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  • We dominate your conference with offense, that's no nonsense;
    My theme song hits, get your reinforcements.

    I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me.

    :P #ThrowbackThursday
    Hungry enough to get up and get something to eat.  Not hungry enough to actually cook.  Hmm...
    Perhaps you'll get an opportunity one day :)  you never know.  I still haven't had a chance to visit Europe yet either  ^_^  
    Rock And Roll Boy
    We can show each other around our home countries.
    Sure thing!  It's been a while since I've seen some of the tourist stuff around NY myself.  Be nice to see the Natural Museum of History again ^_^  
    *Watching Pirates of the Caribbean before*

    Jester: Wow, mermaids are man eating monsters! O_o

    *Watching it now*

    Jester: Those aren't mermaids, they're sirens.  Hire yourself a witcher. -_-  
    From time to time I read an article on possible earth like planets outside of our solar system, and I get excited about it because the photo of the planet looks so cool.  Then a tiny child like part of me dies whenever I read in the caption that it's only an artist's depiction.  .-.
    Ahem, these aliens might have advanced psionic abilities plus access to an intergalactic highway that can allow them to outmaneuver us at every corner.  Even if we have technology and numbers on our side, it may not be enough.  If that condition is true, we'd have to pledge our souls to some sentient cosmic entity for the power to defeat them.  All in exchange for our free will or souls.

    Remind you of anything?
    Ah yes, we'll all turn into regenerative metal gauss wielding terminators that run on green lightning.  Just so we can avoid a Covenant War scenario where the only possible victories are the ones where we drown our enemies in our own blood.

    Well, at least we don't have to worry about our souls being corrupted and turned into daemons by insane malevolent beings of another dimension. :P  
    Correct.  I always saw the Necrontyr as a vision of our potential fate.
    The new SAO abridge is making me have so much feels right now in the middle of my laughs.

    I wish they'll just admit that they misspelled Hermione when they decided to name the tropical storm that is now a hurricane. -_-

    Hope everyone in Florida/lower Georgia stays safe.
    Me too, though from early reports the people are generally fine, though it's property damage that's mostly the problem.  I hope that her house and stuffs are fine as well.
    A lot of counties in north Florida have lost power, and of course there's lots of wind damage, but so far that seems to be all.
    Hope so too
    Love the "Oh God.  It's Jason Bourne" moment in each Bourne movie.  Maybe that's why people didn't like Legacy as much :|  
    I wish there was a crossover movie released in 2008 where they made James Bond track and capture Jason Bourne, and they ended up facing off against each other in a spy vs assassin battle.
    *Reads news*  "Children claim clown tried to lure them into the woods."  *Picks up phone* Pennywise stop trying to lure kids to the woods and then trying to eat them!  It's hard enough to get a job as a Jester in this economy without you making people scared and confused every time they see me (and other jesters)!
    Meh, had a dream where Jeri-KO almost broke up and then renamed themselves something stupid, but at least they stayed as a tag team? :/  
    You flee my dream come the morning, your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet.

    To dream of raven locks entwisted, stormy.  Of violent eyes, glistening as you weep. 
    On my third playthrough, I'm still finding new content in the Witcher 3's core game.  This game is a masterpiece.
    I understand, though I always up my difficulties during later playthroughs.  First I started on blood, then blood and broken bones, and now Death March :D   Nah I just laugh when I die.  Some parts are annoying like underwater combat, but when you find a way to kill them, it's sooo satisfying.  Also, razor's edge ftw >:) (random instant kill perk, regardless of enemy levels).

    Well, Geralt 's kind of bleh too, if you've ever read the books.  I think he fits well with Yen, though I agree that Triss and Shani are cooler girls to hang with :)   Lolz

    Yeah I like Dragon Age too, but the only one I signed on died very quickly, and the fans aren't as... consistent as I would like.  O_o  would you like me to ask my partner if you can be in it too?  Are you consistent with posts? :|  (Never actually RP'd with you before XD) 
    Have fun, i will stick to my easy mode man. :D

    Geralt is awesome IMO, like, too awesome. And yes, Shani and Triss are much cooler, like a millions times cooler xD

    RIP Dragon Age RP's. And nah dude, it is fine, keep it between you two. Plus I don't think I can compete with your standards. I am pretty... meh at RP. I am on everyday so my posts would be consistent but still
    All good man.  I understand (y)

    Honestly?  I rather chill with Zolton in my opinion.  Go drinking.  Get in some fights with the guy (you know the dwarf's got your back).  Party it up at a brothel.  Burn the place down.  Get chased out of town.  Rescue Dandelion.  Repeat.  Sounds like a hell of guy's night out to me ^_^  Yup yup, though given Yen's past, it's good to see that she's not as damaged as she could've been :/  

    Yup yup :|  Fair enough.  Honestly I care less about quality and more of if people are having fun or not/getting a post regularly.  If you change your mind, you know where to find me ^_^  
    Man, wish Stephanie had control of Smackdown so that less wrestlers gets injured, also that it wouldn't impact the shows as much with the 2 hour broadcast instead of 3. -_-
    Tempted to use adulting powers to make Fan Marvel scene happen with new Marvel Legos sets...

    Poor adult part of me reminds me that I have no money to spend on that though T_T
    Us humans communicate in such a strange fashion, as in how different emphasis on different parts of a sentence can change it's meaning entirely.

    For example: No, thank you. No, thank you. No, thank you. and No, thank you. all mean different things.

    (Just using my experience with the English Language personally.  Not sure if that applies the same way to other languages or not :/ )
    Thank you Ender :)  I'll have to remember that next time I'm talking to Peter.
    It get's better with tonal languages.  Pronounce something differently, it changes the meaning completely.  But the good news is that some languages are analytical and relatively simple.
    Oh, wow.  That's crazy.  Imagine saying "Hi, how are you?" and turning it into "Go jump off a cliff, ass."

    Man I would not do well in those :/  
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