
Sup, Peeps!

I'm Midsummer Nightmare, 18-year old human of the male variety, night owl, extroverted introvert and a fellow roleplaying enthusiast!

I've invested a considerable chunk of my life procrastinating through the web, and a significant portion of that was inside the beautiful, exotic, weird, awkward, mature-ish world that is roleplaying. I think it was around the age of 13 when I realized how much I enjoyed reading and writing. So much so that I decided to make writing a pastime of mine, even during school. I was such an ambitious child back then, I even tried writing an entire book with fleshed-out characters, world-building, and an outline for a decent plot...

It didn't turn out much...

So being the lazy bum I was, I thought that "Hey, what if you could write a book, but like, with other people? That way...they could write the story FOR you." ...I was a little confused, but I got the spirit.

So that's when I eventually stumbled upon this entire universe of collaborative writing, that I immediately got really into, especially in the fantasy genre. Since life was so BORING for me, might as well spice my roleplaying up with a bit of fiction.

The longer I spent writing with other people, the more bonds I developed with writing partners along the way. Sadly, they had their own lives to attend to, and so I lost contact with most of them eventually. With college around the corner, it seemed like I too would need to step back from writing for awhile and focus on my studies.

But even so, I refused to let my responsibilities get in the way of doing what I love! This is probably an very immature decision to make, but to heck with it anyway!

So that's why I'm here, to make the most of my time as a teenage writer before the horrors of young adult life catch up to me.

This got longer than I expected it so I'll sum the rest up as brief as I could:

Pets: Yes doggo, want cat
Other hobbies: Guitar, still noob
Decision to join RP Nation: Google's choice
March 20