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  • were any mark v landships used in conflicts during ww2?
    There was indeed. But they were pretty few in numbers. The British had more advanced tanks during the war. Plus, by the time WW2 came around, they've stopped producing Mark V Landships for over two decades by that point. From what I remember, they only produced them for like a year? So, yes they were but it was pretty rare to see one. And it would have been destroyed by the Germany's Panzers.
    I am BEYOND UPSET and I REALLY NEED TO RANT. As many probably already know, Russia started its invasion of Ukraine. When I heard the news, I was shocked. I didn't think they would attack so soon. I figured if Putin wanted to actually attack, they would wait a few more months for military build-up since the number of troops Russia has sent off is nearly the size of the Ukrainian army. Not to mention the Ukrainian government is starting up conscription, further increasing the Ukrainian army's numbers. But it's not enough.

    I'm mainly upset at my country, the USA, and its inaction. I understand why we can't send troops to Ukraine, if we did, we would risk starting WW3. And if WW3 started, nuclear war would be inevitable. But we should be doing more! The amount of supplies and equipment we're sending isn't enough! Russian forces are nearing Kyiv, if Kyiv falls, the consequences for Ukraine would be numerous. Sanctions are clearly not working, they'll never work as long as China continues to support Russia. The Russian economy is going downhill really quickly because of the sanctions launched by the international community, but as long as the Sino-Russian relationship stands strong, Russia won't care about its economy since the Chinese can help them. Not to mention India, Russia's largest military supplier, has hesitated to sanction Russia. Further allowing for Putin's confidence for success to grow. Putin simply doesn't feel threatened by the West anymore, because he has no reason to feel threatened. It's just chaos.
    It's not that odd, I've met a few people who started around that age as well. When it comes to geopolitics, I've always studied both sides. This was mainly because, when I was still in public school, lessons were biased. Which is expected, every country teaches stuff like history in different ways. I relied on multiple sources during my research, and a lot of things I was taught I later found out, was wrong. Just goes to show you how flawed the American school system is.
    True. My uncle loves history which is ironic because he used to be in the Military as well.
    Oh, nice.
    Ah, don't you love it when your country is at the brink of war with Russia, a nuclear power, and your president, who leads your entire nation, needed help to walk in the right direction after a public speech.
    Joe Biden Falling GIF
    Day 15: Oh no, forgot to post yesterday. I've been playing Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, the new game. It's very good so far, a bit buggy in some areas, but other than that, it's really good!
    Day 10: Christmas break! Now, I have two weeks to cry to myself! Yay! Ah, a wonderful thing depression is.
    Day 7: Officially one week since I've joined.

    This is like nothing, since there's people who have been here for like a decade, but let me have my momemt
    Day 6: I never knew you could just RP as a demigod and somehow end up researching and looking over every single river in the USA. Who knew RPing could be so educational?
    See, the one time I think that I choose to follow you this is the first thing I see lmao
    I also learned a lot about military weaponry and the word Beretta M9 is now a part of my vocabulary.
    Day 4: Very cool site so far. I've had a good time, and I think I've found an RP that will last.
    Day 3: I've survived 3 days, all thanks to my cup of wine. Quite good if I say so. Although it's hard breathing in this Venetian mask...

    Day Two; Just discovered how BB Coding works. Well, I think anyway...
    That's not what I meant exactly. I barely know much about it and it's my first day ever even using it. I'm always going back and forth between my posts and the BBcode Guide lol. I meant I had a better understanding of it, even if it's only a little. I still have no idea on a lot, like full-on codes, give me a few decades... But yeah, that's what I meant.
    I know. I was joking. I often like to treat BB Code as some mystical force akin to magic as a joke because it makes no sense to me.
    Oh lol
    I'm a newbie here, but I am figuring stuff out by myself. Just completed my profile.
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