
Yumiku White

She's that of which all I wish to be. Graceful and smart. Her path is lit for her due to her own accord of knowing what she truly wants out of life. She smiles when she's sad because she hope it'll make her happy. She has an eternal love with a man whom brings out the best in her but she'd be fine without him in her life because she knows how to love herself more than anyone. She gets hurt but faces her fears head on. She is a well loved individual and feels it to be so. She never feels alone and loves those who hate because she knows they need it most.

She is a most devine individual

She is not me but everything I pretend to be


Name: Yumi White
Age: 28
Birthday: 9/18/93
RPer for: 13 years
RP length: Paragraph rp\ 3+ lines
Characters genders: both
Rp type: Open


I really love to write.
I'm not very good at it (grammatically wise) but I really do love to write. I have taken a love for writing dating as far back as 16 years ago.
I first started off, heavily, on IMVU 13 years ago and navigated the world of Rp through there and fanfiction. Before that, when internet first came around, I dabbled with curiosity of the developing world of rp through the AOL chats. I went to IMVU after the development of the interwebs and that's where Yumiku White came to be. I met my first roleplay friend on IMVU who helped me come up with this name.
I wanted something anime sounding (Yes I was a 14 year old weeb) and I really liked the sound of Yuki but I didnt want to exactly take the name from Vampire Knight but I wanted to make it similar. Yumiku was the result. The last name White was a name David (my now brother and 13 year old rp sensei) had already established as his last name so I took it.
I still am friends with him 13 years later. As mentioned, he taught me about detailed writing, how to fill the gaps when a character has but a single action. the ideas to fill it with such as; "describe what they're wearing, thinking, describe the room, the scenery, the weather, describe the sounds and mother nature as if you are seeing it for yourself". I will never forget this advice because that's what truly progressed my progress to Paragraph RP.
IMVU helped with the practice of descriptions because of the rooms. I loved engulfing myself in the rooms that were devoted to the art of storytelling. I have always loved the possibilities of not having control of where the story will go due to the participation of all involved yet enjoyed the power to control some of where it ended up when it came to your turn.
I've developed over time from 'little liners' to 'para multi rp''. I ended up stopping due to the growth of life and my age.

What I want

Im 28 now yet still have a love for writing and I find myself wanting to get into that experience again. IMVU is pretty dead on the creative scale for roleplays. Fanfiction is pretty dead as far as writing and I find myself wishing I could go back in time to when both were in its prime. For now I am sitting here at my desk at work, a job with very little to do when I'm not taking calls. The need to write and occupy the time once again itches the right side of my brain.

RP times: 8am-5pm (PST)
Sep 18, 1993 (Age: 31)

