Okay, does anyone else remember watching stuff like “Lalaloopsy Daycare” when they were younger? I found one of those videos in my recommendation page on YouTube and I’m SHOOK.
Hey guys, I’m very bored so if you have any music you want me to listen to, tell me! I’d give it a quick listen! If you want some music I suggest, I suggest “I’ll Curb Stomp Your Auntie”, “Cha Cha”, “DONTTRUSTME”, and “Mia Khalifa”! Some may have some naughty language, earbuds/AirPods/headphones are suggested while listening!
I looked at your profile picture, I recognized it immediately, and the soundclip played in my head at the precise rate I read your title. It was a magical experience.
Me: I’m so tough! I’m a badass!
Someone, in a calming voice, not raising it: Hey, you might need to start upping your grades a bit-