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  • Cross out what I said about joining RPs, this is far more difficult than I thought, going to have to revise and edit my character sheets now
    It would be helpful to know which RP sheets you find complicated.
    Join Synapse lads'! I'll also join every RP as I promised tommorow instead of lurking all the time.
    Anyone else for Synapse? Also, I'm going to join every RP I promised, so don't hate on me anymore for not joining anything and lurking alot.
    You can look them up and see how much stuff they have already hacked, so I wouldn't doubt them not being able to hack the U.S. Govt.'s sites
    @Freeman If SOPA passes, I would laugh for years, say good bye to all Govt. websites and possibly the Pentagon due to Anonyous. BUHAHAHAHAHA
    Well, I guess I'm not going to be able to post anything for awhile due to...
    I'll be posting all the character bios and such tommorow morning, and I haven't forgotten yours yet, Uziel, if you still need a character :D
    School starts today, now I won't be here until around 3:00 - 6:00, but that's okay...lulz and then I'll get Track Practice Jan. 28 so yeah..
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