Recent content by Ransokyos

  1. Ransokyos

    Fandom I stay simping { GENSHIN OC X CC OPEN }

    Highly intrigued
  2. Ransokyos

    Fandom Aquaman movies, Lisa Frankenstein, or Persona 5 Royal, but will roleplay anything on my fandoms list for your end if needed (Canon X OC)

    I have a rather... unusual idea for YuGiOh... though if you think about it... it could be weirdly possible.
  3. Ransokyos

    Fandom It’s Showtime!

    That seems fun... haven't had him 'come through' to play...
  4. Ransokyos

    Fandom Legend of Korra RP

    Aye. Could be that her mind blocked much of her abilities from herself to protect itself. And I do have a character with a rather unusual form of Firebending (which some, in the 'outside world' could likely assume him related to Azula  hint though he isn't).
  5. Ransokyos

    Fandom Legend of Korra RP

    Intrigued, very intrigued.
  6. Ransokyos

    Multiple Settings Looking for a partner after a long hiatus! (Pokemon, Marvel, etc!)

    Open to Pokémon and Marvel.... even one where Pokémon were to start showing up in Marvel, lol.
  7. Ransokyos

    Multiple Settings "Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life" Inspired Roleplay!

    Sure. Cradle of Life was one of the better Lara Croft movies... had mystery, action romance... a bit of 'WTF' with some of the kills, lol.
  8. Ransokyos

    Multiple Settings "Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life" Inspired Roleplay!

    Intrigued, very intrigued.
  9. Ransokyos

    Fandom Looking For A Mammon

    Makes sense, though I have a rather.... dark... theory... about DC Universe Online.
  10. Ransokyos

    Fandom For the Love of Naruto (M/F)

    Definitely interested.
  11. Ransokyos

    Fandom Land Before Time / Dinosaur Rp

    Talk about nostalgia vibes, lol.
  12. Ransokyos

    Fandom Oc x Canon Multifandom RP (Doubling up only please!)

    Been craving a Sailor Moon roleplay recently.
  13. Ransokyos

    Fandom Just Another Good 'ol Fandom Thread Y'all

    Aye, I suppose... admittedly if we went post-Season 2 we could do pretty much anything.
  14. Ransokyos

    Multiple Settings Living Hell

    Very intrigued.