
I'm a person who doesn't like leaving the house but loves human interaction. I like to be creative and build worlds and characters with others, but I'm usually out of luck offline, because my friends aren't down for that. I joined this site to find other creative socialites who want to escape reality and be different people.

I'm an artist and writer, but mostly an artist, because I don't have the attention span or mental capacity to produce full stories by myself. I'm also a beginner in programming, and have made some really basic and crappy websites from scratch.

I mainly like fantasy/sci-fi but I'm down for realistic/modern too. I like to play characters that aren't overpowered or have crazy abilities. I like to stick with more imperfect characters with small abilities and unique personalities. I can play male, female, or neither; and I can do really any species or race. I don't usually like doing fandom roleplays, I'm more interested in worldbuilding and character building.

See you around!

December 18


( I don't know where I'm going, but I am on my way. )
[ -Carl Sagan ]


