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  • I have posts something I need for you guys to read in the plot thread. I have also posted a few NPCs and description of all the nations. If you feel comfortable enough to start without a map, which I will get up later, please comment on the OOC thread that you are ready and have read my Plot warning and I will start the RP up when everyone comments.
    Perfectly fine! If you would like to try and add another Character later, we can do that. :)
    Where you still going to post the Avian or did you deiced not to play it? Your Character Bio made me giggle. Thank you for getting that done!
    I would love for you to join my RP. :) To answer your question the closest you will get to a 'Fallen Angel' will be a Avian Theriocephaly[FONT=&amp][FONT=&amp][/FONT][/FONT] or possibly a Fey who's been shunned by his own kind. I can go in depth for either spices if you need me too. :) Please get back to me and if you accept then I will make a group. Thank you!
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