
I'm a third year college student with a flair for writing I can't seem to itch. Hit me up if you have any questions or simply want to chat.

Current Projects:
Supernatural | Historic RP / Amaryllis / -
London, 1883.

Futuristic | Sci-Fi RP / Nebula / -
More than a hundred years after the loss of Earth, humanity's fate hangs in the balance. War plagues the galaxy and salvation seems a distant dream. With only the vast vacuum of space as a backdrop, it is a wonder hope ever existed in the first place. The humans of the Federation, desperate to ensure their survival, have banded together against their long-standing enemy: the Kretin, a race of humanoid aliens responsible for the destruction of humanity's second home, Gaia. With their numbers split between the four cardinal Fleets and the three classes that define their society, the people of the Federation are well trained and ordered. The Rebel Fleet, however, continues to cause issues in their ongoing battle for dominance.

With advanced technology and abilities on its side, the Federation has begun gaining ground against its enemies. Yet, the Kretins are no mindless beasts, and for every innovation the humans create, the aliens learn to adapt in turn. So too are the Rebels never lax in attacking and stealing technology for their own use. While they may not pose the same threat to the Federation as the Kretin, their attacks are no less hazardous to the whole.

When whole troupes and battalions from the Eastern Fleet are reported either slaughtered or missing, unease begins to trickle through the ranks. It seems the war's climax has begun to arrive, but are they ready to face it? With no Earth to return to, it will take everything humanity has to survive the last frontier.

(Universe/Lore in the works.)

Fantasy | Adventure RP / Relic Hunters / - In the works. (Will likely be out after the Sci-Fi one.)

*I have notes written out for both of the above ideas. If you're curious, feel free to ask about them.
Sep 22, 1997 (Age: 26)
Among the Stars


“Love cannot be reduced to a catalogue of reasons why, and a catalogue of reasons cannot be put together into love.”
- Eleanor Catton, the Luminaries