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  • I really wish Mowgli hadn't suddenly just abandoned Slave Trade. D: I was having a really fun time with that rp, especially with Kira and Allen. ^-^ Btw, I miss ya around here. D: Hope you come back!
    Well they're good, trust me! ;) haha. Just talking about this makes me want to watch the Left Behind series again. XD
    I've only read probably around three to five of the Redwall series, but I'm already in love with it. ^^ I don't think I've ever read the Left Behind books, but I did watch the tv series they made from it and I really liked that! You should check out the Dragons in Our Midst book series. I bet you'd like it. :3
    Oh my gosh, you like the Left Behind and Redwall series?? :D Me too! ^.^ lol
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