
Hi there. Not sure how you made your way to this part of my profile... Hell, not sure why you were interested in the first place. Before I start, I guess I'd just like to say thank you. Not people do come around these parts of a profile so I'll consider it an honor that you were interested enough in little ol' me.

For starters, my name is Roman. I'm 22 years old and a sibling to many and friend to many more. I found myself roleplaying back around in 2015 in a forum on a site that is long gone. May the creator of that site rest easily. I left before the website was shutdown due to it having some server issues and whatnot and was craving more RP-like interaction. It was a fun hobby to pick up and an amazing creative outlet. It also awoken my love for what I call cooperative storytelling. When I made my account, the first RP I remembered joining was one called "Fantasy Highschool". It wasn't anything special but I'm an anime fan and that's what it seemed like to me, so I took a gamble. Ended up being a part of one of the longest running RPs on the site and made a ton of friends from doing so, all of which I still keep up with to this day.

That's really all their is in terms of how I came to love RPing. My favorite category to RP is fantasy. I've always had a love for magic and the sort(this pushed me to end up playing D&D, another hobby that I love and cherish dearly). A close second would be futuristic, but I never had an easy time finding any in that category so I don't look often. As for a third, I've been willing to dip my foot in a little realistic RP. Won't say I've had bad luck in getting accustomed to it, just haven't come across the right group for it yet.

Once again, thanks for stopping by and I hoped you learned enough about me! Have a good day!
Nov 29, 2000 (Age: 24)
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hospital Employee




I got nothing this time. Eventually there'll something here one day. One day I may even return.
- Roman

Current Roleplay(s): N/A unfortunately.