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  • No, you're not. D: More or less both of us are procrastinating.. haha. XDD
    I'm fine, just got in the office. Haha. I've emailed you a new list by the way. Maybe this time we can decide for an RP? :D
    Advent Children? Yeah. I actually remember watching a FF7 film. I can't remember where or how, but it was pretty good.
    Yeah. Squall is by far my favorite Final Fantasy character. I wanted to be alot like him, and I grew up to be like him in a way anyway. I haven't played FF7, but I am familiar with it and its storyline. I want to play it though. ^^
    Thanks. I'll surely have time! :D then, I can finally watch all the anime I want to :D
    It was! My only regret is that I don't have enough time to watch everything. >_< I'll sure do try though! :D
    Haha, he did! :) I'm not sure if this happened on the first anime too because I just skipped to the ending of brotherhood. :D
    Yes it was! Especially what happened to Al. >_< All along while watching, I wanted him to get his body back, soon. XD
    Ahaha, I haven't read the manga yet, but I watched the anime. I really liked it! I'm planning on watching both the first anime and brotherhood again once I have the time. :D
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