• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Naomi Plumfoot (Scooped)
Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Gwen Temi
Post Frequency:
Every other day
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP: Whispering Pests
Goals: Do quests/rps centered around wizard school and clubs within its campus. Make IC friends and rivals. Have the character develop relationships with mentors and teachers in order to learn and grow.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human. Scholar [Educated]. Ryken Student F.
Height: (5’4”/ 1.6256m)
Weight: (115 lbs)
Character Rank: E
Backstory: (A loser isn’t born, they’re made. And purely by their own choices. Trina had everything she needed to succeed in life. No health problems. Decent looks. Two doctors for parents who were willing to fully cover the bills for school so she could succeed.

And somehow she managed to waste it all.

Flunked out of school. No college would take her. Got mixed up in drugs and ruined those looks. After enough fuckups, her parents cut contact with her and cut her off. Even her death was embarrassing.

She was working the counter at a gas station in the middle of summer. 3am, when the weirdos come out. An old man walked in, walked around the counter and asked if she could spare some change. When she refused and asked him to leave, he flashed his gun. What followed was five seconds of struggling between a seventy year-old man and a twenty-something who really should’ve kept herself in better shape.

In the end, he took a lot more from her than just the change in the register.)

Current Life: (Trina’s soul passed onto another world and another body, but her mind remained the same. Only, in this world, they called her Naomi. Quite frankly, she was more than happy to adopt the new name. And, much like before, her parents were well-to-do. Not rich by any means, but they’d been saving up for her education, too, since before her birth.

This time, she wasn’t about to fuck it up. This time, she wouldn’t waste the investment from her parents. Little Naomi was unnaturally studious at a young age. Even picked up a few spells on her own. And, as soon as she learned about the existence of wizarding school, she knew exactly where she wanted to be as soon as she came of age. This time was going to be different.

This time, Naomi was going to be somebody.)

Acquired Titles: Mundane Human. Otherworlder. Scholar. Ryken Student.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 171
Points Spent: 192
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Magic E
  • Spell Duration F
  • Energized E
  • Light Affinity F
  • Attentive Student E
  • Educated F
    • Arcana F
    • Academia F
    • Focus F
  • Healing E
  • Knockback F
  • Penetrating F
  • Deflect F
  • Accurate F
  • Investigation F
  • Appraisal E
  • Barrier E
  • Wizard Fist- Magic F, Light Affinity F, Accuracy F, Penetrating F, Energized F, Knockback F- Naomi conjures fists of hard light that telekinetically move in tandem with her own movements to bludgeon foes to death and drive them back. By refining her technique at the academy, she has learned to conserve her movements and strike an opponent up to thrice in rapid succession should she choose to devote herself to pure offense and nothing else. 5ft range.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wizard Guard- Magic F, Deflect F, Energized F- Naomi conjures a latticed, triangular barrier of hard light in front of her to deflect attacks. By focusing purely on defense in a crucial moment and nothing else, she can layer the barrier thrice to amplify the barrier’s ability to neutralize incoming attacks. 5ft range.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wizard Armor- Magic E, Barrier E, Healing E, Energized E, Magic Duration F- Naomi summons a translucent, latticed armor of hard light to surround her body when she feels threatened, whilst simultaneously healing and rejuvenating herself at the moment of casting. Can be conjured in the moment to defend against imminent attack if Naomi is caught attacked while unarmored. The armor persists for an hour after she conjures it and absorbs damage from incoming threats before they can reach her.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • First Aid- Magic F, Healing F, Energized F- Cure Minor cuts, small injuries and bruises on a target within 5 feet. Can provide minor healing to a few individuals in close proximity- Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
  • Cure- Magic E, Healing E, Energized E- Heals wounds and mild injuries and bruises on a target within 5 feet. Can also cure common illnesses.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Mage Eye- Appraisal E, Investigation F, Arcana F, Academia F, Energized E - Naomi utilizes her innate appraisal ability in conjunction with her analytical mind to study a target or place and acquire obscure and useful information about it.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Plumfoot Ring [Magic Catalyst E]: A silver ring with Naomi’s name carved into the interior. It was gifted to her as a reward for getting into [insert magic school]. She wears it on her right ring finger and uses it as an arcane focus.
  • Armored Robe with Reinforced Cap [Heavy Armor E]: A modified wizard robe with a layer of chainmail fastened between two layers of thick cloth accompanied by a stereotypical wizard cap reinforced by a steel plate. Both articles of clothing channel some of Naomi's innate mana to reinforce themselves and offer protection comparable to a full suit of plate armor.
  • Backpack
  • Notepad
  • Spellbook
  • Writing Utensils
  • N/A. Nadia lives with her parents in a modest house. They pay for her tuition.
Change Log:
  • 6/26/2023- Was informed that isekai'd characters' appraisal levels with their grade, so bumped Naomi's appraisal up to E instead of F.
  • 7/26/2023- Evolved Naomi from a [Human] to a [Mundane Human] to refund seven points to her. Qualifications for this evolution come from both her possession of more than two magic affinities as well as more than two secondary skills.
  • 7/26/2023- Spent the 7 points refunded from her evolution to [Mundane Human] to upgrade her [Healing] skill from F to E.
  • 8/4/2023 Gained 82 points and [Ryken Student F] title from Arcane Proving Grounds.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Vitality E => D with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Plumfoot Ring [Catalyst F] => Plumfoot Ring [Catalyst E] with 1 point in the marketplace.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Magic F => Magic E with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded [Attentive Student F] => [Attentive Student E] with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Penetrating F] for 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Spell Duration F] for 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Energized E] for 14 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Barrier E] for 28 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Added [Ryken Student] to equipped titles.
  • 8/30/2023 Purchased Armored Robe with Reinforced Cap [Heavy Armor E] with 2 points in the marketplace.
  • 2/28/2024 Added 82 points earned from Whispering Pests.
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Normal Theme

Battle Theme

Vehement Battle Theme

Rp'er Name: Voider

Post Frequency: 48-72hr or more is preferred

Discord Name: Set as Voider in the IH discord

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Short-term: Harness the ice and cold, for both protection, and to deepen the connection to his nature. Long-term: Learn more about this world, and establish a secure home in cold terrain, or create one himself.

Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Height: 3'6"

Weight: 260lbs

Glacier currently does not have resistance to the ice/cold, so contrary to implication, he is just as vulnerable to such effects as anyone else.

Backstory: Glacier does not remember much of his previous life, other than the fact that he lived on earth. Though sporadic memories do appear to him occasionally, especially if something reminds him of a part of his old life.
Current Life: He woke up in a dark area, unsure of what was happening. He quickly discovered that he was a fox, one made entirely of ice, with a bright core in his chest. Turning his head around the room, he saw it somewhat lit from his core's light; it was a cave. Various instruments and papers were strewn about, though he was unsure as to what any of them were. After studying them for a few minutes, he decided to find a way out of the cave. When he found the exit and walked into the open, he was stunned by the view. A vast landscape below, angling upwards as it reached his position, a snowy mountain range.

He experimented and explored the surroundings for days, before coming to a decision. He vaguely recalled being given a mission in relation to this world, and he would have to leave the safety of the cave at some point. Thus, he finally set off from the mountains, unsure as to what the future held. He... what was his name? "All sapient beings have a name... yet I do not remember any from before..." Standing on his four legs amidst the snow, he appeared as a statue of ice as he pondered. "Perhaps my name shall be... Glacier... I like that."
Acquired Titles:
[Construct] - Materialized of ice and centered around a core, Glacier is surely a construct of some kind, but not entirely so.​
[Beast] - Despite his inorganic nature, Glacier retains the shape, movement, and senses of a fox. Perhaps a clue to his origins?​
[Abomination] - Glacier is an odd specimen of two drastically different types of beings; how his body was created is unknown to him.​
[Glacial Fox] - An artificial race of fox that is scarcely known of, let alone seen. Purposefully transformed against its will from organic to inorganic, only their sapience is of the fox's own design. Bestowed with a deep connection to the ice and cold, glacial foxes are entwined with their element, capable of learning immense feats in their domain. Coupled with the inorganic body, their full potential is yet to be realized.​
[Ryken Adventurer E] - Glacier has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While he still has a ways to go, Glacier at least knows the basics now.​
[Snowflake in a Blizzard] - Glacier is a novice when it comes to his icy potential​
[Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]
  • [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
  • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
  • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
  • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
  • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  • [Ice Body] - The character's body is comprised entirely of un-melting, magically infused ice.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 194
Points Spent: 294
Points Not Spent: 5

Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Movement Skills:
  • Teleport F
Mental Skills:
  • N/A
Martial Skills:

  • Fighting Style: Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F
Glacier utilizes his body of ice to constantly strike his opponent(s).
Cold Wave: Blight [Cold] F - Glacier causes his opponent to experience a brief but rapid decrease in body temperature.​
Magic Skills:
  • [Ice] Affinity E
  • Componentless Magic E
  • Energized E
  • Magic E
  • Magic Range F
Sense Skills:
  • Appraisal E
  • Supersense - Thermal Vision E
Defensive Skills:
  • Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E
Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Language [Common, Beastial, Analog]
  • Minions F [Foxes of Ice] (Summon-able type; tied to Magic skill & [Ice] Affinity)
  • Pocket Dimension F
Secondary Skills:
  • Investigation F


  • Thermal Shock F - Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F, Blight [Cold] F, Energized F - Glacier attempts to hit his opponent with a cold empowered strike, with the intent of rapidly decreasing the target's body temperature. - N/A Post Cooldown

  • Calculated Frozen-Jab E - Appraisal E, Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F, Blight [Cold] F, Energized E - Glacier abruptly and speedily appraises his target, using the garnered knowledge to then jab them with his muzzle, doing so as best suited to the circumstances. If successful, a frigidness seeps into and through the target. - 0 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions


  • Foxes of Ice F - [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Energized F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice around himself to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they will respawn beside him upon reactivation of the ability. - N/A Post Cooldown

  • Darting Icicle E - [Ice] Affinity E, Componentless Magic E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E - Glacier forms a short, sharp icicle next to himself, before sending it flying at a target or location up to [30ft] away. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Natural Weapons] Body of Ice F - Glacier can hit, stab, and/or bite opponents with his legs, tail, muzzle, and jaw, all of which are solid ice.​
  • [Light Natural Armor] Ice E - Glacier's body of magically enhanced ice acts as a hard -though somewhat brittle- armor.​
  • [Natural Catalyst] Core E - Glacier's core allows him to conduct magical abilities.​
  • OverFowl(tm) – Cutler
    • Type: Magic Item
    • An OverFowl brand toy that resembles a griffin, and can be reassembled into a sleek model aeroplane. While in this form, providing a target will cause it to magically fly up to survey the area. Depending on whether it has located the provided target, or found no sign of it, the plane's lights will blink either white or red. A sticker on one of the wings claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    • The product comes with [Fly F], and [Affinity F – Light] included.
  • Don's Watch Curse
    • Type of Item: Common Magic Item
    • Special Effects: Don's Watch always tells perfect time and date to the holder. The watch also fills the holder's hand with heat when held in the presence of someone that has negative intentions for the watch holder.
    • Curse: If used when someone has romantic feelings for the user, you will be tickled.
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron
    Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
    • Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
    • Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
    • Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • [World Rp Certification] - An rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.
  • [Winner's Chicken Dinner] - This unique asset grants Glacier a single use of the skill [Lucky F].
  • [East Empire Acknowledgement Certificate] - This certificate is a physical item on your person that can be presented if ever questioned about your freedom or right to participate in East Empire society. Mainly for former criminals, slaves, constructs, or beastmen. Can be used as protection against slavers and in some cases blade runners.
  • [Jack-O-Lantern Knight Head] - A strange hollowed out orange skinned pumpkin which never seems to rot and its' light source never seems to go out. Has a face carved into it with a plant fiber handle attached to the top. Emits a warm yellow orangey glow in an aoe around the holder. (Narrator Discretion) Makes for a great decoration! Earned from the 2023 Isekai Hell October Halloween event.
Disclaimer: I'm picky with minor details sometimes, so I may make small changes that don't affect points/mechanics (such as descriptions) here and there. I will always keep an update of the latest minor change I've made, in order to follow the rules, though insignificant changes will have their place in the log deleted once they are no longer the latest one.

Change Log:

Foxes of Ice

Foxes of Ice.gif
Total Amount: 5

Height: 3'

Weight: 220lbs​

  • [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
  • [Glowing Eyes] - The eyes glow a bright blue.
  • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
  • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
  • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  • [Ice Body] - The character's body is comprised entirely of unmelting, magically infused ice.
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - D

Movement Skills:

  • Fast F
Martial Skills:

Fighting Style: [Natural Weapons] F

Frostbite - Continuing F​

Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Language [Analog]
  • Frost-Bite - [Natural Weapons] F, Continuing F - The Fox of Ice in question attempts to bite it's opponent, severely freezing the area of injury. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Natural Weapons] Body of Ice F - The Foxes of Ice can hit, stab, and/or bite opponents with their legs, tails, muzzles, and jaws, all of which are solid ice.
  • [Light Natural Armor] Ice F - The Foxes of Ices' bodies of magically enhanced ice act as a hard -though somewhat brittle- armor.
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Jonah Moray

Rp'er Name: Obuzeti
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: vagrantsun
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: Stimulation
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6’ 3’’
Weight: 223 lbs
Backstory:Once, there was a boy who couldn’t feel anything. There were no happy days, or sad days; no frustrating days, and no interesting days; no days of peace, and no days of strife. He stood at the edge of his house, and watched the rain fall, and helped his mother harvest the gardens so they could eat. He had a father, but he never saw him, because he served in the army. This was the boy’s life: the gardens, and the rain, and the nothing he felt. He tried to draw, but couldn’t draw anything he liked. Nothing he learned could provoke any kind of curiosity in him. No one’s company made the passage of time any less onerous. He did learn to hunt, though, because at least it meant that his mother could cook something different. He could at least taste things.

She never did, though. She boiled the same tasteless leeks and beets and roots for a stew, like every day before, like every day after.

So no one thought it strange when he took up his father’s old sword, and his bow, to keep hunting. Maybe his mother would make something different if he brought something better home than meat.

No one thought it strange when he would stay out alone, in the dark, past the gardens, out in the rain. Nothing in the village held his interest.

No one thought it strange when he didn’t come back one night, not even his mother. Listless, she went to sleep, to wake up the next morning, pluck the weeds from the garden, and wait for her husband to come back.

Instead, Jonah slit her throat in the night, and sat down and watched the rain, and waited to see if that would bring him back. It didn’t.

So Jonah walked out into the rain, and never went back to the village. He traveled alone for years, until he caught the trail of his father, still on campaign with his fellow sellswords. And Jonah crept up in the rainy night, and killed him too.

Of course, his father’s fellow soldiers took exception to that, and Jonah had no particularly great skill with a blade nor the eye of fate, so he died there too - unsatisfied, dull, but at least: over.

And then he woke back up. He remembered everything.

With the understanding that not even death will set him at peace, or move anything in his blighted, pallid soul, Jonah’s hand closed around the hilt of his father’s sword once more.

There has to be a way out. There has to be a way to change. There has to be something else.

There has to be.
Current Life: Jonah has nothing but the cloak on his back, and the food that he kills, and the sword of his father. Survival is a day-to-day struggle for him. Other possessions fail to garner his interest until such a time as they become relevant.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - D
  • Torpid Kerygma (Sword Skill): Allows the use of techniques with straight-edged weaponry. The blade may not possess a curve.
  • Duḥkha.
    Torpid Kerygma style.
    Annul a melee-range blow that would have slain a foe.
    No cooldown. E-Grade.

  • Acuminate.
    Torpid Kerygma style.
    Free use. Range of thirty feet.
    Yield a deathblow to its original owner.
    No cooldown. range E, reflect F
  • Sword (Nirodha): F Grade
  • None
Change Log:
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Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber
Waltz of Flowers

Height: 187 cm (6'1") | Weight: 202 Ib (91.6 kg)
Rp'er Name: Siche
Post Frequency: Flexible.
Discord Name: Somewhere on the second page of this thread.
Current RP: Waiting...
  • (Storgḗ) – Aide those in need. Protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  • (Knight Of Cups) – Become a reliable and gallant knight that all can depend upon.
  • (Garden Of Eden) – Find the one grove to be bound to, to nurture, protect and cherish.
  • (A Prison; A Burning House) – Discard this mortal prison and return to an eternal and right body.
  • (Antropopathy) – Learn to understand the emotions, thoughts and beliefs of people.
Acquired Titles
Abomination, Beast, Fae, [Mundance], [Krearis' Blessing], [Wandering Lance], [Ace Ventura]. [Supernatural]

Equipped Titles
  • Abomination - Siegfried is of two different racial trees,
  • Beast – Siegfried is related to animal(s) possessing few characteristics of such creatures. (Lion's Tail, Colorblindness.)
  • Fae – Despite being reborn 'mortal', Siegfried still retains his attunement to magic and still possesses properties, although partial.
  • [Mundane] – Verily Usual.
  • ...
  • [Ace Ventura] – An odd title for an odd character. No one really knows what this title means…
  • [Wandering Lance] – Siegfried is not named Lance but some may guess that's his name. Wherever he goes, it may be asked: “What happened to the horse?”
  • [Supernatural] – Siegfried has a type of aura and mannerisms that makes him seem slightly off to those unfamiliar with magical creatures. He is more likely to be considered interesting by those interested in the magical/supernatural.
Once upon a time, there lived a unicorn. Such creatures were not as revered or mythical within this world, for they had no place amongst the mortals. Although living on the same plane, all other creatures were incapable of seeing or interacting with such creatures. Such creatures were also never to interact with mortals, for they must reside over and care for their own grown grove. These groves were meant to keep the unicorns occupied, for they would never age or be exposed to death.

However, this unicorn was strange compared to its peers. For its horn gleamed not like a thousand stars, nor was it dyed within the gilden sheen of the setting sun. For yes, this unicorn's horn was pale and dull and brittle. It could not easily bloom flowers at a mere thought. It could not wistfully gallop upon the silver winds with its cloven hooves. It could not walk upon the sky reflecting waters of the ocean. For this unicorn was birthed from the frozen tears and still hands, which crimson-dyed fingertips stiffly grasped a long unburning matchstick, of a now unbreathing young child who once dreamt a dream as warm as a summer's day.

Yes, for the land the creature would roam upon was swathed in the knight of winter's snow-white cape. For he had forbidden the gentle prince of spring from stepping foot on this land, for it bore not flowers save for a miracle, thus he had no reason to tend to this land. For the knight of winter fervently chased the witch of autumn, who wished to make the prince of spring eternally cry to quench her thirst for youth. Thus she wilted the flowers which he held so dear. To warm the grieving prince's heart again, the maid of summer would daintily cradle him within her arms, till his legs trembled no more and he could again tend to all the plants, animals and fungi.

This was why the unicorn wandered such a land searching for its purpose, for it could not bloom flowers within a land befell upon eternally falling snow. One night, however, the creature had come across a large cottage, hot smoke dancing up from the chimney and melting the icy flakes of snow. In this cottage, there were many old maids and much more young children. They were crying, starving and bored. "May we please go outside and play in the snow, madame?" The eldest and most polite child asked accompanied and specifically for their young brothers and sisters who were not related to him by blood. "No!" The maid firmly said, "You will become sickly and weak, and then I must tend to you tenfold!" The maid explained, as she stiffly stirred the pot of hot soup. The children all drooped, gloomy as they sat around the burning fireplace playing the most simple games.

"How pitiful," Thought the unicorn, "These children shall never know laughter if they cannot run within verdant fields of emerald grass. Never would they smell the fragrance of blooming flowers. Only would they feel icy crystals which fall and the fervent winds of the winter's cold." It mused. It did not have empathy, and it was not allowed to feel emotion. However, its a duty to tend to was strong, and if there was no green grove to bring warmth to, then to these children it shall bring their wishes true.

Thus, the unicorn waited till the fall of the night, when the pearl of the night sky rose with its rhinestone children. The moon was not waxing nor waning, and her eyes stayed open wide, covering the snowy floor in a silver sheen from its pale glow. The unicorn leapt over the wrought fence and into the dead garden of the large cottage. To bloom flowers was an easy task for any other unicorn, however, this one was not any other unicorn.

However, for its body was born of dreams and tears it could create miracles without the need of magic from its horn. So, with its long and slender silver horn, it would plunge into its pallid-coloured coat, cutting open the side of its body wide, causing its brittle alicorn to break into glittering pieces. The unicorn began to frolic and dance vigorously in the field. From the large wound bled gleaming blood which flowed and flowed onto the pale snow. Melting it away until no more covered the field.

The moon watched cheerily, its silver glow illuminating the creature like a spotlight. Though a unicorn could not feel emotion, it was burdened by pain and tears would stream from the creature's star-dyed eyes. Where its clear and pure tears fell, bloomed beautiful mums with glistening white petals. When its blood which gleamed mixed with its agony adorned tears and touched the ground, bloomed instead beautiful carnations with their petals gently blushing pink. Soon, the unicorn's dance would slow, becoming stiff as its eyes which reflected the warm dreams of its birth began to become cold. The unicorn would fall, to the ground, laying stiff and unmoving. For no more blood flowed, and no more tears would fall.

Its dance had torn a hole within the knight of winter's cape, and so the prince spring's eyes of bloom were caught. "O, such a creature had fallen beneath your cloth, my dear sir knight," The prince of spring's eyes began to become glossy, as he'd kneel onto the knight's cold veil, "For you have bloomed the most beauteous flowers, shall I ensure they stay fragrant. For such flowers shall never wilt beneath my dear sir's guard," said he, as the prince of spring would lean down and gently kiss every blossom. He'd then lay down beside the unicorn in the knight's cape, humming a gentle melody as the Unicorn's body without life would slowly become the most beautifully coloured pure-white rose, and the prince would then fall asleep.

From then, the children would be forever greeted by a garden eternally in full bloom. Snow would never reach this place from then on, and the witch of autumn could sully the garden with her loathsome touch, for the knight of winter would earnestly protect the prince of spring's sleeping form. The miraculous garden was always showered in warmth, for the children to play cheerily.

No matter how many times the children picked the flowers, they would bloom back the next day twice as beautiful as the last time. Yet the children dared not touch the single white rose in the garden, for it was ever too beautiful for even the youngest and most clueless children to touch.
The unicorn was brought in front of something it did not know of or had believed in. A thing that called itself god. For god had decided the unicorn was deserving of a second chance at life. However, as punishment for abandoning its eternal gift in the realm in which all shall one day find eternal content, the unicorn would be newly born in a mortal form within a world where it would learn pain and suffer.

"You shall retain your memories, for you shall learn to yearn for that which you had thoughtlessly thrown aside."

But for the unicorn who knew not emotion, it did not understand what it meant to yearn. For it had never yearned, and it had never fallen into despair. It only knew its duty to eternally tend to the groves which did not exist within the land it roamed. God knew this, and God also knew the future the unicorn would fall into.

Thus it was reborn into a mortal body. With its horn severed, left a star-shaped scar on its forward. The unicorn was reborn, now as a mortal boy without parents. Siegfried was the name of this one and would continue living as such in a world which did not abide by the whimsical rules of where he was once.

He'd very quickly learned the unpleasant feeling of a mortal body. As a unicorn, he'd have never felt this. The sensation of the warmth of his skin, which felt as if it was slowly and surely becoming rotten within each and every passing moment, His vision was so ever so slightly becoming a titbit less keen than the last millisecond. The body he felt bound within was stiff and ever so heavy, as if instead of blood he was filled with stones, unlike the flowingly light body that he'd once had. The feeling of a beating heart as if it were bounding against the ribs beneath his chest. The feeling of breathing in cold air which felt as if a cold liquid streamed into his body. The feel of his feet colliding heavily against the floor like a dropping hammer. It all felt so very horrible.

This was ageing. Unlike the eternal youthfulness and purity of a unicorn who was ignorant of death and age, this body was slowly dying and it would someday end.

He'd begin learning how to feel. The painful action of laughing heartily as something ridiculous was said or done. How hot he'd feel as his mind was clouded by the unpleasant feeling of anger when someone did something not as he wanted them to. The feeling of his stomach churned as he'd become disgusted by the taste and act of putting food in his mouth, chewing and then swallowing. The frustration of learning that he needed to continue with the terrible activity of eating to stay healthy and fit or he would die. The feel of his welling up with liquid and becoming swollen as he'd cry for a long period of time over the death of the nightingale he had been taking care of. Whether he'd like it or not, he'd have to learn to accept these feelings.

Siegfried had come to an understanding that he enjoyed when other people were happy, he felt content when helping others. He wanted people to smile and feel safe. Caring for others, maintaining their smiling faces and helping them when needed satisfied Siegfried's strong sense of duty.

Sometimes, some people wouldn't want to be helped and some people would even inflict harm on others. He didn't understand it, but he did understand that these people seemingly hurt others because it made them happy, or there was something beneath the surface that he didn't understand. Either way, he wanted to find a way to make these people happy without having them hurt others.

Siegfried would one day learn about knights. Knights were people who protected others. Chivalrous, strong and righteous, they protected those who couldn't defend themselves. Knights thus protected the happiness and well-being of others. Siegfried began to think, "If a knight can protect everyone... Would that not mean that everyone would have no more reasons to hurt each other? Yes... That must be it!" Siegfried had come to a conclusion and had decided that he would one day become a knight who is great and strong.

Returning to his original form would most likely help in the endeavour of protecting others, but for now, he should first become a knight!... Just how does one become a knight in the first place? He'll figure it out eventually, he first has to get experience after all!
Name – Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber:
Etymology: Victory (Triumph) and Peace (Sanctuary), Green Carnations (Dianthus), Noble(?) Dear
  1. Siegfried – From Middle High German Sîfrit, from Old High German Sigifrid, from Proto-Germanic *Segafriþuz, from *segaz (“victory, triumph”) + *friþuz (“peace, sanctuary”). In reference to Prince Siegfried of Swan Lake, who with Odette to make amends for breaking her heart thus causing her curse to become permanent; throws themselves into the lake of tears so that they could live as one in the afterlife.
  2. Grünelke – From German, lit. ”Green Carnations”, or dianthus (caryophyllus) from Greek dios ("godly") + anthos ("flower"). In the language of flowers, carnations usually mean a “Pure Love”; However when dyed green, it embodied an unnatural and decadent flair, and well… It still represents love, and what would you find to be an unnatural kind of love in 1854? Well in the words of a playwright born that year: “Nothing whatever, but that is just what nobody will guess.”
  3. Adlieber – Ad, possibly of Old High German adal (“noble”) from Proto-Germanic *aþalaz. Cognate with Old English æþele. Lieber, of German comparative of lieb (“lovable; dear; darling; sweet; good-hearted; kind”), from Middle High German liep, from Old High German liob, from Proto-West Germanic *leub.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 234
Points Spent: 336
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - C (21)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F (0)

Character - D (14 = [5 / (0 + 14 + 14 + 21 + 21)])


[Weapon Mastery [Lance] E (140)
Siegfried has dedicated his life in pursuit of mastering the use of the [Lance]. Allows free use of all tech cores in the [Fighting Style] skill when using the specified weapon equal to the mastery's grade. Cannot be used with [Fighting Style] or [Magic]. Why a lance? "They look like the horn of a unicorn."
Superstrength F (14)
Unicorns, despite their apparently inherent elegance and poise; are actually quite vigorously brutish and wrathful. They especially dislike and fight with lions and their cousins. Often being prone to having their miraculous horns stuck in the stems of trees. As such, it is no surprise even one like Siegfried possesses the ability to lift, carry, and push things most cannot.
  • F – 200lbs (average equipped human)

Energized E (14-7= 7) ([Born For These] (Fae))
Reduce post cooldown of abilities by ONE, if the ability is equal or lesser in rank to this skill.​

Heightened Sense[Sight, Hearing] E (14-7= 7) ([Born For These] (Beast))
Siegfried's [Sight] and [Hearing] is enhanced, allowing him to discern the reality of his situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall.​


Attentive Student F (7)
Hyper focus. Take notes. Allows for double points earned in an RP if the character is in the presence of a character with more points earned than them.​
Appraisal D (0)
Using my superior lifeform knowledge, I know exactly what you are... I think. Maybe.​
Language - (0)
Gained on character creation, Sigfried knows [Common] and [Woodland Animal-ish]​
  • [Common] - Everyone knows it, everyone speaks it.
  • [Woodland Animal] - Sigfried can speak to wild animals.
Educated [Amaltheías Kéras] E (14)
“My people are gone, and I will follow them soon, whatever shape you trap me in. But I would have chosen any other than this for my prison. A rhinoceros is as ugly as a human being, and it too is going to die, but at least it never thinks that it is beautiful.”
  • Arcana E – The ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • Nature E – The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.
  • Religion E – The ability to recall lore about deities, rites, prayers, religious hierarchies, ethical standards, holy symbols, practices of secret cults...

Artisan [Blacksmith] E (7)
Nothing beats homemade do-it-yourself crafts.​
[Animal Handling] E (14)
Siegfried can calm down a domesticated animal, know an animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.​

Feature [Lion's Tail] (Cosmetic)
Siegfried has a white tail like that of a lion's.​
Feature [Heptagram Scar] (Cosmetic)
Siegfried has a scar in the middle of his forehead which is shaped like a heptagram.​
Feature [Dichromatic Vision] (Cosmetic)
A form of colourblindness in which Siegfried can only distinguish two colours of light. (Blue, Yellow)​
Feature [Blood: Opalesce] (Cosmetic)
Siegfried's blood and viscera gleam and shift in colour like that of an opal jewel.​

Feature [Multiracial] (7)
Siegfried is a hybrid between the Fae and Beast racial trees.​
Feature [Sanctified Blood] E (28)
  • [Healing E] (Active, must be used in or as an ability.):
    • F – Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
    • E – Cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons.
  • [Regeneration E] (Passive, occurs when conditions are met.) – Activates every 5 posts when Siegfried is wounded, but not killed or completely destroyed.
Siegfried's blood and viscera possess healing properties and can heal those it comes in contact with or is consumed by. Siegfried also benefits from regenerative effects at certain intervals upon being wounded but not killed.​

  • Eglantine
    Feature [Sanctified Blood] E (Healing); Nature E; Religion E; Energized E;
    In the language of flowers, Eglantine says; "I wound to heal.”—Siegfried creates a cut in his palm, and drops from it his blood to heal a creature's wounds, cure a single minor disease or non-lethal poisons.
    E(+2) Grade Healing, [Energized] 0 Post Cooldown, Must be within arm's reach of Target.​

    Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme;
    Appraisal D; Nature E; Religion E; Arcana E; Animal Handling E
    "Festivity, Useful Knowledge"; "Wisdom, Immortality"; "Remembrance"; "Courage, Strength"—Siegfried examines either creature, object or area within 5 feet of him to gain knowledge of said target based on his appraisal and based on anything relating to Nature, Religion, Animal Handling or the Arcane.
    D Grade Appraisal, 2 Post Cooldown, 5 feet range..​
Weapon [Lance "Alicorn"] E (0)
Made via (Artisan [Blacksmith] F). A decently crafted silver lance, that's meant to resemble the horn of a unicorn.​
Heavy Armor [Plate Armor] E (0)
Made via (Artisan [Blacksmith] F). Decently crafted silver plate armour and helmet. It seems to have been designed with wing-like shapes on the shoulders and knees.​
(image work in progress, imagine Griffith from BERSERK)​
Natural Weapon [Legs] F (14):
They say never to walk behind a horse. What about a unicorn?​

Jacquad Clothing:
Decent clothing. A green satin poet shirt is worn underneath a patterned white tunic. A similar green linen is tied around the waist to act as a sash. Using the same material as the tunic are a simple pair of pants and a pair of leather boots.​
Feather Earring:
A single feathered earring. The feather is of a white dove.​

[Krearis's Visage]
An ornate colorful and elegant classical stone and gemstone encrusted idol of Krearsis' upper body. Perfectly sized to be placed on an altar or used privately as an object of adoration, devotion or possible communion tool with Krearis. Received for winning the Isekai Hell 2023 June “Let’s Make Art!” event.

    • Spent 7 points increasing Strength from F to E
    • Spent 7 points increasing Precision from F to E
    • Spent 7 points increasing Vitality from F to E
    • Spent 7 points to gain Artisan [Blacksmith] F (Precision E Required.)
    • Spent 7 points to gain Attentive Student F (Character Grade F Required)
    • Spent 70 points to gain Weapon Mastery [Lance] F (Strength E Required)
    • Gained [Appraisal] F for Character Creation.
    • Gained (cosmetic) Feature [Lion's Tail]
    • Gained (cosmetic) Feature [Heptagram Scar]
    • Gained Language [Common] + [Woodland Animals] for Character Creation.
    • Used Artisan [Blacksmith] F to create Weapon [Lance] F
    • Used Artisan [Blacksmith] F to create Heavy Armour [Plate Armour] F
    • Added Ability: [Silveranthes Pointe] F
    • Added Ability: [Vervaine] F
    • Added Ability: [Waltzing Light Like Falling Petals] F
    07th/June/23 (work in progress)
    • Added requirements to title [Monocerine]. (Also found out the correct term is monocerous which means in relation to a monoceros but honestly that's too confusing.)
    • Used nova's suggestion to clarify in the story whether siegfried is from another world as an excuse to make both the [Backstory] and [Current Life] doubly as flowery. (Backstory more so.)
    • (11:32pm)Removed [Monocerine] title for the time being.
    On July 2nd, Siegfried received the following for participation in the "Let's Make Art Event!":
    • +14 Points.
    • Optional Title [Krearis' Blessing]
      Siegfried has been recognized favourably by the goddess Krearis who is associated with artists and beauty. Due to Krearis’ blessing, the character can see the world as an aesthete, helpful for understanding and appreciating art, as well as creating and curating what is artistic and aesthetically pleasing. Received for winning the Isekai Hell 2023 June “Let’s Make Art!” event.
    • Optional Asset [Krearis's Visage]
      An ornate colorful and elegant classical stone and gemstone encrusted idol of Krearsis' upper body. Perfectly sized to be placed on an altar or used privately as an object of adoration, devotion or possible communion tool with Krearis. Received for winning the Isekai Hell 2023 June “Let’s Make Art!” event.
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Tannia Casual.png
Tannia Duellona
Rp'er Name: Ian Temero
Discord Name:
Ian Temero#2039
Equipped Titles: Human, Expert Smith, Apprentice of Rossle Deva, Silver Star Trading Company Associate, Artist
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Backstory: "Look, we don't need to go trudging up my past. There's nothing worth looking back on."
Current Life: "Well, after I found myself magically in this world I started on what any smart person should. Gathering information. Learning about the world. Had to live somehow so I helped out at the smithy in the first town I was in. I think I'm past being a helper though. Time to start my own business."
Acquired Titles:
  • Human
  • Apprentice Smith
  • Adept Smith
  • Expert Smith
  • Apprentice of Rossle Deva
    • Gives special treatment from guards, other blacksmiths and warriors alike in Ryken, many respect this blacksmith's prowess with the forge. Nobles and other snotty uptight bastards, as Rossle would say, will show disdain towards you because of Rossle's own hatred for people who only want his work for show rather than practice and battle. You also get a hefty discount (40%) from smithing stalls and salesmen alike.
  • Silver Star Trading Company Associate
    • Character has entered into the service of the Silver Star Trading company, a comparably small corporation with many industry interests across Ryke. There seems to be a lot of upward mobility within the company for those that distinguish themselves.
  • Artist
    • Character is a crafter of skill and renown known for taking on requests for others. Their work is recognizable.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 68
Points Spent: 171 (2 leftover)
Character Grade - C

Strength - C
Precision - A
Intelligence - C
Vitality - B
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Artisan (Blacksmith) C
  • Appraisal C
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Claymore - D
  • Heavy Steel Armor - C
  • Blacksmith Tools
  • Silver Star Trading Company Associate - F
  • Dragons Fire Smithy - E
Change Log:
Tannia Armor 2.jpg
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Ivy Redwood (SCOOPED NPC)
Rp'er Name: ScarletFeather
Post Frequency:
1 post every 2 days
Discord Name:Scarlet
Goals: Explore the world and go on adventures
Equipped Titles: human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 100lbs
In her previous life, Ivy used to be a bookworm who’d spend hours everyday just burying her head in books or studying. As a result, she was often made fun of for being such a nerd. Of course, she knew that those kids were merely jealous of her, but their words still stung her deep in her heart.

One day, Ivy thought to herself. Was this endless studying all she was capable of? Did she really have no potential for any other hobby out there? She thought long and hard about what she could do, before settling on picking up a musical instrument. After all, she often loved reading about fictional worlds and picturing herself in them. It’d sure be nice if she could play some medieval themes!

Months went by and Ivy finally learnt to play various kinds of music on her flute. However, it all ended before she could even show off her newfound talent to anyone. While crossing the road one day, she failed to see a car coming towards her as she was too busy reading a novel off of her phone.
Current Life:
Upon awakening, Ivy found herself dressed in medieval clothing and with a flute in hand. She couldn't believe her very own eyes. Had she really been given a second chance in another world? Just like those novels that she’d read? But not only that, it seemed like she was just dropped into this place all alone by herself. Without any parents or family to take care of her, just how in the world could she hope to survive?

After taking a moment to let her harsh reality sink in, the girl gripped her flute tightly before getting up on her feet. She knew there was nothing else she could do other than to keep moving forward. Picking up her flute, she'd walk right into the middle of town, playing all sorts of music she learnt on Earth. If her memory served her right, this was called busking back on Earth.

As such, the days of sleeping on the streets and making a living off her music began. It sure didn't earn much, especially when she had first started out and nobody knew of her. Not only that, no one in town had ever heard of her kind of music before. Earth music! However, as time passed, she soon became more and more popular as people started to grow fond of her otherworldly music, and regular folk would stop by for a short while and listen to what she had to play for them. It was a mediocre life, but she did all that she could and that alone was sufficient for her.

On one particular evening, Ivy witnessed a shady character bumping into another person nearby. In his haste, he dropped a dusty, old grimoire. The girl quickly picked up the book, chasing after the shady man to return it to him, but before she knew it the man had already disappeared. Out of pure curiosity, the girl ended up reading the book from start to finish during her break times. The contents seemed to be that of a dangerous magic that could temper with minds, and initially she thought it was just pure fiction.

Still though, she couldn’t hold herself back from testing it out on a rat, and lo and behold, it worked! Realizing the dangers of having such a book in her possession, she burnt it after memorizing its contents to the best she could. The last thing she wanted was to be hunted down by some shady organization.

Just then, a thought struck her. Making a living off busking was fine and all, but this could be her very own chance of going on an adventure! Maybe with this newfound power, she could finally become an adventurer herself? With her confidence restored, Ivy would set out on a new journey ahead of her.
Acquired Titles: human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 87
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 87
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
  • Mind control E (42)
  • Attentive student E (14)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Educated F (7)
  • Performance F (free from educated - she had to perform to make a living using a flute)
  • Persuasion F (free from educated - she had to persuade others to donate to her)
  • Focus F (free from educated - she was a bookworm who could go long hours reading)
  • Appraisal E (free from being isekaid)
  • nil
  • nil
  • Flute
  • nil
Change Log:
  • int B 28, vit E 7, mind control E 42, attentive student E 14, magic F 7, educated F 7, appraisal E free, performance F free, persuasion F free, focus F free (7/6/2023)
  • June event (7 pts)
  • 5 august, 80 points from arcane grounds
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Genevieve Damaris

Rp'er Name: levi/leviohsa
Post Frequency: About 1-2 times a week depending on free-time.
Discord Name: leviohsa#2168
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Converging Moments
Goals: Gain experience in potionmaking/alchemy, Learn about natural magics, Explore the realm, Learn and document plant & animal life
Equipped Titles:
  • Half-Breed Beastkind
    • [Human]
    • [Beast: Cow]
  • Abomination
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lbs
Backstory: Genevieve is a native to this world.
Current Life: Born an orphan, Genevieve has never known luxury or splendor. In fact, the orphanage was where she spent the entirety of her youth, due to the rarity of her particular race. Not many parents saw promise in the unknown, and often wanted children similar to themselves. Many of her days were spent outside exploring the woods surrounding the countryside orphanage, and it was thanks to all this time outside that she developed her curiosity for flora and wildlife.

Once she reached the age of eighteen, she was kicked out of the orphanage, and left to fend for herself. She ended up taking odd jobs, even using them as an opportunity to learn about potion-making and healing with natural remedies. For now, she is simply exploring the unknown, and looking to hone her craft in exploration, healing, and Alchemy.
Acquired Titles:
  • Half-Breed Beastkind
    • [Human]
    • [Beast: Cow]
  • Abomination
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Nature Skill F: -7 Points
  • Medicine Skill F: -7 Points
  • Alchemy Skill F: -7 Points
  • Arcana Skill F: -7 Points
  • Heightened Sense (Smell/Hearing) E
  • Feature Skill - Cow's Tail: Mostly used to possibly grab objects, otherwise not used for much else.
  • Feature Skill - Thick Fur/Cold Protection: She can withstand down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit with no extra armor.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Nothing Yet
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Light Leather Wrist Armor: Grade F, shown in Looks photo above.
  • Natural Weapons (Hooves): Kicks with strength that can break human bones, her legs are her best defense.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Mobile Alchemy Set
  • Potions Book for Beginners
  • Notebook/Nature Log
  • Fire Starter Kit
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Nothing yet.
Change Log:


  • Heightened Smell: -7 Points
  • Heightened Hearing: -7 Points
  • Hooves/Natural Weapons: -14 Points
  • Nature Skill: -7 Points
  • Alchemy Skill: -7 Points
  • Speed Skill E: -7 Points
  • Vitality Skill F
  • Intelligence Skill D: -14 Points
  • Precision Skill E: -7 Points
  • Strength Skill E: -7 Points
  • Arcana Skill E: -7 Points
  • Medicine Skill E: -7 Points
  • Human Title: -7 Points
  • Beast Title Added
  • Abomination Title Added
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Yöhdor, Rune Claw Bear


Rp'er Name:
Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency: 48 hours unless life restrictions apply.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn#3123

Current RP:
To seek out something new. Possibly find a new Forest to call home.
Equipped Titles: Bear, Beast
Height: 7'11" (4'5" on all fours)
Weight: 545 lbs.
He does not remember, nor would he honestly care.
Current Life:
In the forest where he was born, his family was looked at as the guardians of the forest. Not only by the animals, but by the people who lived just outside of it. It honestly wasn't a bad life. Hibernation, eating as much as he wanted and nothing to do except protect the forest. Growing up he had witnessed his parents protect the forest from all sorts. Wood splitters that wanted to take the trees, poachers that wanted to take the inhabitants and villagers that wanted to take the land. Each one swiftly dealt with by the giant bears that called this place home.

Much like humans normally do, they paid respected or feared his family. Yes, unlike most bears they could speak and communicate and seem to have a higher grade of intelligence than others of their same species. However, they didn't really need to use it, but they happily lived their lives despite this fact. Yöhdor himself didn't mind playing the respect it earned them.

He liked making sure that the forest and its creatures were protected. However, he also wanted to make sure he had a life of his own. Simple lazy days protecting the forest was fun and all, but he certainly wanted something else. A little adventure, maybe a fight that wasn't so easy. He enjoyed his life immensely, but what was the point if you were stuck in the same mundane thing everyday? So, when he became far too bored to deal with it anymore, he said goodbye to the local villagers and his family, all of which gave him a tearful farewell as he walked himself off to find something new.
Acquired Titles: Bear, Beast
Points at Start: 105 (+28) (Some points taken from stat decrease)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - B 28pts​
Precision - H
Intelligence - E 7pts​
Vitality - B 28pts​
Speed - H
  • Feature [Claws] 0pts
  • Feature [Thick Hide] 0pts
  • Feature [Teeth] 0pts
  • Super Strength Grade F 14pts
  • Heightened Sense [Smell] Grade F 7pts
  • Natural Armor [Thick Hide] 7pts
  • Natural Weapons [Claws and Teeth] Grade D 42pts
  • Nothing
  • A single large cave out in the woods.
Change Log:
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Nayacel Ker'rosm (Scrapped)
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
Every other day
Discord Name: Ian Temero#2039
Current RP: -
Goals: To travel the world, seeing new sights and help those in need.
Equipped Titles: Neko, Paladin
Height: 5'
Weight: 105 lbs
Backstory: Naya does not remember her past life, though she does occasionally get glimpses of it in dreams. An island. A tower. A golden flame. A group of people whose faces are unclear. And the name, one she feels profound respect for; Rak'Thiel.
Current Life: Your typical amnesiac, Nayacel awoke in this world with no memories, save for her name and a strong desire to travel the world and do good. And so she's doing just that, with a whistle on her lips and spring in her step.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Neko, Martial Artist, Priest, Paladin
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature [Cat Tail] (Cosmetic)
  • Feature [Cat Eyes] (Cosmetic)
  • Feature [Cat Ears] (Cosmetic)
  • Feature [Natural Weapons] E
  • Healing (Magical) F

  • Fighting Style [Sun Cat] (Specialized) F - A fighting style that imitates the power and ferocity of the lion, tearing through defenses and flesh alike. Consisting primarily of claw strikes and kicks, the Sun Lion fighting style uses the practitioner's actual claws to further the damage caused by its powerful blows. The more dedicated practitioners are capable of wielding their inner energy as a holy flame to burn their foes.
  • - Penetrating F
Nayacel uses her claws to tear through the enemy's defenses.
  • Rending Claw - Style [Sun Cat] F, Penetrating F - Ignores 1 Grade of Armor/Defense Items - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Nayacel imbues her hands with holy energy to heal wounds.
  • Lay on Hands - Healing (Magical) F - Restores 1 HP - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Combat Wraps (light armor) F
  • Claws E
  • Bedroll
  • Blanket
  • Collapsible Fishing Pole
  • Flint & Steel
  • Gemstone Necklace (always warm to the touch)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:
  • 14 pts - Strength D // 7 pts - Intelligence E // 14 pts - Speed // 0 pts - Feature [Cat Tail, Eyes, & Ears] // 28 pts - Feature [Natural Weapons] E // 7 pts - Healing (Magical) // 7 pts - Fighting Style [Sun Cat] (Specialized) F // 21 pts - Penetrating // 7 pts - Combat Wraps (Light Armor) F // (6/11/23)
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W4-3N “Waen”
Warforged Ranger Double.png

Waen is a tall construct made originally from metal. Time and erosion due to the elements caused significant damage to his body before he was activated. Most of this damage has been repaired by beastman hands and turned this metal construct into more of a mosaic of metal and nature. Various pieces of wood have replaced parts of what was once a uniform design, now rusted, broken and reinforced, into a patchwork of metal and wood. An armor designed out of wood and plant covers most of his body, with various types of mosses and smaller plant life growing over and on his humanoid figure. His face looks like a humanoid helmet with soft glowing lights as eyes dancing within it. On his chest, underneath his armor, are two gleaming, well polished, original pieces of metal with common symbols carved into them. The top piece, on his chest, has W4 on it, the bottom piece, on his lowest ribs, has 3N on it. The two pieces are separated by a wooden replacement covering his middle ribs.

Rp'er Name: Holyhalo
Post Frequency: Multiple time per week, depending on partner’s frequency
Discord Name: I’m also Holyhalo on Discord
Current RP: N/A

Goals: Waen is currently getting used to his surroundings. His focus is mainly on learning all about the larger area of the forests around him. He has heard a lot about the Adventurer’s Guild and is looking to join them when he makes it to a town somewhere.

Long term, Waen is looking to maintain the balance of the wilds in his domain, which seems to be an impossible task for him to do on his own.

Equipped Titles: Construct, Hunter, Bow Apprentice
Height: 203 cm (6 ‘8)
Weight: 97 kg (213.8 lbs)
Waen’s life began about a year ago when he was first activated by a curious and tinkering beastman. While it seemed at first like Pops, the beastman tinkerer, had created Waen, it soon became clear that he was more of a scrapper than a creator. Pops had found Waen in the forest, unused and worn down by time, and had simply scrapped together a full body by closing the holes with wood. Activating Waen had been mostly luck, as the other four construct bodies never reacted to anything Pops had tried.

Waen spent little of his time wondering the hows and whys of it and simply followed Pops around, trying to be helpful. He learned quickly that he had little to offer in the ways of scrapping and tinkering and so spent his earliest days carrying things from one place to another or holding a light source for Pops to see better at work. It was only during his free time that he found something he was good at. Despite his metallic nature, little critters seemed to flock to him whenever he sat down somewhere to rest and the shrubs outside of Pops’ house took on a second life under his care.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Pops, who sat Waen down one night and went to work with the construct watching his every move. Pops tinkered away with wood and metal, crafting a simple but protective suit of armor for the construct and scrapped together something akin to a hunting bow, both as parting gifts for the construct. His greatest gift, however, would be the introductions he’d make to Greenclaw, a beastman hunter and survivalist, who would become Waen’s mentor.

Under the guidance of Greenclaw, Waen learned to walk the wilds, shoot and defend himself, tell poison from restoration in plants and mushrooms, which tracks to follow and which tracks to avoid and how to survive rain and snow with minimal impact on the body. Waen took everything in with an eagerness he had never experienced in Pops’ workshop and soon walked the wilds around the village on his own, caring for and maintaining the balance of the world around him.

His first introduction to non-beastmen went fairly well as he tracked down a handful of humans, lost in the woods. They were very defensive throughout the encounter but Waen was able to help them return to the main road that traveled East to West. As thanks, they promised Waen that he could stay at their house in Ryken when he got to the city. They also told him about the Adventurer’s Guild and how he could make quite a bit of money by guiding people through the wilds. It was an odd concept for Waen, this money, but it seemed like it would be a good way to deal with the people from beyond the wilds.

Despite their kindness and advice, Waen didn’t take them up on it and continued to explore the wilds at his own leisure, trying to expand his knowledge of the area. In the year since, he’s helped out a number of people, some with great success like the first group, others with mixed results or mixed reactions as gratitude. He also learned first hand of the cruelty others could inflict on the wilds and has dealt permanently with a handful of poachers.

Despite his best attempts, however, Waen has found it impossible for him to keep the balance of the wilds on his own, especially with the wilds seemingly ever expanding. His inability to keep up with the increase in the size of his domain, the words of the first humans he’s met began resurfacing. Perhaps he could learn more in this guild, while making more of this money they’d talked about.
  • Construct: Sentient beings primarily made of inorganic materials by members of the Human Race.
  • Hunter: A lesser version of the Ranger Job that excels in wilderness travel, living and combat.
  • Bow Apprentice: This character is just starting on the path of the bow. (Archer)

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Grade: E (6 upgrades)
Strength - F
Precision - D (14)​
Intelligence - E (7)​
Vitality - E (7)​
Speed - D (14)​
  • Educated F (7)
    • Survival F
    • Nature F
    • Perception F
  • Area Knowledge F [The area of the tripoint borders of Ryke, The See and The Republic, between the river to the north and the trade route to the south] (7)
  • Animal Handling F (7)
  • Feature F [Camouflage] (7)
  • Resilient F [Fatigue/Exhaustion] (7)
  • Fighting Style F [Archery] (Bows) (7)
    Range F: gives weapon attacks longer range. (10 ft.)
  • Language F [Bestial] (7)
Known languages: Common, Analog, Bestial
  • TBA
  • Hunting Bow F: Precision Based (100 ft). A regular bow made for hunting.
  • Light Wooden Armor F: Speed Based. A crudely designed but efficient piece of light armor. It helps when trying to blend in with nature but stands out in a more urban environment.
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Oilskin
  • Waterskin
  • Herb satchel
  • First Aid Kit
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • Character Creation: 105 point (12/6/’23)
  • Upgrade Precision F -> D: 14 points
  • Upgrade Intelligence F -> E: 7 points
  • Upgrade Vitality F -> E: 7 points
  • Upgrade Speed F -> D: 14 points
  • Gain Educated F: 7 points
  • Gain Area Knowledge F: 7 points
  • Gain Animal Handling F: 7 points
  • Gain Feature [Camouflage] F: 7 points
  • Gain Resilient [Fatigue/Exhaustion] F: 7 points
  • Gain Fighting Style [Archery] (Bows) F: 7 points
  • Gain Language F [Bestial]: 7 points
  • Gain Hunting Bow F: 7 points
  • Gain Light Wooden Armor F: 7 points
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Echo Halflight
1f64f698eaa24cafbcd6afffe008e677 (1).jpg
Theme: Get Stupid
Rp'er Name: Sepokku
Post Frequency: 3-5 times a week
Discord Name: Ayanokoji#8301
Current RP: None
Goals: Find Lugh, Find a translator, Fall in Love, Make New Friends, Find a Smith
Equipped Titles: Fae
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130lbs
Backstory: Echo's past is fuzzy, the only person she really remembers is a man named Lugh, whom she was supposed to meet with in this world. Though she does also remember losing her voice to a curse, which seems to have followed her to her new life.
Current Life: As soon as she reached maturity, Echo left her family and began wandering the world looking for Lugh. Ending up in Ryke, she has had little impact on the world around her but is keen to change that.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally
Points at Start: 105 (+28)
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 168
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - A
Precision - H
Intelligence - D
Vitality - H
Speed - B
  • Fighting Style (Gae Assail) - Spears: Rank B (A fierce style emulating a God from the old world, focuses on a perfect blend of offense and defense.)
    • Range Technique Core Rank C
    • Homing Core Rank F
    • Penetrating Core Rank F
    • Blight Core Rank F
    • Continuing Core Rank F
  • Appraisal Rank E (Free for Isekai'd)
  • Fast Rank F
  • Magic Rank F -> E [LIMITED: 4 Charges]
  • Balor's Eye - (Appraisal E) - Echo scans a nearby target, revealing titles and other useful information - Grade E Range 5' - 1 Post Cooldown; Duration Instant
  • Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style F, Range F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F) - Echo sheathes her spear in magictye and dashes, spear in hand, to meet the enemy - Grade F Range 10'- 0 Post Cooldown; Duration: Instant
  • Poisoned Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style F, Range F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F, Continuing F) - Echo sheathes her spear in poisonous magictye and dashes, spear in hand, to meet the enemy - Grade F Range 10'- 0 Post Cooldown; Duration: One Post
  • Super Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style E, Range E, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F) - Echo sheathes her spear in magictye and dashes with deadly intent, firing off a lance from her spear - Grade E; 30' Range - 1 Post Cooldown; Duration Instant
  • Poisoned Super Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style E, Range E, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F, Continuing F) - Echo sheathes her spear in poisonous magictye and dashes with deadly intent, firing off a lance from her spear - Grade E; 30' Range - 1 Post Cooldown; Duration One Post
  • Uber Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style D, Range D, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F) - Echo sheathes her spear in magictye and dashes with deadly intent, firing off a lance of energy from her spear - Grade D; 100' Range - 2 Post Cooldown; Duration Instant
  • Poisoned Uber Blitz - (Gae Assail Fighting Style D, Range D, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Fast F, Continuing F) - Echo sheathes her spear in poisonous magictye and dashes with deadly intent, firing off a lance of energy from her spear - Grade D; 100' Range - 2 Post Cooldown; Duration One Post
  • Harpooning Stance - (Gae Assail Fighting Style C, Range C, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Continuing F) - Echo sheathes her spear in poisonous magictye and throws it, yanking it back with the attached rope in a move reminiscent of harpooning - Rank C, 3 Post Cooldown; 1000' Range, Duration: One Post
  • Gae Bolg - (Gae Assail Fighting Style B, Range C, Homing F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Continuing F) - Echo sheathes her spear in poisonous magictye and uses her foot to complete the Perfect Throw; legend has it this attack is always fatal if it hits - Rank B, 4 Post Cooldown; 1000' Range, Duration: One Post
  • Orihalcum Spear Rank F
  • Light Armor Rank F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Example Whetstone
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Spirit of the Battlefield Ally Rank F

    • +14 Points - Vitality Rank F --> H
    • +14 Points - Precision Rank F --> H
    • -28 Points Fighting Style Gae Assail Rank C
      • Range Core Rank F (Free from Fighting Style F)
      • Homing Core Rank F (Free from Fighting Style E)
      • Blight (Magicyte) Core Rank F (Free from Fighting Style D)
      • Penetrating Core Rank F (Free from Fighting Style C)
    • -28 points - Strength Rank F --> B
    • -28 Points - Speed Rank F --> B
    • -21 Points Range Core Technique Rank C
    • -14 Points for Orichalcum Spear Rank F
    • -7 Fast Rank F
    • -7 Light Armor Rank F
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Thomas Carter

Theme: pending
Rp'er Name: Darkbloom
Post Frequency:
multiple times each day, except for weekends. Unless I don't want to wait then weekends also.
Discord Name: SaltySoulRiderX#6952
Current RP: N/A
fall in love with a nice female, make the world a better place, be a super amazing powerful chronomancer.
Equipped Titles: [Sage of Tri-Point Friend F], [Student of Celestine F], [Delver], [Storyteller]
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 180
Backstory: Thomas lost his memory as soon as he entered this new world.
Thomas was reborn into a new family, his father was a sword user and his mom a mage. He was their first kid, followed by a younger sister a few years later.
Acquired Titles:
[Sage of Tri-Point Friend F]
: Thomas is a friend of the Sage of Tri-Point, an eccentric force within the town of Tri-Point.
[Student of Celestine F]: This character has passed the entrance exam and is considered a student of Celestine Academy and enjoys all the privileges that comes with it.
[Delver]: Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
[Storyteller]: Character is eager to share tales and listen to others. Others may be willing to open up to them if the character reciprocates.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 236
Points Spent: 134
Points Not Spent: 102
Strength - G
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (14 pts)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
(list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
    • Magic D (21 points)
    • Magic domain E [Time] (70 points)
    • Precognition F
    • Postcognition F
    • Time Warp - D grade - magic, domain time, portal(domain time) - up to 5 creatures you see within 30ft of you are forcefully flung through time for up to an hour. Cooldown 1 post
    • Time Skip - D grade - magic, domain time - fast forward or rewind the time of a target within 30ft of you in an effort to remove them from the timeline. Cooldown 1 post.
    • Temporal Restoration - magic, domain time (healing) - allows the user to reverse the effects of time on self or others within 15ft, healing wounds (minor bumps and bruises, small cuts). - D grade - Cooldown 1 post
Catalyst D (21 points)
Fire Starter Kit

[Sage of Tri-Point Friend F]:
Character is a friend of the sage of tri-point. That connection alone can bring many benefits to those visiting the tri-point town and surrounding region.
[Student of Celestine F]: This character has passed the entrance exam and is considered a student of Celestine Academy and enjoys all the privileges that comes with it.
[Delver]: Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
[Storyteller]: Character is eager to share tales and listen to others. Others may be willing to open up to them if the character reciprocates.
Change Log: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] War Song
Magic E to magic D 7 points - 8/25/23
Catalyst E to catalyst D 7 points - 8/25/23
Intelligence D to Intelligence C 7pts - 9/8/23
added temporal restoration to skills list - 8/25/23
added Precognition F, Postcognition F - 9/9/23
Rewards from Celestine Academy: added title [Student of Celestine F] to titles and assets.
Gained 22 points.
Gained 32 points. Upgraded intelligence C to B.
Gained 54 points.
Gained 16 points.
Rewards from War Song: 22 pts. Added [Sage of Tri-Point Friend F] to titles and assets.
Rewards from Monsters for Tuition Program: 54 pt. Added [Delver] to titles and assets.
Rewards from Food For The Soul: 16 pts. Added [Storyteller] to titles and assets.
Graded - [Tri-Nation Point] War Song
Graded - [Azuran City] The Celestine Academy for Seekers of Lore and Legends
Graded - [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program
Graded - [Yemaya] Food for the Soul
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Sant (54π7)



Rp'er Name: Solirus
Post Frequency: Twice a Week
Discord Name: Solirus
Current RP: War Song
Goals: Try new things, and figure out what is going on.
Equipped Titles: Construct
Height: 7'4 (2.24m)
Weight: 444lbs (202kg)

Backstory: Samuel was his name, the name of a man who had a seemingly normal life, working at a job he didn't truly appreciate. He never seemed to have time for anything else, as he drove to work and went back home with enough strength and will to cook himself food and going back to sleep only to repeat the same monotonous journey. He had no friends, no living relatives, and starting a family had never occurred to him. He never seemed to have time for anything, even to think about himself, for the days of vacation were only spent healing the wounds of his soul and never to delve deep withing for clarity, he never had enough time.

Eventually Samuel would fall deathly ill, having a quiet and dull death, simply being another tally for statistics to keep track of.
Current Life: Samuel awoke once more, yet instead of being sickly and ill, Samuel felt invigorated like never before and the dull walls and unsettling sounds of the hospital were replaced by the scenery of nature and it's sounds.

Samuel looked around, realizing he was no longer home and he no longer possessed a body of flesh, but one of metal and with it he saw engravings on the palm of his right hand: "54π7" He didn't know what this numbers meant, but perhaps he was no longer Sam and thus a new name was required. Sant was his new name he told himself as he ventured forth into nature with a storm of thoughts racing through his mind, but with a clear one at the center: Perhaps now, he had time for something new.

Acquired Titles: Construct
Points at Start: 105 (+21)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - F (0)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - D (-14)
Vitality - C (-21)
Speed - G (+7)

Magic E (-14)
Spacetime Affinity F (-7)
Resilient D (Aging, Suffocation, Fatigue)(-21)
Barrier F (-14)
Healing F (-7)

Magic Barrier
- Barrier F, Magic F - Creates a barrier of pure mana around Sant or anyone within 5ft of him channeling the mana from his staff into his left hand - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Healing Barrier - Barrier F, Healing F, Magic F - Creates a barrier of magic around a target within 5ft, the barrier will then heal the individual when it runs out or when it is broken unless the attack through the barrier drops the person to 0 HP - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Rewind wound - Healing F, Magic F, Spacetime Affinity F - Restores the HP of someone within 5ft who has taken a recent wound, if the wound isn't recent the ability will have minimal to no effect - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Bolt - Magic F - Fires pf a magic bolt at an enemy within 5ft, after 5ft the bolt dissipates - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Accelerated Bolt - Magic E, Spacetime Affinity F - Fires off an accelerated magic bolt at an enemy within 5ft, after 5ft the bolt dissipates - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

Catalyst E (-14)
Heavy Armor E (-14)




Change Log:

Currently none
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Maggot Corpse

Rp'er Name: Andre
Post Frequency: Semi-daily (1-3 Days)
Discord Name: khandre.
Current RP: TbD
Goals: Become the most influential band & cause as much chaos as possible
Equipped Titles: Human, Member of Shotgun Blowjob, Bugged F
Height: 5'7
(feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
Weight: 127 lbs
Backstory: Maggot Corpse was a part of a noise punk duo called Shotgun Blowjob with Bloatfly Incubator in a Cyberpunk dystopia wherein corporations ruled over the common masses. Maggot Corpse suffered from impoverishment and was forced to fend for himself throughout his teenage years. His youth was rampant with mental breaks and festering feelings of spite and hatred. Maggot Corpse formed Shotgun Blowjob with Bloatfly Incubator as a means to lash out at their corporate overlords playing at underground shows and garnering an audience. This culminated in the duo getting in over their heads and one day inciting a riot outside of a Fortune 100 company's headquarters. This resulted in the duo sieging the headquarters and getting executed by the company's mercenary forces and reinforcements from a national guard platoon. Their passing led to their migration to Ryken courtesy of the mysterious god. Upon discovering that they were lost in the slums of a foreign world Maggot Corpse & Bloatfly Incubator's hatred boiled again and is now targeted at the whole of Isekai Hell. Interpreting the words of the god to mean that stasis must be disrupted in any way Maggot Corpse's prior goal had been rejuvenated and with newfound abilities strives to destroy the world in a biblical riot, resetting the world back to zero will begin a new slate from which the world can be rebuilt properly.
Current Life: After arriving in Ryken the duo of Maggot Corpse and Bloatfly Incubator began taking in their surroundings. They flock to locations that feel most natural to them. This means nomadically squatting in different abandoned buildings, garages, and houses. For the time being they're just using their powers to incite petty crime and minor acts of violence among the populous.
Acquired Titles: (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned:
Points Spent: 142 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Skills: Mind Control F,
1 Post Duration

Magic D,
1 target
15ft radius
30ft range
immediate area
1 hour
1 target

Performance E,

Magic Area of Effect E,
15ft Radius - F
50 ft Radius - E

Magic Range E,
30ft away
100ft away
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Harsh Fry Scream - Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Performance F, Mind Control F, Magic Range F - A powerful metal scream which incites listeners within a 15 foot radius & 30 foot distance to incite anger into the intended targets and cause them to riot uncontrollably for an hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Low Growl - Magic E, Area of Effect F, Performance F, Mind Control F- A low groveling growl which causes listeners in the immediate range of a 15 foot radius to get angry and riot for an hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Pig Squeal - Magic E, Magic Range F, Performance F, Mind Control F - A high shrill pig squeal that is intended to incite anger in one person over a distance of 30 feet for an hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • False Chord Scream - Magic D, Magic Area of Effect E, Magic Range E, Performance E, Mind Control F - A powerful and guttural shriek which incites listeners within a 50 ft Radius & 100 ft Magic Range to riot.
  • Belting - Magic D, Area of Effect E, Performance E, Mind Control F - Loud belting shout which causes listeners within a 50 ft radius to get angry and riot
  • Corey Taylor - Magic D, Magic Range, E, Performance, E, Mind Control F - An abnormally high screech that incites one person from as far as 100ft away to riot.
  • Wireless Microphone Catalyst with Microphone stand D - Amplifies the users voice and allows magic to travel through the microphone
  • Black & Decker Drill - Cosmetic
  • Sledgehammer - Cosmetic
  • Zip-O Lighter - Cosmetic


Change Log:

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Bloatfly Incubator

Rp'er Name: Gryphon3707
Post Frequency: Semi-Daily
Discord Name: Aryphopha
Current RP:
Become the largest Noise Punk band, cause insurmountable chaos.
Equipped Titles: Human, Punker, Buged
Height: 5'11
Weight: 175lbs
Backstory: Bloatfly Incubator was the second part of a Noise Punk duo called Shotgun Blowjob with Maggot Corpse. Living in a Cyberpunk Dystopia where Corporations ruled over the land and greed controlled the masses. Forming the band was a way to rebel against authority, fueled with anger and hatred the two attempted to start a rebellion against their corpo overlords. Causing a riot in front of a major corporations building with their music they managed to get through the front doors before being gunned down by the National Guard.
Current Life: When met with God Bloatfly listened to the request intently, understanding that the only way to save the world would be to force it into chaos. A biblical purge. A destruction of Authority and Greed. The failure of man was being unable to accept change therefore they'd force it upon them.

Awaking in the slums of Ryken, following Maggot Corpse the two squatted through abandoned buildings and ruins. Using their powers for petty crimes and small scale concerts the two would be nothing more than minor nuisances and ner'do-wells with aspirations to be larger than they could ever imagine.
Acquired Titles: Human, Buged
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 72
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 37
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Magic E
  • Performance F
  • Narrative Booster F (Used when performing)
  • AoE Magic F (15ft Radius)
  • Control Environment F
  • Magic Range F
  • Lucky F
  • Mind Shield E
  • Synyster Gates - Magic E, AoE Magic F, Control Environment F, Performance F - As Bloatfly Incubator shreds on his guitar within 15ft of him darkens and lights begin flashing to simulate a Noise Punk concert - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Acid Bath - Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade E - Bloatfly Incubator vomits forth a stream of magic - 0 Post Cooldown
  • N/A - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - N/A - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Electric Guitar E - Magic Catalyst
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Plates - Cosmetic
  • Amp - Cosmetic
  • OverFowl(tm) – Turkiye• Type: Magic Item
    An OverFowl brand toy that resembles a turkey, and can be reassembled into a fierce model battleship. While in this form, placing the battleship in a substantial body of water enlarges it into a small, but seaworthy vessel with a functional motor. The vessel is modeled to resemble a mock battleship, and a plaque on the hull claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    The product comes with [Asset E – Boat] included.
  • N/A
Change Log: Last edit October 29th, 2024

( Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Slums Music Festival )
  • 20 PTs Earned
  • Optional asset acquired [Member of Shotgun Blowjob F] - character is a member of the infamous band Shotgun Blowjob.
  • Acid Bath ability added
( Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace )
  • 7 Pts
  • Overfowl Magic Item
  • Asset E - Boat

( Fantasy - Isekai Hell: Nest-door Neighbors )

  • Merchant Guild Associate F
  • [Title] Buged - This character has bore witness to a serious bug-based threat and has lived to tell the tale. But will always remember that terrifying experience.
  • 31 pts
  • [Lucky F] (If skill is taken, add 7pts to earned and spent on your sheet) - Skill was taken
  • Mind Shield E Added
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Lucian "Lucky Bastard" Fortuna.

Description: Lord Lucian Fortuna is human. He is a tall, handsome man with an athletic build, black hair, and piercing blue eyes. He dresses in the latest fashion of noble finery, favoring silks, velvets, and jewel tones. Lucian sees fashion as a symbol of status and is always impeccably dressed down to the smallest details including a ring on every finger. His striking good looks and charismatic smile help him win over marks and paramours alike.

Theme:Kenny Rogers – The Gambler
Rp'er Name: GMImperfecti
Post Frequency: Frequent (1-3 days depending on real life. )
Discord Name: emeronvallus
Current RP: None now.
- Become the wealthiest bastard in all the land through cunning, luck, and gambling.
- Live a lavish lifestyle surrounded by fine dining, entertainment, and leisure.
- Use wealth and connections to gain political power and titles.

Equipped Titles:
  • [Human]
  • [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F] - character's inquisitive mind and assistance to guild has made them ideal in handling situations of a more subtle and sometimes unclear nature. When it is unclear who or what needs dealt with, a guild investigator is sent in to ascertain the details before the muscle goes in to clean it up.
  • [Father of the Children's Parade] - This character, for better or worse has made an impression on the orphans in Azuran. This character is known to start parades in the streets.
  • [Contributor] - This character has contributed to a group action or has become a member of a group and has contributed to a group task in some way.

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200lb

Before Lucian Fortuna was reborn into the dazzling fantasy realm, he was an ordinary man named Lester Finch living in a modern, mundane world.

Lester was a small and frail man with thinning hair and glasses that always seemed to be slipping down his nose. He lived in a small, dilapidated apartment on the outskirts of a sprawling city. His days were repetitive and uneventful. He worked at a mundane job as an office clerk in a company where nobody seemed to notice him. His colleagues often forgot his name, and his boss never acknowledged his work. His salary was just enough to scrape by, leaving nothing for any luxury or indulgence.

Lester had a long-standing fascination with games of chance, but his luck was notoriously bad. He spent his evenings either attending local bingo nights or sitting in front of his rusty computer playing online poker. Lester was convinced that one day his luck would change and he would win big. But that day never came. His continual losses only added to his misery.

Lester had a cat named Whiskers, who was his only companion. They shared the small apartment, which was cluttered with old newspapers, unopened bills, and empty cat food tins. Whiskers was his solace and his confidant, though she too was not without her quirks, often knocking things over and acting aloof.

One evening, Lester, feeling particularly adventurous, decided to participate in a high-stakes poker game. He put in all his savings, convinced that this was the night that fate would favor him. Sadly, his luck didn’t change, and he lost everything.

As Lester walked home through the rain-soaked streets, despondent and soaked to the bone, he didn't notice the car speeding towards him. In a flash, everything went black.

Lucian Fortuna, once a hapless Lester Finch, found himself reborn into a realm of enchantment, opulence, and endless adventures. With his athletic build, jet-black hair, and captivating blue eyes, he stood as a regal figure in luxurious garments of silk and velvet.

In this wondrous world, Lucian discovered he was the illegitimate son of a notorious wanderer and rogue who was infamous for his escapades through taverns and brothels. His mother, a determined and loving woman, despite being ensnared in the snares of her trade, ensured that young Lucian received an education. She hustled through the alleys and shadowy corners, ensuring that her son was not deprived of the basics.

From a tender age, Lucian realized he had an uncanny knack for games of chance. With his silver tongue and lady luck at his side, he began hustling in the streets, in the casinos, and across the city, swiftly building a reputation.

As fate would have it, his dashing looks and effortless charm won the heart of a merchant’s daughter. Her family, opulent and influential, invited him to partake in an exclusive poker tournament. Little did Lucian know that the merchant and his family were nefarious deceivers, ensnaring unsuspecting gamblers into their lair for malevolent purposes.

As the night unfolded, Lucian discovered the sinister plot, but help arrived from the most unexpected source. A whimsical blue fairy, who had been mingling unnoticed among the crowd, revealed her true form and cast a spell upon the wicked family, transforming them into assorted household items. They were then banished into a mysterious pocket dimension.

Seeing Lucian's wit and bravery, the fairy offered him a chance to win the pocket dimension, which held untold treasures and mysteries. He accepted the challenge and wagered his very existence on a single game of chance against the fairy. His newfound luck did not betray him. He emerged victorious, acquiring the pocket dimension and the riches within yet to be unlocked.

With an endless fortune at his fingertips and lady lucky at his side, Lucian assumed the title of "The Lucky Bastard." Looking for extravagant parties that were the talk of the realm. To build a vast estate that would be a wonder, with mystical creatures, opulent decor, and an endless flow of sumptuous delicacies.

The man who once was Lester Finch, shackled by the monotony and despair of an ordinary life, was now Lucian Fortuna, the Gambler, living a life more opulent and thrilling than he could have ever imagined. His past life’s sorrows became a distant memory as he forged his legend amidst the magic and splendor of his new world.

  • Charismatic and Flamboyant: Lucian's personality is larger than life. He thrives in the spotlight and knows how to work a crowd. His charm and flamboyance make him a magnet for attention, and he revels in it.
  • Adventurous Risk-Taker: With his love for gambling, Lucian has a penchant for taking risks. He is adventurous and often seeks new thrills, whether it be through high-stakes games, daring escapades, or new business ventures.
  • Shrewd and Cunning: Lucian is highly intelligent and can be deviously cunning. He can read people effortlessly and uses this skill to his advantage in both gambling and his social dealings.
  • Hedonistic: Lucian has an unquenchable thirst for pleasures and luxuries. Fine wines, exquisite food, high fashion, and glamorous company are all things he deeply enjoys.
  • Generous to a Fault: When in good spirits, Lucian's generosity knows no bounds. He often showers friends and even acquaintances with gifts and acts of kindness. This generosity, however, can sometimes be a means to an end.
What Drives Him:
  • Escape from Mediocrity: Having experienced a life of despair and hopelessness as Lester, Lucian is driven by the fear of ever returning to such mediocrity. He relentlessly seeks to create a life of opulence and adventure.
  • Legacy: Lucian desires to be remembered and revered. He wants to carve a name for himself that will be etched in the annals of history.
  • Protective of the Underdog: Despite his ostentatious lifestyle, Lucian has a soft spot for those struggling through the kind of life he left behind as Lester. He is known to secretly support orphans and the downtrodden.
  • Greed: His insatiable desire for wealth and status often leads him down a path of greed. He can, at times, be ruthless in his pursuit of riches.
Character Flaws:
  • Impulsiveness: Lucian's love for risks often sees him making decisions on the spur of the moment. His impulsiveness can sometimes put him in precarious situations.
  • Manipulative: Lucian's ability to read people can have a dark side. He can be manipulative, using his charm and insight into human nature to bend others to his will, even when it may not be in their best interest.
  • Difficulty in Forming Deep Bonds: Lucian is great at making acquaintances but struggles with forming deep and meaningful relationships. This is partly because he guards himself against getting too close to anyone, as a defense mechanism from his past life’s disappointments.

Acquired Titles: Human, Gambler.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 208
Points Spent: 308
Points Not Spent: 5

Stats: (105 pts; Grade C - 15/15)
Strength - F
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - A (35).
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - C (21)

  • Mundane Human [Born For This] - Get a 7pt discount on Pocket Dimension.
  • [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.


Magic Skills [42pts]
  • Magic D (Int B; Gun Mage) [21pts]
  • — Target F: 5
  • — Range F [7pts]: F 30ft
  • — AOE E [14pts]. F: 15 ft / E: 50ft radius
  • — Duration F: 1hr [7pts]
Defense Skills [7pts]
  • Regenerate F - Regen HP in 6 rounds.

Miscellaneous Skills [119pts]
  • Educated E (Char D-Grade) [14pts]
  • -- Gaming E (Int D). The ability to comprehend and play various games and simulations well, including both games of chance and of luck. Also covers knowledge of gambling strategies.
    -- Insight E (Int D). The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.
    -- Sleight of Hand E (Precision D). A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards,
    plant an item on someone, etc.
  • Lucky D (Char C-Grade) [21pts]. In 6 posts per rp character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp. Mechanically, it will also add 1 or more points to character's effectiveness score in performing an action that uses Lucky as part of the action. Ultimate amount of good outcomes and mechanical benefits is left to narrator discretion. At a minimum, their action should avoid worst outcome. Easiest way to handle this may involve adding in mechanical +1 for any narrative situations that may be possible to go in the character's favor. Lucky bonus only applies when character is 'behind' in effectiveness.
  • Wealth E (Char D-Grade) [42pts]. With the skill the character no longer needs to spend points on items, goods or services equal to skill grade. At E grade wealth, E Grade items are perceived as easy purchases for the character that would hurt them little. They would still have money for certain bribes, paying hirelings, and other commercially available goods at E Grade or lower. Items of mithril or orichalcum type only get a 7 point discount on the purchase or upgrade. Alchemy potions are treated as if they were crafted.
  • Pocket Dimension B(Int A) [35pts Born For This]. Character can store items in an alternative space in a spherical volume. They can freely retrieve any items stored in the space or add items to the space so long as there is room and the item would not have to destroyed to fit.
    • F - 1ft radius; E - 10ft radius (523cubic feet); D - 100ft radius (7,854 cubic feet); C - 1,000 ft radius; B - 1mile radius.
  • Appraise D (Grade C Character). 0 points for Isekaied characters. Requires meta knowledge.
  • Energized E (Int D) [14pts]. Reduce cooldowns for abilities by 1. F-grade is multi-cast and E-grade is 0.
  • Alternate Identify D (Vit C) [21pts] - Bill the Buggy Driver
#Selective Magic F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: E Grade Magic skill

Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability.

#Undetected F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Defensive!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Precision!

Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression. Common senses: Vision, Touch, Smell, Hear, Taste. Aside from common human senses, you can also choose special super and 6th senses options. It should be noted that although the skill makes someone undetectable by the sense chosen, it does not actually erase the character's parts like turning into a ghost or vapor might. A character that cannot be touched can't walk through walls with that skill alone. Sonar and Infrared are 2 examples of senses that may reveal an undetectable character despite their blocks to various senses.

Name: Bill​
  • Appearance: Older man, resembles actor Bill Murray, has a youthful twinkle in his eyes.
  • Personality: Cheerful, jovial, and easy-going with a dry and sharp sense of humor. His disposition is often slow and charming, and he speaks with a drawl.
  • Skills: Capable buggy driver, knows his craft well, and takes excellent care of the horse and buggy. He has a close relationship with the guild's horse, Juniper.
Titles: [Driver] [Servant]​
  • Cheerful and Jovial: Bill has a bright and upbeat demeanor that often comes across in his interactions.
  • Easy-going and Laid-back: Despite his responsibilities, he never seems overly stressed or hurried.
  • Dry and Sharp Humor: His humor is often understated and can take people by surprise with its wit.
  • Affectionate: Bill's relationship with the horse Juniper is one of mutual respect and understanding. He's not just a driver but also a caretaker.
Examples of Dialogue:
  • Upon seeing Lucian, he chuckles: "Well, well, Lucian! Sounds like we're off to another exciting adventure, eh?"
  • Addressing the group with determination: "All right then. Hop in, folks. We've got a village to save."
  • His general speech pattern includes a slow, charming drawl, often delivering words with a wink, and his expressions often have a twinkle in his eye.


Game Master: Grade E/F - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 9; Intelligence B5, Wealth E2, Gaming E2). Insight F, Gaming F, Sleight of Hand F. He has keen insight into all games and excels at those games of chance most of all; however, no games are purely chance. Reading ones opponents is a key part of success. Able to see and understand his opponent, predict their next moves, and excel at games.

Card Shark: Grade E/F - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 10; Intelligence A6, Wealth E2, Gaming E2). Gaming F, Sleight of Hand F, Lucky F. When playing cards, dice or other games of chance, Luck's skills and luck allow him to cheat and win more often than not.

Probability Analysis: Grade D/E/F - 1/0 Post Cooldown. Appraisal D, Lucky E, Gaming E. Lucian can intuitively understand the odds of an outcome by reading a situation.

Finding an Edge: Grade E/E/F - 0 Post Cooldown. Int A6, Appraisal D3, Lucky E2, Insight E. Lucian uses his insight into his opponents and the pieces on the board, to appraise and understand the abilities and dynamics of each opponent and the web of relationships between them. He uses Lucky E (spending 1 point) to boost his odds of finding an advantage or edge in the situation. This ability is supposed by his grade-A intelligence.

Dimensional Fingers: Grade B/C/D/E/F - 4/3/2/1/0/* Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 8/7/6; Int A6/Precision B5, Pocket Dimension B5/C4/D3/E2/F1, Sleight of Hand E2/F1). Sleight of Hand F, Insight F, Pocket Dimension D, Wealth E. Using precise movements, insight into those around him, and his pocket dimension, Lucian is able to steal or play with items around him to make random items appear (basic gear, etc) or disappear (taking a watch or key) without others noticing.

Magic Gun Shot: Grade D/E/F - (Effectiveness 11/10/9; Int A6, Magic D3/E2/F1, Catalyst E2). Fire an arcane bolt 5 feet from a gun catalyst. E-grade version explodes in a 15' radius if desired.

Dimensional Disappearance: Grade B/C/D/E - 4/3/2/0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 8/7/6; Int A6/Speed C4 -- Catalyst E/Light Armor E, Pocket Dimension B5/C4/D3/E2, Magic D3/E2 (self or AOE 15') with Sleight of Hand E2, Insight F. Using precise movements, insight into those around him, and his pocket dimension, Lucian sneaks away, disappearing and dodging potential attacks back stepping backwards into his Pocket Dimension. With a bit of extra work and their consent, he can take others nearby with him.

Ability Name: "Master of Disguise: Bill the Buggy Driver". Alternate Identify F/E/D - Bill, Gear F - Buggy Driver, Servant's, Asset F - Peasant Relationships, Insight F (Int D), Sleight of Hand F.
  • Magic F/E/D, using Magic Duration F - 1 hr if needed.
  • Alternate Identity E - Bill:
    • Name: Bill
    • Description: A cheerful, older man resembling actor Bill Murray, with a youthful twinkle in his eyes. Known for his jovial disposition and sharp humor, he's a well-liked figure among the common folk.
    • Titles: [Buggy Driver], [Servant]
  • Gear F - Buggy Driver, Servant's Skill:
    • Bill is equipped with everything needed to be the best buggy driver and servant. This includes a well-maintained buggy, harnesses, driving attire (dark green uniform with white piping), and tools for care and maintenance of the buggy and horse (Juniper).
  • Asset F - Peasant Relationships:
    • Bill has cultivated deep relationships with the peasants and commoners. His friendly demeanor and long-standing presence in the community have earned their trust and respect.
  • Insight E (Int B):
    • Bill has a keen eye for detecting lies and true intentions. His years of interacting with various strata of society have sharpened his ability to read body language and speech patterns. He can often predict someone's next move or sniff out a falsehood.
  • Sleight of Hand F (Precision B):
    • Though not a professional magician, Bill's superior manual dexterity allows him to perform "magic" tricks and entertain others. He can also palm small objects or cheat at cards, though he likely uses these skills more for amusement than malicious intent.
Usage and Benefits:This ability allows the character to seamlessly integrate into the society of commoners, both as a trustworthy servant and a beloved community figure. Whether driving the buggy, entertaining with sleight-of-hand, or subtly gaining insights from those around him, Bill's alternate identity serves as a valuable tool for various missions or adventures.​
Example Dialogue:
  • While driving the buggy, Bill might chuckle to a passenger, "Hold on tight now! Juniper's got a mind of her own sometimes, but don't you worry, we'll get there safe and sound."
  • Engaging with a peasant, he might warmly say, "Good day to you, friend! Heard any interesting gossip lately? The roads can get lonesome without a good story to mull over."
The integration of these skills creates a complex and multifaceted identity that can be leveraged in various social, investigative, or entertainment contexts.​

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.) Stored in pocket dimension unless worn.
  • Silver Inlaid Rapier E (x10)
  • Rockin Lt Leather Armor E (x10)
  • Silver inlaid musket gun catalyst E (x20): Note catalyst only.
  • Silver inlaid musket gun weapon E (x20): Note weapon only.
  • Silver Gem Catalyst Ring E (x20): Note catalyst only.

(These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools). Stored in pocket dimension unless worn.
  • Rose Ring, an E-Grade Magic Catalyst
    • Special effects: Ability: Beware the black fog- Magic [E], Affinity [Darkness] [E], Selective Magic [E],Magic Area of Effect [F], Mind Control [E],Magic Targets [F]- Allows the user to create a black fog that will allow the user to mind control 5 selected targets in a 15ft radius for one post-grade E- 1 post cooldown- (add a note that the mind control folk will know they are being mind controlled. Also note it's E grade character limit.)
    • Boon: The mist also throws a thin layer of black ice on the ground causing those effected to trip.
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron
    • Uses:
      Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
      1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
      2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
      3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • Gaming Gear E: Dice and cards, board games like chess, etc.
  • Sleeping Gear: Bedding, Fur, etc
  • Good food including sandwiches, assorted fruit, cuts of meat, etc.
  • Vast assortment of alcohol like Fine Whiskey & Tumblers, wine and wine glasses, etc
  • Tobacco kit: smokes, paper, matches. Cigars and Cigarillos.
  • Different clothes and outfits from fancy E, to forest, winter, and desert survival gear.
  • Magic books and normal books.
  • Sketch book and art supplies.
  • Tent and picnic gear
  • Various necklaces, rings, trinkets, coins, etc. (Asset E-F).

Assets:(land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • House F: Rents a House or other fine establishment wherever he goes.
  • House E: Rents a Townhouse or penthouse suite wherever he goes.
  • Carriage E: Something nice to ride in.
  • Horse & Buggy F: Something to ride in.
  • Asset F: Servant -- Buggy driver named Bill.
  • Asset E: Nice Servant -- Advisor named Cedric.
    • 1692332795673.png

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
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Don't Know How to Stop – Halestorm
Rp'er Name: Vaudivolt
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: Vaudi#6944
Current RP: Coming Soon
  • [Short term] Gain entrance to the Adventurer's Guild
  • [Short term] Start gaining wealth and improve his reputation by performing tasks
  • [Long term] Learn what it means and takes to be considered human.
  • [Long term] Gain equal standing with humans through wealth and reputation
Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Imp]
Height: 3'7”
Weight: 40lbs

Backstory: [Native] A wildling from a section of forest upstream from Ryken. Tensil lived by what he could get his claws on. A wild rabbit would sustain him for a while, and the waters of the Kabnak washed down his meals. Survival was never easy, but he could get by. Excluding the need to flee from the larger wildlife, there was only one prominent thorn in his side. The seemingly endless stream of adventurers pouring out of Ryken's gates. Whenever they came by, creatures would die. Sometimes for food or pelt, but often they spoke of those shiny ovals. Maybe if he had some 'ryke', he could convince them to leave his living space alone.
Current Life: If you cannot beat them, join them. Or so Tensil decided after his most recent close call with Ryken adventurers. In his escape, Tensil heard them mention those shiny ovals and that a place called the Adventurer's Guild handed them out. He did not know if it was worth the risk, but he would seek out that place.

Acquired Titles: [Beast], [*][Imp] – Beast Title, Feature Small, Feature Horns, Feature Prehensile Tail – A small humanoid creature with horns and a tail. Imps are often mischievous and troublesome by nature.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points not Spent: 0

  • Strength D
  • Precision D
  • Intelligence F
  • Vitality F
  • Speed D
  • Grade E
  • Cosmetic - Horns
  • Cosmetic - Red Skin
  • Cosmetic - Shoulder Spikes
  • Cosmetic - Yellow Eyes
  • Feature - Small
  • Feature - Prehensile Tail
  • Feature - Natural Weapons F
  • Fast E
  • Jumping F
  • Special Movement Quadruped
  • Fighting Style (Wild Strikes) – Natural Weapons F
  • Flexible
  • Linked F
  • Language - Common
  • Language - Beastial
  • Prone Strike; Wild Strikes F, Flexible F, Linked F, Prehensile Tail. Tensil uses his tail to trip up a target within 5ft of him, then follow up with a claw strike on that target. Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Tail Swipe; Wild Strikes F, Flexible F, Prehensile Tail. Tensil uses his tail to trip up or disarm a target within 5ft of him. Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Twin Claws; Wild Strikes F, Linked F. Tensil uses his claws to strike a target within 5ft of him twice. Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Natural Weapons F

  • Waist Wrappings [Cosmetic]

Change Log
105 Points were assigned during the creation
Creation: Strength D [7]
Creation: Precision D [14]
Creation: Intelligence F [0]
Creation: Vitality F [0]
Creation: Speed D[14]
Creation: Small
Creation: Prehensile Tail [7]
Creation: Natural Weapons F [14]
Creation: Fast E[14]
Creation: Jumping F [7]
Creation: Special Movement Quadruped [7]
Creation: Fighting Style – Natural Weapons F [7]
Creation: Flexible
Creation: Linked F [7]
Creation: Language - Common
Creation: Language - Beastial
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Noelle Nicchi


Rp'er Name: Tellussoil
Post Frequency: Once or twice a week should be possible
Discord Name: Tellussoil
Current RP: None
  • Become a famous musician
  • Explore the world
  • Make friends
  • Bring happiness to people with her music
  • Enjoy life
  • Learn spells, you dummy!!!
  • Open a bar and/or inn of her own
Equipped Titles:
  • [Beast]
  • [Mermaid]
  • [Ryken Adventurer F]
  • [Mayhem Melody]
  • [Singer] - character can sing and is generally enjoyable depending on song and audience.
Height: 5”1’ (156 Cm)
Weight: 108 Lbs (49Kg)
Backstory: Before she came to this world Noelle lived in a small coastal village. Her life was peaceful and mostly uneventful. Going to school, working as a waitress in a small restaurant that the parents of a friend of hers owned.
But this all ended when one day. She was cycling back home from her job. As she was riding past the pier. A drunk driver hit her. She was flung through the air and landed in the water. The last thing she remembers was sinking into the water as her consciousness faded away
Current Life: Noelle woke up in the new world she found herself lying on a beach on the northern side of the world. She didn’t remember much from her past life, only some feelings of familiarity with certain things. It took her a moment to take in her surroundings. That’s when she noticed her tail. She felt surprised. And at the same time excited to see it. But she did not admire it for long. She had to find out where she was. maybe there were other people around that could help her figure things out. And so she crawled to the sea and head out into the world.

Moving along the coast she soon arrived at a coastal city. She decided to settle there for the moment until she knew more. In the following weeks, she came and went to the city. She even learned to turn her fins into legs to be able to walk among people more easily. It was when a travelling minstrel came to the city that she found what she wanted. The beautiful music the man-made. Stories are told through song. The happiness that he was able to bring to the people. Noelle wanted to also be able to do that.

So Noelle worked hard to earn the coin so she could go on her adventure. doing odd jobs during the day and working as a waitress at a small Inn in the evening. It was not easy, but in the end, she got all she needed. She even was able to acquire a beautiful instrument. Now she has gone into the world. with the spark in her eye and hope in her heart looking for the adventures of tomorrow.

Acquired Titles:
  • [Beast]
  • [Mermaid]
  • [Singer] - character can sing and is generally enjoyable depending on song and audience.
  • [Ryken Adventurer F] - character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Grade F adventurers are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • [Student fo Clestine F] - This character has passed the entrance exam and is considered a student of Clestine Academy and enjoys all the privileges that comes with that.
  • [Monster Slayer] - This character has taken part in a monster hunt and successfully subjugated the target. Earning themselves valuable experience in that field.
  • [Mayhem Melody] - there's a time and a place and the character chose chaos and battle to make music
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 184
Points Spent: 266
Points Not Spent: 23

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - D
  • Performance E [music] (14pts)
  • Magic D (21pts) - lets you cast magic
  • Magic duration F (7pts) - increases the duration of magic spells
  • Magic Range F (7pts) - Increase the range spells can cast at to 30ft
  • Magic targets E (14pts) - allows to hit up to 5 targets to be hit by a spell
  • Affinity:
    • Elemental [Sound} F (7pts)
    • Flare F (7pts)
    • Drain [INT] F (7pts)
    • Indirect F (7pts)
    • Incapacitating F (14pts)
    • Non-lethal E (14pts)
  • Appraisal E (0Pts)(isekaid) - Grants insight knowledge of things
  • Heightened sense [hearing] F (7pts) - One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation.
  • Focus F (7pts) - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to centre the mind and spirit. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
  • Educated "Intuition" F (7pts)
    • Empathy - The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.
    • Insight - The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.
    • Perception - The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
  • Energized F (7pts) - decrease post cooldown by 1 post
  • Bolster STR F (7pts) - Increase STR effectiveness by 1 level
  • Bolster INT F (7pts) - increase INT effectiveness by 1 level
  • Healing F (7pts) - The ability to heal a target.
  • Transformation F (28pts) - mermaid form
    [*] Water speed D (21 transformation points)
    [*] Speed +1 (D>C) (7pts transformation points)
    [*] Feature: Fish Tail and gills (in exchange for legs and lungs)
  • Mermaid form - [Transformation F]: Noelle transforms into her mermaid form. Gaining Gills and her fishtail instead of lungs and legs. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • So-nar* - Appraisal E, Performance F, Heightened sense [hearing] F, Focus F - Noelle sends out sounds and listens to its reverberation to gain information on things around her - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Healing hymn* - Magic E, Performance F, Healing F, Range F - a soothing song that has a minor cure effect on the target - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Warrior Allegro* - Magic E, performance F, Bolster STR F, Duration F, Range F - An invigorating song that raises the effectiveness of the STR stat of a target within 30ft by 1 level for 1 hour- Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Balad of the Mage* - Magic E, performance F, Bolster INT F, Duration F, Range F - An Calming song that raises the effectiveness of a target's INT stat within 30ft by 1 level for 1 hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Mahogany Lyre D (21pts) - Magical catalyst
  • Combat kimono F (7pts) - Light armor
  • Waterproof leather sack
  • Rations (Dried fruits)
  • Waterskin
  • instrument tuning tools
  • Small notebook/songbook

Change Log:

  • gains:
    • Stats: INT: D (14 points) - VIT: E (7 points) - SPD: D (14 points)
    • Skills: Performance F (7pts) | Magic E (14pts) | Magic duration F (7pts) | Transformation F (28pts) - mermaid form
    • Mermaid skills: Water speed D (21 trans pts) | Speed +1 (7 trans pts) | Gain: Fish Tail and Gills - lose: Legs and lungs
    • Equipment: Mahogany Lyre E - Magical Catalyst (14 points)
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Stellaria Apus
Mothership Prime

Rp'er Name: Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency:
Every 48 hours. Maybe less depending on life circumstances.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn #3123
Current RP:
To live the best life she can.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mothership
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Born in the Midwest United States, her previous life was spent inside. Unfortunately she was a victim of bullying. Bullying that became so severe that she refused to leave her house after she turned 18. She made her money by developing a software for video games and eventually creating her own MMO game. One thing she had more than anybody else was imagination. This imagination came out in her game. A game where you could create and control your own Fleet of starships to control a section of space or wander if you so choose. It was widely considered the most popular game while she was alive. It had the most massive world ever created in a video game, almost without end. A server large enough to fit over 3,000 players on a single map. She made off pretty well, but chose to live a pretty menial life. She liked living in her imagination and just so happened to be able to make money off of it. Unfortunately, a car accident ended her life.
Current Life:
Her new life began in Ryken. She lived a fairly typical life. Raised by a happy merchant couple, but just like in her previous life, she kind of hated spending time with people. Remembering her old life made it hard to adjust to this one. Unlike before, she didn't have to deal with bullying, but she still couldn't bring herself to trust people. Now, she didn't even have a computer to spend all her time on. For a while she felt like she would have nothing all over again.

It was around the age of 13 that she discovered a local Magic School. She couldn't remember the name of it, but she remembered watching people practicing magic outside. It was something so wonderful. She had never seen anything like it. Magic in her old world didn't exist. Of course, it was lacking that certain appeal that futuristic things had to her and still have to her. However, this was still something that she could be content with. Magic didn't have the appeal of futuristic setting, but there was something enriching about it.

After beginning her research into magic, using whatever she could find or borrow, she discovered she had a very specific magical ability. One that finally gave her life some purpose. Mothership magic was the thing that she was looking for. Using magitech to create these intricate little battleships and control her own Fleet! It was everything she had ever wanted. How wonderful this could be! Now, she's out to improve her magic and make herself known. She was done hiding and she wanted to finally live.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mothership (a person who has a racial upgrade from practicing mothership magic. These are different from normal humans as it takes away some of the flaws of humanities actions. They don't slouch or even seem real. They are physically incapable of things like bad posture, ineloquent speech or things like that. Basically, humans with proper etiquette ingrained in their genetics)
Points at Start: 105 (+21)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G +7 pts​
Precision - H +14 pts​
Intelligence - D 14 pts​
Vitality - E 7 pts​
Speed - E 7 pts​
  • Magic E 14pts
  • Magic School [Mothership] Grade F 35 pts
Mothership Magic:

The user is a living mothership for small battleships. The user can create these battleships for combat or defense. Every ship is equipped with lasers that can be fired on command. The user has access to three different types of ships. Each ship is a step up in size. These ships are not physical, but they are just how her spells manifest.

Battle Ships: The smallest and most numerous of the ships, they are fast and weak, but make up for that with great numbers. These ships are no more than 6 inches in size and are the main fighting force of this Fleet. Seen in art.

Carriers: As the name might suggest, carriers are the ones that carry battleships in for the fight. They have no other function beyond being a carrier for more battleships. Carriers are roughly 2 feet in length. Each carrier can bring 100 battleships. Seen in 'Our Great Mother' picture.

Stations: The largest of the ships able to be summoned by the user. About the size of a normal armchair, stations function the same way carriers do, but stations carry the carriers. Able to carry 10 of them.
  • Mind Shield Grade F 7 pts
  • Barrier Grade F 14pts
  • Selective Magic Grade F 7 pts
  • Frontal Assault - Magic School [Mothership] F + Barrier Skill F + Selective Magic F - the battleships will take up a wedge formation in front of the user. All ships will fire directly in front of them, putting up their barriers and using homing shots to avoid any friendly fire. Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Guardian Formation - Magic School [Mothership] F + Barrier Skill F - All ships will perform a circular motion around the user. Barriers will be up and ships will maintain this motion until ordered otherwise. Limited to one round and must be recast each use. Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Data Protection - Mind Shield F - Protects the users mind from invasion or control. Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Purge Insurgent - School [Mothership] F + Selective Magic Grade F - All ships will encircle enemy from all angles, unleashing fire at them from all possible sides. Ships will use homing ammunition to avoid any friendlies within kill zone. Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Orichalcum Catalyst Grade F 14 pts (the horn on her helmet)
  • Lighy Armor Grade F 7pts
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin

Change Log:
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Adventure – Matthew Parker [Link]
Rp'er Name: Vaudivolt
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: .vaudi
Current RP: Ruining, the Fun! 1

• [Short Term] Assist in unmasking Norroburry's ghost​
• [Long Term] Become a notable member of the Merchant's Guild​
• [Long Term] Discover the whereabouts of his master​

• [Misc.] Assist this world's new arrivals​
• [Misc.] Bake his own favorite treats​
• [Misc.] Find new places to nap​

Equipped Titles: [Small] [Mentor] [Animal]
Body Length: 2'4”
Body Height: 1'5”
Weight: 22lbs
• Peril of a Purebred Pet
Tomo, a Shiba Inu formerly known as 'Baxter', was born in the early 2000s on a farmstead near Dublin, Ireland. The farmstead's owners were a family of qualified dog breeders, making Tomo's litter more akin to products than pets. Soon after their birth, he and the litter were registered and certified as purebred, a moniker that would prove them an easy sell. And while he spent the first nine weeks of his life among his mother and siblings, a buyer soon came. A young couple from central Dublin adopted him and gave him his first name, 'Baxter'.

The adopting couple intended to raise him alongside their young daughter, hoping he would bond with her. Sadly, it was only a few weeks before the young parents realized they lacked the time and energy to raise both of them. And one of the two had to go. Naturally, 'Baxter' fetched the short end of the stick. However, instead of immediately taking him to a shelter, the guilt-ridden couple first spread flyers throughout their neighborhood. “Free to a good home.” And within a few days, they were contacted by someone interested in taking 'Baxter' into their home - avoiding the animal shelter entirely.

The Trail Less Traveled
The interested party was a single young man named Emmett Downing. His demeanor, awkward and withheld at first, momentarily brightened upon receiving his new companion – which he promptly renamed 'Tomo'. This name change was something Tomo had difficulty accepting. Still dealing with the separation from his previous family, the first few weeks in Emmett's care were difficult. Neither party appeared to benefit from each other's company. Tomo struggled with adjusting to the 'heavily Japan-inspired' decorating of Emmett's apartment, while Emmett had his own difficulties taking responsibility for the care of his new companion.

But, while there were bumps in the road, they naturally grew closer over the years that followed. Tomo bonded with Emmett and became the catalyst for overcoming social anxiety by 'forcing' his recluse master to take regular walks in public.

Tomo had walked a challenging path throughout his early life but finally found his forever home. Remaining in Emmett's care, he eventually started to show signs of seniority around the age of eight. And although he slowed down, Tomo insisted on taking their long walks – if only for Emmett's sake. Yet, it was on one of these walks that fate struck. And they got blindsided by a speeding white van. The driver had failed to notice the pedestrian crossing as Tomo and Emmett stepped onto it. In an instant, the frightening flash of headlights turned into a comforting, bright, warm glow. And from it, a figure appeared before Tomo that Emmett would have called 'Kami'.
Scent of a Strange World (±) Protectorate of Ryke, Norroburry Village
When the bright glow of 'Kami' passed and slowly faded into nothingness, Tomo awoke in a calm meadow near Norroburry Village. The sun's rays warmed his fur as a gentle breeze combed through the fields. And the grass danced along in perfect waves. Confused by the sudden shift in surroundings, Tomo sought something to familiarize himself, but his efforts were in vain. None of the landmarks meant anything to him. Even the village in the distance seemed entirely alien. And if Emmett had ever taken him here during their longer walks, he would at least recognize something!

Reminded by his own thoughts, Tomo panicked and spun around to search for his master. But Emmett was nowhere in sight. Worried, Tomo spent hours in that field circling the spot where he had woken up – barking ceaselessly. And while his efforts did not yield the desired result, he did learn something. In an attempt to locate the scent of his master, Tomo realized that his nose was picking up more than ever before. A whiff taught him the alchemical nature of flowers, wild berries, and wandering critters. Moreover, he understood the applications. Unsettled by the sudden changes to his worldview, he sought refuge in the distant village of Norroburry.

Within the village boundaries, he was shocked to learn that those living there could understand him. But before long, he had allied with a redhead detective named [Desirae Foul] (+). Together, they set out to help investigate a haunted tunnel at the village's mining operation in hopes that resolving the situation would free up the schedule of the local authorities. Which, in turn, would free up time to help search for Emmett. However, before they could complete their investigation in full, Tomo found a lead deep within the haunted tunnel.

A small construct embedded with an explosive device, carrying Emmett's scent, appeared to serve as the tunnel ghost's henchman. Not wanting to alert the ghost of their discovery, the duo let the construct continue its work while they reported back to the authorities. But, despite planning an entire stakeout at the tunnel entrance, the trail quickly ran cold. No ghost revealed itself. Instead, the construct was taken into custody by the authorities (-). But, without a proper resolution, Tomo could not yet piece together the connection between his master and the construct. With nowhere else to go and clinging to the hope another lead would eventually present itself, Tomo remained in Norroburry – earning his keep by assisting the local baker, Oscar Brimbaker, with his nose and knack for the artisan craft.
Acquired Titles: [Abandoned] [Animal] [Beast] [Mentor] [Mundane] [Small]
• [Abandoned] are left by an ally. Character is more likely to garner sympathy from others for their pitiful state.

• [Animal] are most normal animals found in the world.

• [Beast] are all creatures that are or were related to animals.

• [Mentor] are those who teach others. When the Character mentors another Character meaningfully in an RP, the mentored Character may gain double Points during grading.

• [Mundane] requires Beast Title, Natural Armor or Natural Weapons F, and two Sense Skills
Born for This - Get a 7pt discount on a skill (Heightened Sense - Hearing F) you chose for your Mundane requirements​
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 115
Points Spent: 196
Points not Spent: 24
• Strength E
• Precision D
• Intelligence B
• Vitality E
• Speed D

• Grade D
• Cosmetics
• Beastkin - Shiba Inu​
• Shorthaired, golden fur​
• Curled, golden tail​
• Pointy ears​
• Movement Skills
• Fast E (24mph/120ft)​

• Sense Skills
• Appraisal D​
• Heightened Sense – Hearing/Smell C​
• Perk: Born for This

• Miscellaneous Skills
• Asset - Bonds [Oscar Brimbaker] F​
• Relationship: Employee​
• An alliance forged on mutual benefit that served both baker and beast.​
• Educated [Small Business Associate] E​
• Business​
• Insight​
• Leadership​
• Language – Beastial​
• Language – Common​

• Secondary Skills
• Alchemy F​
• Artisan Baker E (B)​
• [Limiter Assisted I]​
• [Limiter Equipment II]​
• Domestic Arts F​
• Investigation F​
• Mentor E​
• Nature F​
• Perception F​
• Wet Nosed F
Scent particles stick better to a damp surface
• Appraisal F, Alchemy F, Heightened Sense – Smell F​
• Use his heightened sense of smell to learn the alchemical makeup of organic targets from their scent.​
• Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​

• Detection Dog E Any dog can be trained to detect specific odors
• Appraisal E, Heightened Sense – Smell F​
• Use his heightened sense of smell to learn helpful information about creatures from their scent.​
• Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown​
• Natural Weapons F​
• Class: Natural Weapons​
• Sharp claws to inflict lacerations, and canine fangs to bare and bite.​
• Common clothes​

Unique Items:
• Hachimaki Headband​
• Worn, red-and-white headband that represents the effort and courage of the wearer in certain cultures.​
• Accessory belonged to the character's master, Emmett Downing, who also gifted it to the character.​

• [Oscar Brimbaker] F​
• Relationship: Employee​
• An employee to Oscar Brimbaker of Norroburry Village, thus allowed to stay in their bakery.​

• Winner's Chicken Dinner​
• Upon consumption, grants the character a singular use of the skill Lucky F.​
• This was given as a reward for winning Narrator of the Month, 08/30/2023​
Change Log
+105 Points were assigned during the creation​
Creation: Strength E [-7]​
Creation: Precision D [-14]​
Creation: Intelligence E [-7]​
Creation: Vitality E [-7]​
Creation: Speed D [-14]​
Creation: Small [0]​
Creation: Natural Weapons F [-14]​
Creation: Appraisal E [0]​
Creation: Artisan Baker E [-14]​
Creation: Domestic Arts [-7]​
Creation: Fast E [-14]​
Creation: Heightened Sense – Smell F [-7]​
Creation: Language Common [0]​
Creation: Language Beastial [0]​
+10 Points were assigned as a reward for narrating “A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing”​
Added: Winner's Chicken Dinner [0 – Narrator of the Month]​
Improved: Heightened Sense – Hearing/Smell F → E [0 – Born For This]​
+66 Points were assigned as a reward for “The Ghost of Norroburry Mine”​
+34 Points were assigned as a reward for narrating “The Kink in the Food Chain”​
Added: Abandoned – Character was left by an ally and more likely to garner sympathy from others for their pitiful state.​
Added: Mentor – When the Character mentors another Character in RP meaningfully, the mentored Character may gain double Points in that RP during grading.​
Added: Educated E [-14]​
Added: Investigation F [-7]​
Added: Nature F [-7]​
Added: Perception F [-7]​
Added: Mentor E [-14]​
Added: Bonds – Oscar Brimbaker F [-7]​
Improved: Intelligence E → B [-21]​
Improved: Heightened Sense – Hearing/Smell E → C [-14]​
+5 Points were assigned as a payment for Marketplace deal​
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Desirae Foul
Rp'er Name: Gwen Temi
Post Frequency:
Every other day.
Discord Name: Uma_Sayalami#7724
Current RP: N/A
[*]Establish a name for themselves and draw in clients with interesting cases.
[*]Acquire enough funds to open up an agency.
[*]Live a fulfilling life uncovering the secrets of the world.
Equipped Titles: Human. Sleuth (Educated).
Height: 6’2”
Weight:168 lbs
Backstory: Ever since the day she was born, Desirae was a curious child. Always stumbling into trouble and sticking her nose into things she had no business getting involved with. She had a love/hate relationship with local authorities; her reckless behavior drawing their ire and diligence and attention to detail earning their respect.

Well, one day, she got mixed up in something beyond human understanding. Some cult set up shop in her neighborhood and started messing with forces that most didn’t believe existed. Against better judgment, she managed to sneak into their headquarters and stepped into a circle drawn in blood. A flash of light, and she was gone.

And the only thing she left behind was the mystery of “Whatever happened to Desirae Foul?"

Current Life: The only person from that world who would ever know the answer to “Whatever happened to Desirae Foul?” was herself. She’d never know the true purpose of that circle drawn in blood nor what became of that entire situation, but a whole new world of mystery opened up before her. Aside from her clothing, she arrived with a mysterious belt that granted her the ability to conceal her presence when worn and the ability to see far more with her eyes than she ever could on Earth. And the only thing that she could speculate from it was that these gifts were meant for someone else.

But, she wouldn’t ponder the mysteries that she’d left behind. Desirae was never the type to sweat the small stuff. With a newfound world underfoot, new tools, and that very same passion that landed her in this situation in the first place, Desirae would continue to do the one thing that she was born to do.

Seek out the truth wherever it may lie.
Acquired Titles: Human. Sleuth (Educated). Otherworlder.
Character Grade: E
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Appraisal E
  • Magic E
  • Undetected E (Sight and Sound)
  • Magic Duration F
  • Educated F
    • Perception F
    • Investigation F
    • Traps F
  • Reactive Camouflage- Undetected(Sight) F- Desirae utilizes her Phantom belt to become invisible for a few seconds. Great for quick escapes, losing pursuers, evasion, or otherwise split second defensive maneuvers. - Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Moment of Silence- Undetected(Sound) F- Desirae utilizes her phantom belt to become unheard for a few seconds. Great for snooping about when unseen or out of view near others within earshot.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • True Stealth- Magic E, Magic Duration F, Undetected(Sight and Sound) E- Desirae utilizes her phantom belt to become both unseen and unheard for a full hour and reveal just how her “Phantom belt” earned its name. 1 hour duration.- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.
  • Eye of the Sleuth- Appraisal E, Traps F, Perception F, Investigation F- Desirae utilizes her senses and mind to the fullest to gain information about a scene and everyone in it. It’s a bit tiresome to do, but no so much that she can’t push herself many, many times a day.- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.
  • Phantom Belt [Magic Catalyst E]- A strange belt attuned to Desirae that allows her to conceal herself for limited periods of time. It is capable of repairing itself over time.
  • Heavy, concealing clothing
  • Note taking tools
  • A few dried meat snacks
  • Magnifying glass
  • Waterskin
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • 6/26/2023- Was informed that isekai'd characters' appraisal levels with their grade, so bumped Desirae's appraisal up from F to E.
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Adrian Bosco

Rp'er Name: Qu-Ce
Post Frequency: At least a couple posts per week.
Current RP: Corruption and Riches Pt. II
  • Further his education in physiology and biochemistry.
  • Become a licensed physician.
  • Gain the funds and/or patrons necessary to facilitate independent research.
  • Push the natural and unnatural limits of biology.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Adrian's favorite subject in school was always biology. It seemed to be a matter of course that he would follow his father into the medical field, but it didn't turn out that way. To celebrate Adrian's enrollment in university, his family took him rafting, but there was an accident, and Adrian drowned. The last thing he heard before passing over was his father crying out his name between sobs.
Born again to simple hunters near Ryken, Adrian was always a stern, serious child. He was diligent and thoughtful, yet seemed to be detached, even from his own family, and instead spent his time outside, studying the local flora and, when he was given the opportunity, dissecting the fauna. Despite the concerns this behavior tends to raise over a child's moral character, his parents seemed to accept that his motives were purely academic and supported him.

Eventually, though, Adrian felt he had no reason to stay. He had forgotten too much from his previous life and learned too little in his current one. So, he bade farewell to his family and set out to see what knowledge the world can offer him.
- Bosco's knowledge of nature and experience in the wilds has proven him capable in the outdoors.
[Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F] - Character's inquisitive mind and assistance to the guild has made them ideal in handling situations of a more subtle and sometimes unclear nature. When it is unclear who or what needs to be dealt with, a guild investigator is sent in to ascertain the details before the muscle goes in to clean it up.
[Hunter] - A lesser version of the Job Ranger that excels in wilderness travel, living, and combat.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 137
Points Spent: 203
Points Not Spent: 39
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - C
Speed - F
  • Natural Weapons F
  • Alchemy C
  • Medicine C
  • Attentive Student D
  • Alternate Identity E
  • Appraisal E
  • Domestic Arts E
  • Educated E
    • Engineering E
    • Nature E
    • Survival E
  • Gatherer; Appraisal E, Alchemy D, Medicine D, Nature F, Survival F - Bosco's knowledge of nature and biochemistry make it easier for him to identify and gather natural reagents. Grade D - 2 post cooldown.
  • Herbalist; Medicine E, Alchemy E, Survival F, Nature F, Engineering F - Bosco can replicate simple medical supplies such as simple medicines, splints, and stretchers by fashioning them from the surrounding nature. Grade E - 1 post cooldown.
  • Natural Weapons F
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Coinpurse
  • Mess kit
  • Small knife (unsuited for combat)
  • Pouch of crushed herbs
  • Tent
  • Tinderbox
  • Hardtack and jerky
  • Flask of water
  • Chess set (E)
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Scooping Izaak to cash in on half his earned points for the new boy.

Theme: Pollyanna (I Believe In You) cover by The 8-Bit Big Band
Rp'er Name: Weazel
Post Frequency: Once a week, hopefully more.
Discord Name: N/A
Equipped Titles: [Beast][Kushtaka][Hero of Nan Gau][Known to Clan Yamimoto]
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Approx. 165lbs
Backstory: To be perfectly honest, Todd doesn't really remember much since he woke up in his home village! Even his name is something he adopted only since he woke up, he has no memory of what he was called before. They tell him this is very common, and he shouldn't worry too terribly much about it. Still, he can't help but be curious, he's got some natural talents that aren't quite usual for Kushtaka. Add in some natural wanderlust, and he simply couldn't stay in the village forever. He had to go out, learn, explore! It's a journey of self-discovery, undertaken by a man given a second chance at life.
Although they are natural Beastfolk, Kushtaka are often confused for Monsters - especially those among them who have fully unlocked their innate magical potential - and that can make life difficult sometimes. They don't have the best of reputations, either, especially due to the amount of damage a Kushtaka Village can do to nearby settlements should its residents use their powers for evil ends. So, suffice to say, when Todd blows into town, most people aren't exactly happy to see him. But, being forced to live more towards the fringes of society isn't all bad! Todd's learned a lot about being able to take care of himself. It's fulfilling, really, though he sometimes wishes people would give him the chance to be helpful more often. Still, he's getting to see places he never could've dreamed of before, and meet all kinds of interesting people! Even if sometimes he finds himself in a fight for his life, or fleeing some monster hunter who's really not interested in listening to a Kushtaka explain himself.

Great exercise, though, he's got to admit.
Acquired Titles: [Beast][Kushtaka][Hero of Nan Gau][Known to Clan Yamimoto]
The Kushtaka Race are roughly human sized anthropomorphic otters, based on a creature from the folklore of the Tlingit people of the Pacific Northwest. In appearance, they can resemble any sort of otter, though the North American river otter and the sea otter are the most thematically appropriate. To make a Kushtaka, the following features and titles are considered requirements:
  • [Beast] Title.
  • Cosmetic Features [Kushtaka], [Webbing], and [Claws]
  • At least one rank in Controlled Breathing, Feature [Insulating Fur], and Water Speed
Optionally, Kushtaka may also invest ranks in the following Natural Weapons:
  • Natural Weapon [Bite]
  • Natural Weapon [Tail]
Kushtaka are mystical creatures by nature, with several forms of magic coming naturally do them. Though none of the following are requirements to play the race, those wanting to play towards these folkloric talents may find the following skills particularly suitable:
  • Magic
    • Spell Duration
    • Magic Range
    • Componentless Magic
    • Spell Duration
    • Magic Targets
    • Magic Area of Effect
    • Selective Magic
  • Mind Control
  • Illusion
  • Polymorph
  • Transformation
Points at Start: 105(+31)
Points Earned: 91(+7)
Points Spent: 233
Points Remaining:1
Strength – E
(7 points)
Precision – C (21 points)
Intelligence – C (21 points)
Vitality – D (14 points)
Speed – D (14 points)
  • Feature [Kushtaka] Cosmetic (0 Points) - Kushtaka, or land otters as they're also known, have the general appearance of an anthropomorphic river or sea otter. They are roughly human sized in height, and generally feature all the features one could expect of an 'otter man'.
  • Feature [Insulating Fur] E (14 Points) - This character possesses a coat of soft, insulated underfur, protected by an outer layer of longer guard hairs. This fur is capable of keeping them warm, dry, and somewhat bouyant in water, and becomes increasingly effective the higher rank it is.
  • Feature [Webbing] Cosmetic (0 Points) - Although Kushtakea possess webbing between their digits similar to a normal otter, it ends at the first joint of the finger and toe, and is too short to provide any bonus to swimming capabilities.
  • Feature [Claws] Cosmetic (0 Points) - Kushtaka possess blunt claws on their fingers and toes. They aren't sharp or strong enough to be used as weapons, however.
  • Movement [Water Speed] E (14 Points) - Kushtaka can float and travel on or underwater at greater speeds and for longer than normal sapients.
  • Fighting Style [Gunplay][Pistol] E (14 Points) - Todd fights with his trusty sidearm, a breech loading percussion cap pistol. He knows the following technique cores for use with this weapon.
    • Technique Core [Accurate] F (Free Technique)
    • Technique Core [Indirect] F (7 Points)
    • Technique Core [Ranged] E (Free Technique, 7 Point Upgrade)
  • Controlled Breathing E (14 Points) - Kushtaka have greater lung capacity than normal sapients of their size, and are capable of holding their breath for longer.
  • Educated [Doctor's Apprentice] D (21 Points) - Todd spent some time learning under his village's local medicine man, who taught him to identify medicinal plants and toxins, treat injuries and sicknesses, and brew various potions.
    • Alchemy D
    • Healing D
    • Survival D
  • Investigation F (7 Points) - Visions of a past life have unlocked in Todd a minor aptitude for detective work!
  • Magic D (21 Points) - Todd has some aptitude with magic, and is able to channel his own mana using his ring.
  • Steady Hands F (7 Points) - Given how he's spent a fair amount of his life on the run, Todd has gotten very good at keeping his hands steady while on the move. Great for aiming his gun!
  • Appraisal D (0 Points) - Todd is - or was before he lost his memories - an Isakai'd person, and has the ability to prove it.
  • Run & Gun- Fighting Style [Gunplay] E / Accurate Technique Core F / Ranged Technique Core E / Steady Hands F - E Rank - Todd's more accurate than most, even while running. Once per post, Todd's Accurate technique core can reduce opponent speed by an additional letter grade - so long as Todd himself is moving when he takes the shot. 30ft Range.
    • Rank E - Once Per Post / One Post Cooldown
  • Trick Shot- Fighting Style [Gunplay] E / Indirect Technique Core F / Ranged Technique Core E - E Rank - Todd is skilled at ricocheting his bullets to hit targets behind cover. 30ft Range.
    • Rank E - Once Per Post / One Post Cooldown
  • Magic Catalyst D (7+2 Points) - A silver ring with a small ruby inlaid into it. Todd calls it his 'philosopher's stone' but really it's just a normal catalyst. Usually kept with his Alchemy supplies, since he tends to use them in conjunction.
  • Natural Weapon F (14 Points) - Todd's thick, muscular otter tail makes for an effective bludgeoning weapon, in a pinch, and his teeth are more than sharp enough to pierce flesh.
  • Pistol E (14 Points) - Single shot, breech loading, cap lock.
  • Waterskin
  • Mixing Kit (Alchemy Tool)
    • Paper or papyrus
    • Metal balls
    • Gunpowder
  • Survival Knife (Survival Tool)
  • Tinderbox
  • Bedroll
  • Past Life F (RP Reward)
Change Log:
  • Character Retirement: Izaak - Gained 31 Points
  • Character Creation: Stats - Spent 49 Points
  • Character Creation: Skills - Spent 56 Points
  • Character Creation: Possessions - Spent 28 Points
  • Character Creation: Abilities
    • Run & Gun - Rank F, Req. Weapon Style [Gunplay], Steady Hands, & Accurate
    • Trick Shot - Rank F, Req. Weapon Style [Gunplay] & Indirect
  • [May Even These Peasants Have Respite, Pt. II] - Gained 42 Points, [Hero of Nan Gau] Title, [Known to Clan Yamimoto] Title, Feature [Insulating Fur] E Skill.
    • Upgrade: Stats - Spent 14 Points. Gained Speed D. Gained Intelligence C.
    • Upgrade: Skills - Spent 21 Points. Gained Fighting Style [Gunplay] E & Ranged Technique Core F. Gained Educated [Doctor's Apprentice] E. Gained Magic E.
    • Upgrade: Possessions - Spent 7+2 Points. Gained Magic Catalyst D. Gained Pistol E.
    • Upgrade: Abilities - Applied Ranged F to Trick Shot and Run & Gun Abilities.
    • Character Grade: (7+14+21+7+14)/5 = 12.6 = E Rank.
  • [The Hunt] (Partial) - Gained 3 Points.
  • [Soul Wood] - Gained 46 Points, [Past Life] F Asset.
    • Upgrade: Stats - Spent 14 Points. Gained Vitality D & Precision C.
    • Upgrade: Skills - Spent 42 Points. Gained Movement [Water Speed] E, Controlled Breathing E, Educated [Doctor's Apprentice] D, Magic D, Investigation F, & Ranged Technique Core E.
    • Character Grade: (7+21+21+14+14)/5 = 15.4 = D Rank, Appraisal Skill upgrades to D.
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Rp'er Name: ReptilianDude
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
Current RP: None for now
Goals: Manage to make allies without infecting them directly, pretty much study this world
Equipped Titles: Beast, Root Infected
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 150 lbs
Backstory: In his world where protecting the Earth is kinda rare, Mike strived to be a biologist in order to save his planet. Thus, he discovered these.. "Gaia Roots". Pretty much these roots could heal even large jungles if given time, and thus, he managed to be at least important. Well, not that important, but it was a important discovery nonetheless. However, in 20XX, during a speech he was supposed to give, a gunshot went through his head.. a assasination. His success was also short-lived, so he was rather saddened, if it wasn't for a god giving him another chance. Remembering the Gaia roots, he thought of getting their power, but his sadness caused something.. instead of being able to heal, these invasive roots were a plague, but whatever, deal is a deal, and Mike is soon sent to this new world...
Current Life: Mike now lives in a forest, where he mostly lives. He also decided to rather stay in secret, and avoid any encounter with humans for now.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Root Infected (A animal infected by the plague roots. These animals become rather zombified and develop grotesque features and the roots on their bodies.)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Mind Control F
  • Magic E
  • Duration F
  • Catalyst E
  • Tunneling E
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Plague Infection - Mind Control F - By simply touching a animal, he can infect it with his root plague, and make them do his bidding - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - Currently works on only small animals such as rats, frogs, etc.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • None, for now
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • None, for now
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None, for now
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 6/30/2023: Character sheet finished
  • 6/30/2023: New skills added
  • 7/4/2023: More upgrades to reach 105 points
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Captain Integra of Black Hart
Theme: Still Counting
Rp'er Name: Sepokku
Post Frequency:
48 Hours
Discord Name: Ayanokoji#8301
Current RP: World's Training
Goals: Become a Warlord, Get Rich or Die Trying, Buy an Airship, Get Better crew hands, Acquire Magic Materials for Dani
Equipped Titles: Human, Born For This
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150lbs
Backstory: In his past life Integra was a Peruvian Pirate who had a string of perpetually bad luck. Revolts and mutiny seemed to happen every few years and his short life as a Pirate Captain came to an end when his ship was destroyed by a naval freighter from a technologically superior nation. With his last breath, he cursed his life and found himself speaking to a Goddess of Strife. She offered him another chance and he greedily accepted.
Current Life: Born into a small village in Ryke, Integra knew he had to be prudent in order to avoid repeating his fate. Deciding upon the most talented children around his age, he started the long journey of becoming a warlord again. Dubbing his childhood best friend, Dani, as his "First Mate," the duo left their hometown to make a name for themselves along with their burgeoning crew.
Acquired Titles: Human, Born For This, Hero of Nan Gau
Points at Start: 105 (+28)
Points Earned: 24
Points Spent: 154
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - H
Precision - E
Intelligence - B
Vitality - H
Speed - B
  • Magic Rank D
    • Range E
  • Appraisal Rank E
  • (5) Minion(s) Rank F
    • Speed Rank C (-21)
    • Intelligence Rank D (-14)
    • Magic Rank E (-14)
    • Magic Range Rank F (-7)
    • Rank C Catalysts from Dani
    • Rank F Pistols from Dani
  • Companion (Dani) Rank F -Born For This-
    • Precision Rank B (-28)
    • Artisan (Artificer) Rank C (-21)(-7 From Born For This)
    • Artisan (Leatherworker) F (-7)
    • Artisan (Enchanter) E (-7)(-7 From Born For This)
    • Artisan (Tinkerer) F
    • Rank F Rifle from Tinkerer
    • 70 Points total
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Flux - (Magic Rank F, Range F) - Integra lets loose a flux of damaging mana - Duration: Instant, Range 30'
  • Captain's Eye - (Appraisal E, Range E) An appraising scan of the enemy commences - Duration: Instant Range 100'
  • Super Flux (Magic Rank E, Range E) Integra lets loose a flux of very damaging mana - Duration: Instant, Range 100'
  • Bang (Magic Rank D, Range E) Integra fires off a condensed "bullet" of pure mana at a distance - Duration: Instant, Range 100'
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Myrthil Catalyst - Ring (Energized Rank E / Focus Rank E) Rank E
  • Catalyst - Ring Rank C
  • Light Armor Rank F
  • Rank F Pistol
  • Rank F Rifle
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Dani's Tools
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

  • Dani's "Shop"
Change Log:

    • Strength Rank H +14
    • Vitality Rank H +14
    • Companion -35
    • Minions -14
    • Speed Rank B -28
    • Intelligence Rank B -28
    • Precision Rank E -7 (+1)
    • Mythril for Catalyst Rank F -7
    • Magic Rank E -14
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