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  • I could really use a friend to talk to right now...
    We may not know one another but my DMs are open if you need anything. 💗
    I'm sorry I couldn't respond earlier but I'm always willing to lend an ear! <3
    Never ask me what my favorite genre is. For music, movies, television, books... whatever. Because I will not have an answer. My tastes are very diverse. There’s just certain things that I don’t particularly like.
    Tastes being diverse does not mean one doesn’t have a favorite. Liking a lot of things is not mutually exclusive with liking one or several more than the rest. If anything it’s rare that someone actually doesn’t have a favorite, most of the time they just don’t know what their favorite is.
    In my case, I really don’t have a favorite. I enjoy a lot of things, but none more than another. Now there are certain times where I’ll crave a certain genre over another, but it’s just want I want in the moment.
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