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  • Hey! Just to remind you to reply to Pharmas. I know you get online maybe once or twice a day, or even less sometimes, so I just wanted you to reply to Pharmas so that Autumn and I can keep it going while you're gone.
    Hey! Just to remind you to reply to Pharmas. I know you get online maybe once or twice a day, or even less sometimes, so I just wanted you to reply to Pharmas so that Autumn and I can keep it going while you're gone.
    Hey! Whenever you get this, go check out Pharmas. We're about ready to introduce my character to yours. Once you post, we can proceed. It is all on you. Post on, my friend!
    Oh man that's good! Haha, I reread it and I was like "Oh no! I sounded like I was complaining about his RP not having my favorite race!" xD

    I was just excited finding out you play table top so I thought you would relate. :p
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