You know what comes after death? Physically, I mean? Nothing. You may go to heaven or the afterlife or whatever you believe in, but your body sits under the ground, rotting forever to be forgotten. For every person in the history books, there's millions more, completely forgotten because they only changed a couple or a couple dozen people's lives.
Being gone for school from before the sun rises to after it sets, than having to go to bed early if I want to wake up the next morning...
I don't really get to get online much. Kind of sad because I never get to talk to you people or RP with you any more. I even missed Trust moving on from the site by a whole two days and I feel guilty for that.
Hey everyone! I'm changing my name to how it's been in osu! for quite a while, simply because I'm 1: tired of the jokes about my name and 2: Just want the names to match and all that.
So I will be changing my profile picture and account display name.
To Soul Stealer. If my Cover Photo didn't make that obvious.
I'm sorry, guys. I'm severely in need of some time off, since this time it's hardly an exaggeration to say I'm drowned in work. I've had almost no time I've been able to set aside for RPN. Luckily, there's going to be a sunrise to this. Tomorrow. I have a day off tomorrow (And no, I didn't have one today since I wasn't on, I just got back from marching band stuff and didn't wake up early enough to get on this morning), and next (or this..?) Wednesday. I can hardly take the effort to look through my 91 notifications, and I'll try and be on tomorrow.
And sorry if I appear mad at anyone at any time, I'm stressed out and don't mean a word of it