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  • The only problem is it's a popular apartment. So when you leave the aprtment and you look like you've just witnessed a shooting, people look at you and think you're a pyschopath.
    I rent my friends gaming apartment. It's a two room apartment.... He bought it just to game. He took out all the light bulbs and put scary gaming posters all over the place. He has a computer specially designed for gaming. It's all pitch black. A room with a desk, chair, and small lamp light. The other room is a bathroom but, who cares about it. I rent it to play all my games. It makes you shizz bricks just sittng there LOL.
    I know right? My brother laughed at me for freaking out. But seriously you need to play Exmortious or watch PewdiePie play it. You can play it on like one of the gaming websites.
    Lately I've been raving on a game called Death Island, I can't beat it, and I'm too lazy to cheat. Oh yeah, on Fear I almost broke my TV... I have it on the x-box 360. I freak out when this girl who litteraly is like a demon. She begins laughing and burns you...to the bone. I haven't been able to beat it. My six year old brther beat it without crying... wth.
    I'm more of a PC gamer, I really like Amniesa: Darkest Descent (Can't spell... also super scary!) Fallout 3, Undying, F.E.A.R. (This one made me shit bricks, and I don't get scared that easily), and System Shock Two.
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