Silly Little Guy

You can call me Ash, My pronouns are displayed in my custom title and I’m 16, I’m on here to do role plays from the BSD and MHA fandoms and starting to get into D&D, but I’m also very supportive! If you ever need someone to talk to you can PM me or leave me a message on my account and I’ll try to respond to you as soon as possible!
April 22
Meursault Prison
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Disable Activity Bar
  1. Disable


So I’ve questioned my gender identity many times as my friends know and I think I’ve decided on identifying as Gender Fluid! I’ll update my custom title depending on what I feel the most comfortable identifying as!

I’m adding whatever I’m currently watching here, as either a recommendation to watch or an invitation to talk to me about it. ✨Attack on Titan✨ Almost finished with season 3. Finally getting into it??? Took so long to get to this god damn basement, seems like it might’ve been worth it though