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  • happy birthday, lion ♡
    i hope you have an absolutely amazing one!
    Ah, thank you! ^^ It was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed it with my boyfriend. Hope all is well for you! :)
    thinking of you and hoping you're well !
    Aww, thank you! I hope you're doing well, too! ^^
    Hey hey, haven’t seen ya since that Baldur’s gate RP, but just wanted to wish ya a happy birthday!
    🥺 Thank you! I miss that RP so much. 😭 I really need to try and find another D&D-esque game on here.
    Me too buddy. Both to missing that RP and wanting more D&D… There’s been a few that popped up here or there, but either haven’t been quite for me or they have been more help-the-new-people style and I felt bad about taking one of the spots.

    Well, even if nothing pops up in groups, I do have what I’m working on for my 1x1 interest check though.
    Omg haha, those are definitely health hazards. XD I got something akin to a strong cold with my throat closing up on me because I had some pretty bad mold in my shower when I was still in uni. It can actually be super serious if it gets out of control (and well, disgusting lol).

    I sure hope so! I’ve been mostly playing my Nintendo Switch since I got to my apartment to rest, but once I’m a bit more well-rested, I will try out the bed desk and see how it goes, and will absolutely let you know what I think of it. It should be fairly stable and the height is adjustable, which is nice. I’m just still not sleeping through the whole night yet, so trying to play a serious computer game would probably just result in me dying a lot lol.
    I had to install the Chinese keyboard TTTT havent been using any Chinese on this one. but yes. 嗨,亲爱的!

    You know what, i think it is time i ditch my degree in Game Design xD Security license, here I come!!!! NGL, anything that is stable and brings in money works for me, yoo! And if I get to wear a cool uniform while I am at it, even better!

    As for me, I will spare the plants such suffering xD When I do get a place oneday, it will probably be without a garden, because nothing will live or grow there by my hand LOL I know that for a fact!

    Wait legit? That sounds scary then... I fortunately have experienced anything funky because of the mold as I, and most of the people in the residence, avoid those bathrooms like the plague. It is TERRIFYING xD

    Oh what games are you playing on the Switch? And, on a completely different topic, but still some what related, are you having sleeping trouble, Lioness?
    Oh man haha, that phrase is beyond the elementary Mandarin I was taught. I had to look it up. I absolutely adore that it uses the same character for love, though! *squeals in delight* Absolutely adding that to my Mandarin dictionary of useful phrases. Now then, *ahem*. 你好,好事吗? Lord knows if that is still the correct phrasing after all these years. XD

    Lmao, I mean the computer security work usually has endless opportunities because just about every company needs it. Game design is way more fun, but can be exhausting and is definitely more competitive for work. >.< You could maybe do security first while you work on game design internships and things to build up that portfolio?

    Haha, fair enough. I’m just determined to grow some plants on my own. I feel like if I have a proper garden then I’d be spurred to do more to care for it. I hope. ^^’

    Pfft, probably for the best y’all avoided them. But seriously...ewwww.

    Well, I finally got my backer code for Summer in Mara, so I binge-played a lot of it this weekend. But I wasn’t feeling so hot while playing it at the time and now my brain is insisting I’ll feel unwell again if I play it more. -.- Stupid association. But I’ve also been playing Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town quite a bit. Oh! And I finally finished The Outer Worlds! Ah, such a great game. I loved the Fallout feel to it.

    Oh heh, nah, I’m all good. I’m just lounging about all day because of my surgery and so I don’t get sleepy as quickly. Hence, I’ve been staying up late.
    Hey, still interested in an HP RP?
    I wish I could say yes, but I'm involved in two RPs now and am getting busy IRL. I won't be able to juggle another. >.<
    No worries~ ^^
    Kharmin!! How have you been? 🥺 I’m getting ready to move at the end of this month, I’ll be heading to Virginia for officer military training.
    Congrats on the move for training! That sounds awesome. I know that you'll do well. :) Thank you for your continued service! <3

    Everyone here is fine. I've been able to work from home during the pandemic, but we're all a bit stir-crazy.
    Thank you! I look forward to it and am most excited that I can bring my guinea pigs and hamster with me! I got the hamster while I was away from home for a mission this year. My unit responded to the pandemic and I was in and out of hotels across the state. I had to leave my guinea pigs with a petsitter and so I got the hamster to keep me company. A little over a month later and she doesn’t bite me anymore. She lets me pet her, too. 🥺

    Oh man, yes, I was even going stir crazy during my mission. That’s good you were able to work from home, though. I know many people who got laid off completely and had to apply for unemployment. >.<
    Hey Lion!!!! How goes everything?!
    Currently at cadet training, casually dying lol. Can't wait to sleep in my own bed this weekend.
    Well, that isn't ever good lol. How did the semester abroad work out?! I hope it all went to your liking !!
    I survived the cadet training, just didn't enjoy the lack of proper sleep lol. The semester abroad was actually an academic year abroad and I absolutely loved it. I really, really miss the environment and it seemed just about everyone in Canada was really friendly towards me. I don't get that general friendliness too much around my uni since it's swarming with cadidiots.
    Thought of you today and wanted to say hello, lovely.
    it really has beeen! i was like. . it's been really quiet without a few folks that i know and love. i've been really sleepy and tired lately. i'm on spring break right now though! what about you dearie?
    I wish you were in one of the RPs I'm in right now. >.< Though, I'm so swamped with academics, I can't even post in them atm. I can understand the sleepy stuff, I'm already feeling that way and it's just now noon. :s As for me, I'm actually on my last week of classes for the semester. I only have two finals this time around and they'll both be next week.
    eeeep! make that home run love! you're almost there! i have complete and utter faith in you, dearest! i am sure it's highly understandable for not being able to post, especially when it's around this time of year! but summer is quickly approaching too! i knowww! i haven't seen your familiar face in ages assffhhjjl; i missed you dearly though!
    Trying to study for a cumulative exam that covers 14 chapters is pure death. Someone please kill me now lol.

    While this studying may eventually kill me before I even get to my exam, I would like to thank you for giving me some good laughter and briefly cheering me up.
    Damnit, you drive a hard bargain.




    That's my FIANL OFFER

    I'm glad my shitposting made at least one person giggle today
    Sir, you have misspelled 'final'. How can I take your offers seriously if you cannot spell your wording correctly?
    TMW you have too much time to study for finals and are dragging your feet everywhere...
    TMW you have to look up what TMW means cause you are old and can't keep up with the young'uns these days. 
    Aren't you only two years older than me? XD
    4, I think that's old enough to call you a young'un. lol
    RPs are so quiet least, the ones I'm involved in. It's so hard for me to find a good detailed RP with a phenomenal plot line and vast character development, though. T.T
    Idk what you're trying to get at here, but you offended me and were pretty rude, joke or not. It's the same thing as opening up with 'no offense, but' and I'm not fond of that kinda talk.
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    Anyway, apologies. Had a lapse of judgment.
    Guess it happens to the best of us. I know I've made poorly timed jokes in the past or worded them poorly, too. *shrug* Apology accepted. >.<
    Your 'About me' page is due for upkeep.

    Happy belated b'day.


    Fact checker

    Until Dawn is both a terrifying, heart-racing game...and a feels-worthy game. My heart! D:
    Yes it is xD

    I think its one of the best horror and decision games i ever have seen.

    And that with the Doc xD

    Sadly i only watched to part 5 of someone who did like 30 episodes of it :/

    You too got into an mine XD?
    An mine? Uh, no lol. I played the game through myself. Apparently, there are many ways to play it based on your decisions so I'll likely play it again. Thing is, I don't want to play it again so soon when everything is fresh on my mind, yeah?
    Everyone is finally moving into the dorms here...and now the dorm wifi has gone kaput. Great. -.-
    Don't you just hate that :/
    I've relocated myself to the local Starbucks for their free wifi lol. I can only hope the internet will work itself out before Monday rolls around. I'd assume this is a common problem they've had to deal with before...though these dorms are relatively new on campus. :S
    That's crazy though. They should have straightened that out by the time school start.
    TMW you just can't find interest in anything in particular except for the RP you're in...but it's slow at the moment and you can't respond.
    You and me, Fallout, role-play, now? Please? ( lol trying new ways of breaking the ice. )
    Um, too direct and no, sorry. I'm busy with a big RP already atm and have too much going on IRL to handle anything else.
    Oh, I apologize. Sorry to bother you, take care.
    Only three more days until spring break...and only six more days until my tunnel release surgery. -.-
    Yeah, I'm having surgery on Monday for nerve damage in my hand/wrist/forearm.
    Oh no =( Well, I hope it goes well for you. My Dad's having Laser Eye Surgery in two weeks.
    Laser Eye Surgery would absolutely terrify me. O.O I hope all goes well for him. My surgery isn't too risky...unless they sever my nerve. T.T
    Going to a hand specialist later today to hopefully figure out what's been wrong with my right hand/wrist for the past six years. >.
    Yaoke Saint
    Yaoke Saint
    I just meant that you probs should have checked it out sooner if its been going on for six years. Unless hand doctors are expensive. I wouldn't know.
    Um, I didn't have a choice in the matter. Don't make assumptions unless you know the full story first.
    Yaoke Saint
    Yaoke Saint
    Thats what I meant-- never mind.
    Praying to the gods above that I win Starbucks for Life through their new little promo game thing. Or at least for a week.
    That moment when you subscribe to SWTOR, forgetting that it's PC-only and now you have to wait to actually play it (have a Mac). *facedesk*
    May the force be with you ;)
    Lioness075 a week plus a few days. :P
    I have to wait until next Monday to finally be referred for surgery for CTS in my right hand...Even Ibuprofen can't get the pain to go away.
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