Snow Bear

“Isn’t it a pity when death sheds more tears than humans?”


Hello one and all, and welcome to my clinic, you fell down the rabbit hole you say? Oops, the meds are to the left, straight jackets are on the right, and tea with Hatter is at 11 sharp. Who am I, well I am your lovely host of this fine establishment, Snow. I am a 24 year old poet who enjoys watching anime and YouTube. My favorite color is a Red Rose and my favorite drink is a Strawberry Milk Boba.

I love to participate in lengthy, fun roleplays. I’m better at 1x1 but in groups I could try ... even though I’m not the most vocal. In a group setting my character would most likely be the waitress or someone who works on the sidelines in a shop somewhere.

*gives a cookie and disappears* 🍪🦋
In my eternal winter
Protector of February

