
Hey, you can call me Sho or Flo! I mostly use she/her but I don't really care, so use whatever pronouns for me that make you comfortable :) I'm at the upper end of young-adult! I come from Quotev, so I may have a unique roleplay style if you're unfamiliar. Regardless, it's a pleasure to meet you :)

What I'm looking for:
I'm looking for partners that can handle A LOT of time between responses because I'm particularly spontaneous. I enjoy descriptive, double-up, 1x1, OCxCanon roleplays. Sometimes I will do OCxOC, however, it's very rare for me! Anime is my main interest, but sometimes the manga/manhwa/manhua that I'm reading catches my eye too. Comics are interesting, but I'm never well-versed in the worlds.
Grammar is fairly important to me, but so long as your response is legible and written in paragraphs I'm usually pretty happy. I don't RP spicy/explicit things at all, however, mature themes(disorders, arguments, moral dilemmas, fight scenes, etc) are ok for me. Let me know your triggers before we start plotting so I can be mindful :) LGBTQIA+ friendly!
I love plotting and making headcanons between pairings.

Active Fandoms of Interest:
MHA, HXH, ATLA, Soul Eater, Inuyasha. There are more options, but I may not have an OC for it so I won't list them here. Ask me!

Response Formatting:
Double-up means that my response will include two separate perspectives written in third-person limited. The two perspectives, or 'sides', that my response consists of will be my OC and your OC's love interest(LI) or platonic partner(PP). It's like writing two stories within the same world! Likewise, your responses will consist of your OC and my char's LI/PP.
In situations where the different perspectives are in the same scene, I will combine them into a single piece. In situations where your character's LI or PP is not relevant for any particular reason, I will pick up a relevant character to interact with yours and hopefully, you can reciprocate :)
I usually write a minimum of 150 words per side (300 words total); I often write more than that when I have time or scenes are of high interest. I have gotten up to 2k words per side before, but that's often exhausting and I usually can't maintain that consistently (at the moment, at least).
I don't mind stylistic formatting, just let me know ahead of time :)

About my OCs:
Most of my characters are women or non-binary.
Most of my characters are unfinished, so they have empty 'descriptors' in the character sheet that I've made for them. Usually, this isn't hugely detrimental to understanding the idea of the character.
I'm particularly bad at making 'balanced' champions, so don't be surprised if they're a bit (too) strong. It's a known issue of mine! I'm actively editing to make them less powerful or balanced, but I also just like strong characters c: As a result, I don't mind the same from your characters and I welcome you to tell me if it's a bit too much. We can try to find a middle ground!

Pet Peeves:
When something just... Doesn't fit in the universe or breaks a known rule. (e.g., a character in ATLA who is ALSO the avatar or who can dual-bend, an MHA character who can steal OFA, etc). I like bending rules, but I often don't love outright breaking them unless we both talk about it ahead of time!
I cannot RP with you if you don't use paragraphs and quotation marks for conversations! I just can't :(
Constant pokes to reply. Chatting with one another is 100% ok in between replies, but please don't pressure me to reply too often. I will go months and sometimes even years in between replies, so please understand my inconsistency and don't pressure me too hard.
If we're making a canon char go OOC or doing an AU! version of them, we need to agree ahead of time. Otherwise, I expect (to the best of your ability) for the character to be in character. Likewise, I will do the same! Please tell me if something I write just doesn't fit how you think an interaction should go and I will try to amend it. (e.g., don't make a bully character immediately kind or in love unless we agree to do that!)
When you take control of my character and make them do things in your replies. Likewise, I also do not do that. Please don't write dialogue or detailed actions for my character without asking me for permission or input! I call this God-Modding.

I'm not the partner for you if...
  • You want a consistent, fast-reply RP
  • You need a 100% finished character
  • You like to god-mod without permission!
  • (I'll add as I discover!)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)