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  • And we're off. It's good to be writing again. Well, *I* think so. My players may not.
    Eep. Game almost good to go. Been a while since I ran pbp. This should be interesting.
    Disappointed it took nearly a week to recover from Iron Maiden. Am I getting old or something?
    Human awfulness getting you down? Craving those "we suck, but we can rise above it" feels? Civ's got you covered.
    Kubo And The Two Strings is astonishing. Incredible art and sound, and the story is straight out epic, like an Exalted campaign focused on high-end Performance(music) charms. Go see.
    sorrow made you
    sorrow made you
    Hnnng!! I wanna go see it! Dx

    Hopefully it's still out when I get paid. >_>;;
    Well the No Man's Sky PC launch could have gone better. Like, actually thinking about how a mouse/keyboard works better.
    The most amusing thing I saw written about it was "No Man's PC can run this" ~
    I've been fairly lucky in that there were no game-breaking issues (apart from one time landing the ship and it glitched into a cave and I couldn't take off without bumping off the roof so much the ship exploded), most of my problems are little quality-of-life things like draw distance, dodgy pop-up and having to hold down a mouse button instead of clicking. But really, it looks like nobody thought to give it the tweaks it needed or deserved. Feels like an afterthought, which is sad considering I hear it started off as a PC game before Sony got interested.
    Suspect I'm nearing the end of Witcher 3. Can't remember the last game that was so well-crafted.
    If they'd fired Snyder into the sun first, Bats v Supes would have been great. As it is it's mostly ok I guess.
    It's disjointed, badly directed and poorly written, all right. Which is a shame; the actors do great despite the script. Except Lex. He was rubbish throughout.
    And this is a damn shame because there really is a decent film underneath that. MAybe even a great one.
    I haven't seen it yet, but I'll still keep a positive attitude before going to see it...eventually that is...I'm broke as all fuck. I guess it comes down to personal preference idk.
    In Ireland? You should be at Itzacon in Galway this weekend. Play my Witcher game!
    I wish! [weeps]
    Finished with a day to go. The Depths of Hatred, a nWoD game the The Witcher setting. Now, sleep.
    Less than a month to write a Witcher RPG scenario. This will take a LOT of whiskey.
    Working on a convention RPG scenario set in The Witcher world. Swearing and gratuitous nudity ahoy!
    Disney princesses reimagined as the bottles of whiskey I drink to numb the pain
    Trying to get into the Angry Marines writing spirit. By which I mean I've gotten at the whiskey.
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