
27 | Wisconsin | F
  • 1x1 > Group RP​
  • CST Timezone​
  • Not into anything anime related​
  • 99.9999% of my RPs involve romance. If that's a no-go for you, then let's cut our losses here :D

How I Write:​

  • Third-Person, Past-Tense
  • Anywhere from 3-10 paragraphs on average. Up to 20+ if it's called for. Don't worry, I'm not gonna spend pages describing the dust on the windows.
  • MxF or FxF pairings. I'm happy playing either gender.
  • I'll be on multiple times at least 4-5 days a week, as I'm a stay-at-home wife with a lot of time on my hands. I do go through shit just like everyone else, occasionally, but I'll let you know ahead of time if I'm able!
  • I prefer to play one character at a time. I will of course place side-character/NPC stuff as needed, but I don't like doubling/tripling/etc. Exceptions can be made for things like DID, possession, or other "two people, one brain" situations.
  • Did I mention I like romance? I know I did, but I'm re-emphasizing here. I'm not trying to have everyone fall in love at first sight, but whether it's a slow burn, enemies-to-lovers, or rekindled fire, it will be involved in any RP I'm writing in.

Who I'll Write With:​

  • Please be 18 y/o at least, ideally 21 or over. No exceptions, sorry!
  • Please be willing to discuss plots and flesh things out OOC. I like pantsing as much as anyone else, but some things should be discussed beforehand / as we go.
  • Length doesn't need to match mine, but no one-liners. Give me something to work off of.
  • Proper grammar and decent vocabulary is appreciated. We all mess up sometimes, but since most of us around here are writers, I'd hope we'd take pride in our... well, writing.
  • Communication is a big thing for me. If I say something that is off-putting or confusing, whether in character or not, let me know! Because I certainly will do the same.
  • Reply speed isn't a big deal for me, just please keep me informed so I'm not just sadly refreshing the page and thinking you hate me :)

RP Stuff I'm Into:​

  • Fantasy, historical, modern, sci-fi, historical, gritty, sweet, war, post-apocalyptic, pretty much any genre, I'm into it. There are two things I can't get behind: anime, and mech suit stuff.
  • Fandoms: The only (relevant) fandoms I know anything about are The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, and Portal. I'm a big movie buff, so if you have a movie-based idea, I'd love to hear it, but I'm not into playing canon characters. I prefer original content.
  • I'm not much of a character sheet person, though I can be if necessary. Most of the time, a FC / name / age will suffice.

Wisconsin, USA
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)