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  • To all my royalty RP partners! I’m in Italy right now and accessing WiFi is a bit of a struggle, so I don’t think we’d be able to properly start until I get home next weekend. However, I’m hoping we can still chat and plot and whatever until then, as I’d really like to role play with everyone I’ve spoken to. We could even make up our own little kingdom or something like that. I hope this is okay and I apologise!!
    Ah, but it’s so rich in history! I’d love to visit one day, but I understand why you’d feel that way. My other side is Irish but I lean more towards Italy while my brother always wants to go to Ireland.
    History and I don't get along that well- especially when it is moreso implied or shoved down my throat than on display or anything worth it.
    Ah really? I adore History. I think it’s facsinating.
    We had a bit of a storm earlier. How is the weather in Milan?
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