Lady Lumina

~Why hello my darling!~

I wasn't expecting guests today but I'm happy to see you and meet you.

♡ My name is Lumina and I use she/they pronouns and am 18+
♡ My timezone is GMT
♡ I don't have any triggers I don't do smut (We can do like fade to black or 'the next morning' if it comes to that) but I am willing to go down to underwear snd make up spicy headcannons
♡ My minimum amout of lines is about 7 but as for maximum I could honestly go on and on if you let me
♡ I LOVE making headcannons, AU's things like that with the characters. I feel it gives us a chance to flesh them out and have some more fun with them
♡ And here is a writing sample for you, normally i like to add some extra stuff but this is just a simple one Sample

Now I must be off and remember: Take care of your self, you are loved and cared for by so many people.

~Goodbye for now darlings, take care!~
Wonderland just over the rainbow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Guardian of the stars


