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  • Hi hi, i've noticed no movement on your application into Threads of Eternity for quite some time. If you are still interested (or even still present upon the website), please respond back at your earliest convenience. It is my intent to launch at the start of next month.
    Hello Maoki ^^ First of all, welcome to RPNation. :)!

    I would like to say Insain's and I's RP is a private RP and just the two of us. However there are tons of RPs for you to be able to join! When going to the main forums there is an RP recruitment that you can post in to find people to RP with you. Also I suggest going by the Introduction's forum and introducing yourself! Lastly, on the main Forums page there is something called the shout box, please feel free to shout and meet the RPNation communities! I myself is sometimes in the box. :)
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