carpentry business in Otenzel, East Empire. Marinka had since left that simple life behind and decided to traverse the world as soon as she turned 20. Her newfound ambition in wanting to take life into her own hands guiding her.

Acquired Titles: [Mundane Human][Mundane Isekai]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - G
Speed - F
  • Navigation E (14)
  • Architecture E (7) [Born for this applied]
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Survival F (7)
  • Sleight of Hand F (7)
  • Traps F (7)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Deception F (7)
  • Evasive Maneuver- Acrobatics F, Jumping F - Marinka launches herself out of the way of an incoming attack. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Entrapment - Traps F, Survival F - Marinka can place simple traps to distract or hinder enemies. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Minion Total: 5
Each minion is a mystical owl type that is about 2ft tall.
  • Strength - H
  • Precision - C
  • Intelligence - D
  • Vitality - H
  • Speed - D
  • Flight- F
  • Supersense- E
    • The owls are capable of using echolocation within a 100ft radius
  • Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
  • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • Simple Bow F (7)
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Small Coin Purse
  • TBD
Change Log:

  • (12/13/2023) Point Expenditure: +14 points in Possessions, +56 points in skills, +35 points in Stats
  • (12/14/2023) Point Expenditure: -14 points in Vitality, +7 in Skills, +7 in Strength; Added "Minions" tab
  • (12/15/2023) Added five minions into the minions tab, spent all 56 points on minions
  • (12/29/2023) Edited the points on the minions section
  • (1/17/2024) Spent 14 points in minions section for Speed D; changed height of birds to 2ft
Last edited:
Cralan Dysh
(images preferred, word descriptions allowed)
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Username: Ashy_Ocdesigns
Post Frequency: It depends
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A
Goals: (list short or long term goals you have for the character with a minimum of one goal.)
Equipped Titles: Monster, Nevermore
Height: 4'7
Weight: 72 lbs
Backstory: Cralan still remembers his past life as a human, although the details have begun to get fuzzy. He has to well and truly concentrate to remember. He remembers the beginning, he remembers the end, but not much in between. Here are the things he remembers:
1) Cralan was born as Dylan to his parents on April 17. He doesn't even really remember his family beyond vague memories, he just knows that he was called Dylan. He also knows his birthday, but that's about it. He doesn't know that he had two siblings, that he was the youngest child, and that his older siblings were twins. His siblings are still alive and well, as are his parents. He doesn't know what his last name was, either, but can tell you it began with an L.
2)Dylan was a smart child, and his parents weren't afraid to flaunt him or show him off. As a kid, Dylan was constantly paraded around, much to the jealousy of his peers and siblings. He doesn't know that he, as a child, had a mild case of Golden Child syndrome. He knows he was a smart kid(seeing as he went to a pretty good college), and had his intelligence knocked down a few points. He may have also been wrong, because Dylan happened to be at that college when he died.
Current Life: (WIP)
Acquired Titles: Monster, Nevermore
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F(0)​
Precision - E(7)​
Intelligence - E(7)​
Vitality - C(21)​
Speed - E(7)​
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Healing/F(7)
  • Devour/F(7)
  • Magic/F(7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Vulture -Resilient/Poison/F(7)[poison damage is reduced by 1 for every hit taken], Heightened Smell F(7) [range is an additional 10 feet], Heightened Sight F(7) [range is an additional 10 feet].
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Hacksaw F(14)
  • Dagger F(14)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bandages
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • NONE
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
Last edited by a moderator:
Aurae Faren
Elf 11.png
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As posting allows
Discord Name: .saxon
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Establish herself in the nobility and live a comfortable life
Equipped Titles: Elf, Nomad, Native, Mundane, Mayor, Ryken Noble D
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 lbs
Backstory: Aurae was born in Ryken to a family of adventurers who retired shortly before she was born. Growing up her parents found work in the city to make ends meet. Though she never had any desire to be an adventurer, seeing what she deemed as meager conditions, she wanted a better life and figured finding a way into nobility would be the best way.
Current Life: Native
Acquired Titles: Native, Fae, Elf, Nomad, Mundane, Ryke Adventurer Guild G, Mayor, Ryken Noble D
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 111
Points Spent: 210
Points Not Spent: 6
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - C (21)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - C(21)​
Vitality - C (12)
Speed - C (21)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have.)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Feature: Point Ears (0, Cosmetic)
  • Academia E (14)
  • Law E (14)
  • Culture F Ryke (7)
  • Etiquette F Ryke (7)
  • Investigation F (7)
  • Insight F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Persuasion F (0, Born with this perk)
  • Minion F (0, Free from Talented Perk)
  • Fighting Style Elven Dueling F - Blight F [Poison]
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

Butter up - Persuasion F, Energized F, Culture F, Etiquette F, Insight F, - Aurae uses her knowledge of Ryke Culture and Etiquette to try and get on someone's good side. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.
Pass Judgement - Academia E, Law E E, Persuasion F, Investigation F, Insight F, Energized E - Aurae recalls the laws and what she learned at the academy to help make a decision or convince someone of a decision - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.
What's going on - Insight F, Investigation F, Energized F - Aurae looks at the people around her, hoping to gain information about the situation. - Grade F - 0 Post cooldown
Feyline- Elven Dueling F, Blight F [Poison], Energized F - Aurae strikes at her opponent with her sword that has been coated in Fae poison dealing blight damage for 1 round, target must be within 5 ft. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
Light Armor Regalia E (14)
Sword F (7)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

Creation (16 DEC 2023)
  • Energized F (7)
  • Intelligence C (21)
  • Speed D (14)
  • Feature: Point Ears (0, Cosmetic)
  • Academia E (14)
  • Law E (14)
  • Culture F Ryke (7)
  • Etiquette F Ryke (7)
  • Investigation F (7)
  • Insight F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Persuasion F (0, Born with this perk)
  • Minion F (0, Free from Talented Perk)

27 Feb 2024
  • Acquired 31 Points from [Isekai Hell] The Alchemist's Heirloom
  • Acquired Optional title [Ryke Adventurer Guild G] - Character applied with the guild but had a poor showing. They are still allowed to take on jobs with the guild to earn full membership or handle the cheapest and most mundane jobs. One more failure and they are barred from membership possibilities for a time.
  • Spent 7 points Sword F
  • Spent 14 Points Light Armor Regalia E
    Spent 7 points Strength F => E
17 Jun 2024
  • Acquired 80 Points from Corruption in this Village?!
  • Acquired Optional title- [Mayor] - This character has been elected as mayor of a small village or town, is known in that small area, and is more likely to get help from the local residents.
  • Acquired +1 Rep with Ryken Nobles, Ryken Noble F
  • Spent 14 Point Ryken Noble F => D
  • Spent 7 Points Energize F => E
  • Spent 7 Points Fighting Style Elven Dueling F - Blight F [Poison]
  • Spent 7 Points Speed D=>C
  • Spent 14 Points Strength E=>C
  • Spent 21 Points Vitality F => C
  • Spent 7 Points Precision F=> E
  • Updated skill pass judgement added Energized E to list.

Elf character 1.png[/SIZE]

Points at Start: 56
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 56
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting Style (Elven Blademaster Style) F (Blight: Poison) (7)
  • Heightened Sense F: Hearing (7)
  • Feature: Pointed ears (0, cosmetic)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

Forests Revenge - Fighting Style F (Blight: Poison, Fast F - The Retainer attacks a targets moving at increased speed, dealing poison damage to a target. Poison lasts for a single round. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Sword F
  • Heavy armor F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

Creation (16 DEC 2023)
  • Strength E (14)
  • Feature: Point Ears (0, Cosmetic)
  • Vitality E (7)
  • Intelligence E (7)
  • Fighting style F (7)
  • Sword F (7)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
  • Heightened Sense F (Hearing, 7)
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