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  • To those I'm roleplaying with: since we're in the process of moving, my Internet may be spotty for a while. I will probably be able to post consistently again when we either A) transfer the bare necessities (beds, our computer, etc) from where we're staying now to our new living quarters, and "move in" (when I'm not drowning in homework), or B) at the end of next month. Until then, I will try to respond to posts when I can. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
    Currently booked up to my neck with homework so to anyone who's expecting posts, I'll try to have them up at some point before Tuesday night. For those who are expecting the character forms I've promised, I'll post what I've written so far and finish them at a later date, when I'm not bombarded with homework. 
    Don't ever treat me as though I don't know what I'm talking about. If you think I'm uneducated, then educate me. But do so in a manner that's completely unbiased. If you can't debate me in a mature manner where we're both on equal footing, then don't say anything or teach me how to debate properly. But don't ever treat me like an idiot because of petty trivialities that are irrelevant to the conversation.
    I've grown so disenchanted with roleplaying lately, it's discouraging. It's disgusting. Yet I still continue to poke around the web in search of the ideal roleplay...I'm delusional.
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