
Krxwley, detailed/simple, fandom RP, Ocs, AUs, and ships welcome, READ BIO.

Here is a list of the fandoms I will roleplay!

# = Crossover friendly

** = Both show/movie and comics/books

* = Show/movie only

  • The Elder Scrolls games
  • Fallout games #
  • Fable games
  • The Walking Dead *
  • Sherlock (BBC) **
  • Doctor Who
  • Batman # **
  • Gotham
  • X-Men # **
  • Riverdale # **
  • Game of Thrones **
  • Gravity Falls

  • I’m okay with
      • Both detailed and simple roleplays (I do prefer writing lots, though).
      • Alternate universes
      • Original characters
      • Ships
      • Potentially sensitive themes (like gore, suicide, depression, etc.)
      • I also love the silly parts of roleplays too
      • Talking out of character (I don’t bite, my characters do.)

  • I’m NOT okay with
    • Godmodding (taking control of my character)
    • Rude people (ooc)
    • Ditching a roleplay without notice
    • Lack of communication from partners

  • Themes I love
    • Anything vampire
    • Thief pals (or lovers)
Violet Smith (Sole Survivor)

  • Sided with Railroad and Minutemen
  • Killed Nuka World raiders
  • Brought peace to Far Harbor

Linda Tranter (The Railroad Agent)
  • Codename Harmony
  • Synth, based off of past human/ still has their memories
  • Struggles with those memories
  • Chaotic neutral
  • Age:??
  • Height: 5'7

  • Hates Institute and Brotherhood
  • Likes the Minutemen
  • Distrustful of anyone outside of Railroad
Tranter escaped the Institute and was found by the Railroad. Upon hearing their mission, she opts out of the memory wipe and decides to help the Railroad with their goals.
She's not trusting of many, especially those outside the Railroad.
She had something of a boyfriend before Switchboard. He'd charged back into battle while the others, including herself, ran.
He died, and it pains her to see loved ones taken from people.

Katherine Shepard (The Commander)

  • Earthborn
  • War hero
  • Paragon (but takes no shit from anyone)
  • Vanguard
I have to go.
Elizabeth Reid (The Alliance Vanguard)

  • Female Vanguard with the Alliance
  • Earthborn—French Canadian
  • Age: 24
  • Religious (Christian)
  • Family previously served in Alliance military, killed in action. Only child. No other family to speak of.
  • Physical description: 5'0, short curly brown hair, pale, brown eyes, self-inflicted scars on hips and sides of torso.
  • Mentally ill
  • Pansexual
Elizabeth is often picked on by her crewmates for her height. They believe it makes her weaker/less useful despite her proving to be a rather formidable opponent in a fight. She's honed her biotic skills and weapons training. Despite her fragile mental state (depression, anxiety, insomnia), she does not let it interfere with her duties, the Alliance being all she'd known since being a kid.

These can be modified to fit any fandoms or to RP non-fandom things.

May Rivers (the quiet college girl)
  • Studying social work
  • Height: 5:7
  • Age: 20
  • Christian
  • Doodles and writes stories and poetry in her journal a lot
  • Strong bond with her mother but not her father, only child.
  • Quiet, keeps more to herself and focuses on her studies
  • Has a love for creepy things and horror. Also...books and tea
May 21, 1999 (Age: 25)