
Who is TheFelineverse?

I’m a dedicated roleplayer who has been at it for around ten years. I heavily focus on high fantasy themes with romance, drama and combat mixed in. I also always play as a feline character, be that a cat, a lion, a gryphon or a human-cat hybrid. Other than that I’m pretty flexible on other details. I have always aimed to reply within 0-2 days and I do expect my roleplay partners to do the same, but of course, that is not always possible due to IRL reasons which is completely understandable. Communication before and during a roleplay is very important to me because it allows everyone to get on the same page. Sometimes there will be disagreements and that’s fine, everyone's ideas should be respected and properly considered. Compromise is key to making all parties happy.

I prefer a character to start somewhat weak and slowly become more advanced as the story progresses. When it comes to combat I’m happy to either roleplay it normally or use the dice feature. Remember not to make your character OP because that will suck all the fun out of it.

For the story itself I desire it to have depth and variety, something that I can mentally chew on that allows me to form interesting ideas. I want to find myself caring about our characters and wanting to find out what happens next. I love a good plot twist that catches me off guard which can turn the entire story on its head forcing me to adapt to the sudden change.

I don’t care about spelling and grammar. As long as I can understand what you’ve written then it’s okay.

Lastly, remember to relax, enjoy yourself and let your imagination run wild!

Feel free to add me on Discord if you want to chill and chat! :)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)