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  • Two more and maybe we can actually rp, on an rp site! Who would of hoped for that!? I know I wouldn't want to rp on an rp site without sending random and pointless messages first! :D
    Oh that sounds cool! I won't miss it then. Thanks for the info :3 hope we can rp sometime.
    Lol, okay. The stars are uber bright though(haha, I hate using that word) my mom just said the eclipse Thimbu would be around 6:45 am (central) the next one isn't scheduled until another two years
    hello there, call me magic or sir miss awesome fabulous sauce the third--doesn't matter. Just merely, slightly curious if you know about 'runaway island'...probably not...but i had to check in case...its nothing if you don't....

    anyway, Welcome! theres lots to do here so i hope you find a place of your own. If your interested, im going to start a Young Justice/DC RP soon, and maybe an Avatar the last Airbender after that!

    Btw, theres suppose to be an lunar eclipse tomorrow at 6 o clock central time
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