
Hello :)

My name is Kira (please no Death Note jokes...). I have always loved RP and writing. For the last few years I have focused on my own writing and playing tabletop games like D&D (3.5 not 5th you filthy peasant) and World of Darkness. With the combination of covid and a few friends moving away however I don't have anyone to RP with reliably. So here I am!
**I am more than willing to come up with a new character to fit our story but here you will find characters I have come up with that I would like to play**​

I can respond fairly often and reliably as I have a great deal of free time and hope to find the same but I am understanding of people having responsibilities and interests outside of the site. Sometimes I am in the mood for a short and quick RP but most often I look for mid-long term RPs and hope to find at least one RP friend that I can consistently build stories with. I consider myself fairly patient with grammar and spelling but there is a point where it distracts to the point of ruining the mood for me. The same applies to post length. I simply will not RP with you if you can only produce one or two lines per post. I do understand however that there are lulls in stories sometimes so it's ok if a quick and easy response comes along every so often to move things along.

That being said I am not exactly capable of exchanging 6+ paragraph posts for very long. I can produce long posts if the story requires it but my typical responses are 2-4 paragraphs. I am comfortable reading longer posts however so if you're ok with my 2-4 paragraphs then write as much as you like. Ideally (for me) everyone in the RP posts 1-4 paragraphs per post.

I ONLY play non-canon characters and I do not enjoy playing with people who use canon characters. I am happy to play in canon settings as long as we make our own characters. I prefer to play in original settings created by at least one person involved in the RP.

I prefer to play characters of low to middle power at least to begin with. It is fun to grow our characters together. Godlike/unstoppable characters bore me and I tend to avoid playing with them unless it's crucial to a story I really enjoy. I am ok with stronger/weaker relationships in a pairing or group I just don't like playing with self-satisfying all powerful partners/groups.

I am happy to play in nearly any setting with any kind of story. I enjoy fantasy, modern, horror, slice of life etc. I almost always play a female character.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. :) Eventually I will go back and make this look pretty/easier to read.
Oct 3, 1995 (Age: 29)
Georgia, USA

