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  • *hug tackles* Faaae *cuddles* I've missed you (seen you on my profile though and was so happy to see you active / around)

    *cuddles and kidnaps* I'm never letting you go ever again T_T
    Lol. Thats my fault. Adulting things kept me away, but not for long! How have you been! Im on discord now and then too. 

    Ps. I really missed you too!
    Bah Adulting things suck keeping my adorable older sister figure away from me D:  . *huggles*

    I've been..good..for a few days I wasn't but I'm so over it. Because I thought a lot on what had happened on those days and realised..life moves on and so should I.

    Its not the end of the world when something bad happens. I can recover from anything.

    I haven't seen you on discord ah then again I'm not on it often anymore bc no one really to talk to.

    Pretty much everyone in my discord has school or work in the way so I'm just forever alone in there XD

    *Snuggles* I love you Fae <3  
    "Upside Downside, Inside Outside. Hitting you from every angle there's no doubt, poetry in motion, coast to coast, and rub it in your skin like lotion." Lifted - CL. Not the most clever of songs, but certainly catchy. 
    It wasn't catchy for me. No offense, but it sounded like a wannabe Western music. I know CL can do more than that, and it was such a disappointment (for me) when it was released.
    I can't get it out of my head and I feel's like a "call me maybe song." It samples method man, which is why is sounds so western. I think this is a chance to get her foot in the door and feet wet in the US billboards. It's a great song to appease the masses. Like I said not clever, but it's a song that will never end. To each his own though! Certainly not my favorite CL song, but it makes me happy. 
    I said I was going to stalk you so...Ello' *Gives you the stink eye*
    You really weren't kidding. Hello *cocks an eyebrow*.
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