I have some RP rules please read these because I'm sick of RPs ending over little things that can easily be avoided.
#1: My replies aren't long I will give you stuff to work with but it won't be like 5 sentences long honestly I feel expecting that every time is unreasonable.
#2: please be more then one character OCs are fine but he some Canon ones too so it's fair
#3: I won't play a character just so you're OC can date them that never ends well I play a character you want for other reasons as long as you do the same.
#4: wait for me to reply if it's only been a few hours or something don't reply again give me a chance if a few days go by sure reply again.
#5: don't control my characters it beats the purpose of a RP.
#6: if you use a OC please use one made for what we are Rping and please no self inserts I've had bad experience with them.
Unless we are Rping something like Pokémon or Digimon then it's fine because that's kind of the point.
#7: I'm not a fan of swear words a few could be fine but don't be dropping F bombs over and over again
#8: I don't care how long you're replies are just as long as it's not one word 5 times in a row and I know what character is talking