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  • Geez, I've been gone for so long I almost forgot my password. Thank goodness I was able to hop back on as easily as I did. Now I just gotta hunker down and focus on my project. Hopefully it can start soon. I might have tried to do more than I could handle. Perhaps I should just crunch down a few things or leave things out and explain as I go. I'm used to doing that with D&D where I just have the major details lined out but I can go into further depth using instinct. I should bring that up with the group and see if they would be okay with that.
    I just realized I have no idea how to build a roleplay on this site lol. Live and Learn. The best way to learn is to make mistakes and fix what went wrong. Follow the game designers mantra, Fail Faster!
    Wicked Jester
    Wicked Jester
    Don't worry, I haven't even attempted since the update. I should though.
    Well I was hoping to do something like Fantasy High School, but I haven't made enough posts to do that yet.  :(  So for now what I'm trying to do is just put everything in it's appropriate sections. I already failed at that just a few minutes ago. But I fixed it! Go Game Designer's mantra!
    Wicked Jester
    Wicked Jester
    I need to remake one of my rps, but I'm in the middle of revamping it.
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