Recent content by keeperofkore

  1. keeperofkore

    One x One Return of the Scarlet Empress 2.5 - OOC Thread

    would it be reasonable to have a finger or two at this camp?
  2. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines is silent for some time before she speaks "so we are half of all sidereals... guess I am not getting any vacation time this year... I wish I knew where the other two are, I am betting one is the green lady though"
  3. keeperofkore

    One x One Return of the Scarlet Empress 2.5 - OOC Thread

    Merry Christmas
  4. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    "Lookshy would be reasonably neutral and unlikely to be on the side of our enemies. They have never had any love for the empress and the more who know of her state the safer I believe we all will be... I wish we had someone who could carry the word in good standing to the chosen of luna but I do...
  5. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines nods "if they are bold enough to strike heaven things are dire, we will need all the allies we can get. I have seen the woman once when I toured the isle with my sifu, I can send her a messenger but I do not know what to instruct her to go, any thoughts on neutral ground?"
  6. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines frowns a moment before looking very serious, from the depths of her pockets she pulls forth a series of chords pulling them forth and releasing a small flock of messenger sprites "Solars of the Cult of the illuminated. Chosen of the light this is Tines of Morning Sunlight, servant of...
  7. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Leaving the establishment until we are in a less obvious location I take upon myself the form of essence and so empowered pull forth and undo another knot forming a chariot to take us swiftly across the skies towards Kether rock
  8. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    "I agree, we stay in creation, I don't know about staying here though, perhaps a move to one of the cult strongholds or at least staying mobile would be in our best interest, if you are up for coming old friend?"
  9. keeperofkore

    One x One Return of the Scarlet Empress 2.5 - OOC Thread

    activating a usage of infallible messenger and using a faithful ally tattoo
  10. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines considers a moment before pulling a chord from her pocket and undoing it calling forth a cherub "Gracious Shaia this is Tines, I am calling to inquire if you have received any messages about a meeting. please respond as soon as you can" after a moments pause Tines touches a tattoo on her...
  11. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines shakes her head with a worried look, mentally checking her connections to her fingers she sits back and considers. "I think we stay away for now, at least I will be. But that does not mean we should be idle, If every member of the fivescore fellowship is gone someone should watch over the...
  12. keeperofkore

    One x One Return of the Scarlet Empress 2.5 - OOC Thread

    What time is it in game? how long until 4PM?
  13. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines reaches up and takes the letter, noting the odd expression she opens it carefully
  14. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    "The green lady? Nothing new, I must hope her work continues and our enemies have not truly destroyed her mind. I certainly do not envy such a deep and dangerous cover but I admire her commitment to the cause. As for what we are going to get up to well... That is one reason I came to you, as a...
  15. keeperofkore

    Fantasy Return of the Scarlet Empress - Exalted 2.5 IC

    Tines sighs and nods "I know you care for creation, I do not believe those loyalties need be split. I am part of this organization because of how it can further my goals for creation rather than for the group itself. To be honest the cult as a whole is of many minds and views on the subjects...