
Hi! I’m Peek! I’m a nature loving, dead thing collecting, monster drinking, and an otherwise weird thing fanatic. I like bugs, am obsessed with birds, and own a mudskipper in a jar (and other things of course). I’m currently looking to make an isopod enclosure, hoping to own a crawdad in a couple months, and have a cat named Slug. If that doesn’t tell you a little about me, I don’t know what will. (I’m also chronically unfunny, don’t know how to talk to people, and easily obsessed with any media ever).

I’m looking for anywhere between semi-lit to novella, but the closer to the latter the more excited I will be for a roleplay. I love exploring character development and relationships (more than just romantic!) and usually make male ocs. I don’t mind any particular genre, but prefer medieval, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, western, or occasionally other genres. I’d be open to doing more and exploring my interests, though!

I love to write, but I can be slow on responses at times. I don’t mind any particular character types, am open to trying new things, and hope to find people with a similar writing style to me. I’m usually on discord and this is my first time on a forum. I hope my writing isn’t bad in comparison. I hope we can be friends!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

