Pristine Dark

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  • how far along are you in ipad..I think my problem was my character was to complex, basing her off of toph and everything. I was thinking of trying again but with a different character
    Thanks for posting the update on the roleplay. Been waiting to see what will happen ^^
    Sorry about that. Also, I added the missing skill points. Alterations from the current skill set include: 1 rank in spellcraft, 2 total ranks in psicraft, 1 rank in decipher script and 2 total ranks in knowledge(psionics)
    As long as I have 160 spare gp, could I spend that on a couple of antitoxins?
    Okay, I'll take one of those then. As for the research book, it's basically a mostly empty book he's used to write down important information when studying. In game it could be used to copy down information that might be important. I used the specs for a wizard's spellbook. If you want to change it, I don't mind. I thought we were rolling for starting gold and ended up with only 60 gp, so if we have 200 then there's plenty to spare.
    If you want it to be attuned to a specific skill, it would probably be Knowledge(psionics) or Knowledge(History), possibly even Knowledge(Dungeoneering)
    Holy crap, I done goofed. I forgot to put in the additional skill points from being human -_- will alter momentarily
    I guess I could. Usually my groups assumed that as long as you weren't carrying more than a couple items besides your weapon/armor you could hold it in belt pouches or carry it. Still, would probably be good for when we find potions etc.
    As for the spellcraft, I meant to have points in both. That was a minor error I made, there should be 1 rank in spellcraft (equal to 2 ranks in a class skill) and 1 rank in psicraft. Didn't exactly need more at first level because +4 int mod.
    Okay cool, I get one extra feat then to add to the sheet. With that said, TO THE PRESTIGE CLASSES!
    Okay, that explains a lot. Basically you'll probably want to take at least 2 or 3 levels in a prestige class because it will give you a swath of abilities without detracting too much from your overall level. Wait . . . does this increase your character level when you do so? (For class independent things, such as getting a feat every third level)
    Hm, it looks like you and I had slightly different ideas. I thought you meant that experience simultaneously went to the two classes. The major reason I'm curious is because depending on how this works, taking a prestige class could be either A) nothing but beneficial, or B) totally detrimental. I guess this is the biggest thing then: When you start to level up a prestige class, does it take the experience as if your character was at level one (1000 xp to level 2, 3000 xp to level 2), or does it level up like I'm used to, where experience required to level up is determined by character level? Because if it's the latter then the non-stacking BAB and saves would be extremely detrimental. But if it's the first way that would make sense
    Thanks, I'll go ahead and do that. As for the mind-affecting thing he's going to be a kineticist. AKA: He's more of a blaster than a mental manipulator.
    Since I have school and i'm unable to post in the shout box ill just tell you here. Just go ahead and kill my charri or drop her out, i dont like quitting but seeing how my post is screwing up constantly i'll just take my leave.
    i deleted the post and will re post later..if i keep messing up the role play then its fine if you tell me to leave ive been through it already, im probably the onky one messing up so sorry.
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