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  • Hello! Welcome to my profile!
    My name is Pentatope, you may however call me Penta or Pent! I am 21 years old, I am a open & proud gay man and my pronouns are He/Him! I am biology major, hoping to help fix our planet's ecological crisis!

    My Experience Roleplaying:
    I joined RPNation to engage in critical, adept, & well-written storytelling. I roleplayed on warriorcatsrp/feralfront for a couple of years during my early teens, but went on hiatus during highschool and early college. I am currently participating in 2 D&D Campaigns, which is my primary form of roleplaying for the past year. While I certainly don't have a ton of experience in roleplaying, I hope to catch on quick and join some of the more "advanced" roleplaying groups! That being said, I would prefer to engage primarily with fellow adult roleplayers who are similarly pursuiant of quality roleplaying.

    My Current Interests:
    My current interests are pretty broad, but I love fantasy, SCI-FI, & Utopian/Dystopian novels. The fandoms I'd say that I'm currently apart of includes Disco Elysium, BG3, ATLA, Homestuck, Pokemon, Digimon, Young Royals, Marvel, Heartstoppers, Harry Potter (hate the author tho), James Cameron's Avatar, Heart Break High & Overwatch. There are probably more that I've forgotten about but let me know if you're interested in RP'ing with me on any of these subjects!

    What I'm Looking for:
    I'm mostly looking to dip my toes back into the role-playing culture, maybe find a couple of friends along the way! As I mentioned above, I want to partake in "advanced" roleplaying and get better at my writing and storytelling abilities. I'm not super into playing romance pairings, but I am amenable to playing m/m pairings if done well
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