
I love fantasy, and gravitate towards ideas centered around that genre most of the time, whether it be medieval, steampunk, etc. But sci fi and more modern/supernatural stuff can catch my eye too. More recently, I've been a tad more open to fandom stuff too, though I used to avoid it in the past.

I love weak to strong stories. I actually have a particular craving/love for the idea of starting at rock bottom, much weaker than the standard starting power levels for most roleplays, where character weaknesses and inabilities far outweigh their strengths. One day, maybe I'll even host something with that as it's base.

I also love complex or deep magical systems, with elements split definitively, different methods of activation(not always just arbitrary manipulation), etc. I also really like the idea of specific, focused spells with definitive parameters(aka a fireball of this speed, this size etc).

Additionally, stat systems, random-generation or random chance mechanics often catch my attention too. I love partaking in them, and they're always fun to read about.

I mainly do group roleplays, though the size of said group usually doesn't matter. I think I usually post between 300-1000 words, but it really depends on the roleplay, post length/frequency requirements, my private notes, how inspired I am, my mood at the time of writing, etc.

Something I'm particularly craving at the moment is the chance to write deeper relations between my character and another/others in a group roleplay. Like a pre-established parent and child dynamic, siblings/twins, husband and wife, etc. If I show interest in another group rp anytime soon, I'll probably broadcast this offer there lol.

