
I have been roleplaying for 20 years. In that time, I have seen forum plays, IM plays, tabletop RPGs, LARPs...you name it. I have sampled every genre in the creation of my specific tastes, so you may count on it that I do not make any decisions in haste.

I cherish plot and character interaction above pointless conflict. I am here to help tell a story. To that end, there are some things I will and will not do.

Also, as a supplement to the Preferred Genres information, I would like to add the following preferences to better flesh out my tastes:

-Modern Superhero
-Dystopian Futuristic
-Modern Supernatural
-Fandom-ish (roleplays which can be based on a fandom, but with original characters, plots, etc)
January 1


After quite a few conversations in the RPN Discord, I have come to the realization that this site and I are simply incompatible on a creative level. My thanks to all who have shared their time with me, and my thanks to the admins who gave me the chance to look around. Happy hunting!