
Hey! I'm a 21 year old rper whose writing soulmate doesn't get to write as often as I would wish anymore, so looking to find some more people I mesh well with! I'm.. kinda limited, character-wise right now, as I'm way too obsessed with my several-years-old OFC. I'll play other characters during an rp, but I mostly like to stick to my own - so don't worry too much about a boring rp! Please no one under 18 - I'm not super comfortable writing with minors, sorry! I prefer FxM pairings. I like to think of myself as a good writer but not too strict - if you want a writing sample I'd be happy to provide one. Length-wise I think depends on what's going on at the moment. I'm not going to write three paragraphs about making toast, you feel? But an introspective moment or action scene? You betcha. I like DETAIL. I'm good with pretty much anything, writing-wise, and I doubt anything will come up that will skeeve me. Mature themes welcome!

About my OC: Her name is Lorna Harrison and she's a criminal working within Jim Moriarty's network. She's around 25. She's well-versed in espionage and hits, but she knows she's not guaranteed to win every fight she gets into. She's been part of the criminal life since birth; her mother was a book-cooker, her step-father a small-time kingpin, and her real father a career hit-man. She started smuggling heroin at 16 and eventually ended up hooked on it. There are more layers to that, but it will come out in story if it comes up :). At 18 she left and spent several years in New York in a small network, learning the finer details of murder and violence to top off her spectacular lying abilities. When she left America, she was snapped up by Moriarty's network almost immediately and that's where she's been for several years now, having fought her way to the top. Her weaknesses include alcohol, drugs, and fear of being scarred too badly in the line of criminal duty: she's afraid to lower what she calls her "retail value." She has very few lines she won't cross, especially when someone flares her temper. She has a high-strung survival instinct and is often very good at knowing when to step carefully, but everyone makes mistakes. Her faceclaim is Marina Diamandis, and I have some pictures in my media!
Nov 1, 1997 (Age: 26)


FishWraith #7284
My email is wulfydragon@gmail.com


