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  • Sorry for the delay everyone, this weekend has been quite busy! I had a work for college that is due today (which I thought I would be able to take care of but was wrong lol), so I'll be able to answer tomorrow night. :3 Thank you for waiting~
    And I'm active again! :D

    Also wondering why is there so many females wanting to play only as females in the Looking for Partners section? lol (I am one of them, though I've been recently introduced to the concept of "double", haha. That's a genius idea right there!)
    Apparently I forgot completely about the site, so now I haz come back from the dead to try and continue rping xD

    Damn, I wish I could remember things more easily e.e
    I'm alive, people \o/ Just pretty busy, since college isn't giving me a break since last week. It's difficult to concentrate when I have so much to do, but I'm not going to give on any of my rps. Do be patient with me, 'cause I'll be with you too :DD
    It's not a problem. I know how it is to be busy because of college.
    FINALLY back to RPNation after who knows how long \o/ Been wanting to come back since a year ago, but due to some personal things I wasn't able to. Maybe I'll be able to return, after all :DD
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