
Hiya! I'm Rena. I've been roleplaying online for around 9-10 years now but I am very new to this website lol.. I'm mostly here for some semi-casual RPs and I joined this website looking to look for some more literate/sophisticated responses, as most of my roleplaying experience has been on Roblox,,

I really like roleplays set in periods in the past, such as the late 2000s, the Edwardian era, Interwar period, and both world wars! However, I have a slight disdain towards fantasy RPs (unless the plot REALLY interests me) as I prefer my roleplays to be as realistic as possible, but besides that I'm pretty lenient and open. I tend to make/play as women but I usually have no problem playing as a male! For shipping, I prefer FxF and FxM but I also have no objections for MxM. (Shipping is purely for RP purposes, no parasocial relationships pls)

I am a HUGEEE sucker for drama-filled plots, suspense, and mystery! Mature themes and strong language don't faze me. I am okay with off-platform rps, just ask. I prefer group roleplays to 1x1, but if we become close, I'll be more open to it! Whatever my characters say or do, do not reflect my personal beliefs. (I am a somewhat nice girl,,, I SWEAR!!)

Some fandoms I'm in:
  • Identity V
  • Miraculous Ladybug
  • Regretevator
  • Class of 09

I am a sophomore in high school and my time zone is CST. Despite being a very extroverted person, I'm very prone into becoming overwhelmed due to having autism, so beware, replies might be slow. Also, I am still figuring everything out!
February 4
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
High-School Student