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  • well im thinking of making a new rp. problem is the site wasnt loading earlier. check up gaia if i cant get this site to load ill prob find a new site
    Them!Nobody knows what they are they just call them them and you just dont know you are one.
    Oh, wow. I've been using that word for years, thinking I made it up. Well, a prefect example, then. ;)
    Haha. Yeah, it's hard to tell what words are real and what aren't sometimes. It's wierd how some words sound fake, while some fake words sound like they should be real...
    Lol. I'm not sure. But who cares, anyway? I use words that aren't exactly real all the time.
    This Sunday. I'm probably not going to be on all day, because I have a Girl Schould meeting at 1, and then have to go to the pizza place right after. :/

    Hehe, yeah. I know that Karma's lost at least one to a cat being where it wasn't supposed to, and then I think her second was disfunctional from the start. My only problem with my DS so far has been this one game occasionally not working, though that might also be because I bought the game used. My sister has her own DS, and I don't think she's had any problems with hers. Then again, she also barely uses hers...
    Not a real one. I sometimes sell homemeade stuff to my classmates, though. Plus, I might be helping at the pizza place my dad works at on Super Bowl Sunday. Otherwise, I'm still looking.
    Oh. Maybe I just took better care of mine than I thought I did. Then again, that statement was partially based on Karma's bad luck with DSLites, so... ^^;;;
    Good luck getting it. I might save up to buy one when I get a job, though I probably won't have anything steady until at least summer. From what I've seen, though, the orginals are pretty well made. Mine's gone through plenty of crap, and has the scars to prove it, but still works (almost) like the day I got it. Just sucks that it can't play 3DS games. :/
    Yeah, I figured it out after i googled it, but forgot to tell you to ignore that part. ^^;
    You're right, they both look really cool though. It's too bad I have almost no chance of having a 3DS any time soon. :( Oh well, Youtube and google will suffice until I can find a way to update my gaming systems... *still has the original DS* ^^;
    Sounds cool. :) I'll look it up while I'm waiting for replies (or, at least until I go to bed, since it seems like people might be starting to get off.)
    Wait, that isn't the Japanese name for Twin Villages, is it? I haven't looked that one up yet, either, but Karma told me a bit about it a while ago. And I think I saw a few videos on youtube using fanart from it...
    Ah. I usually use the same one for a while. You can a lot of times actually tell roughly what order i joined things, based on the usernames. I think Gaia is the only site where my usernames are never the same as other sites...
    *hugs back* Yeah. She she told me when we talked on the phone this morning that you and Centy joined. And since Centy's name is the same, I guessed it was probably you. ;)
    ok :) and here i will help you out with names. ------------------------- -------- Girl names: Sara, Sarah, Lydia, Leah, Amy, Anna, Alice, Claire, Blaire, Hanna, Hannah, Stacy, Kim, Kimi, Mimi, Mia, Penny, Kelly, Kate, Katie, Wendy, Whitney, Jill, Jane, Julia, Julie, Brittany, Maria, Mariah, Dawn, Robin, Piper, Ashley, Ashlyn. ------------------------------------- Boy Name: Cody, Kody, Cole, Chris, Tristian, Trevor, Ryan, Kevin, Geroge, Fred, Harry, Ron, Ronald, Peter, David, Lee, Levi, Christian, Henry, Danny, Denny, Justin, Leo, Leon, Ben, Billy, Bill, Buck, Dale, Ethan, Evan, Alan, Allen, Tom, Thomas, Devin, Ken, Kenny, Mark, Sam, Steve, Tim -------------------------------------- Last Names: Thompson, Gray, McNally, Potter, Weasley, Mill, Hill, Hale, River, Rivers, Keller, Smith, Synder, Potts, Landis, Kuhn, Reinhart
    yep! you can make a bard/singer if you want! :) I didn't think of that when I was making the job list. Oh and when you are done making your chracters post them in the fourm found in the video game character sheets called brightwood chracters. I will keep checking every now and then to see when you have finished making your chracters. then i will accept and you can start rping. oh and pop's username is moonstone. and centy is on here too with the same username he uses on gaia.
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