Recent content by KAYDEN


    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus Cyrus was little shaking with anticipation about Loire actually accepting his terms of the bet. It didn’t make any logical sense that he was still so nervous about their future, about their relationship… but he was because she was just so god damn better than him. She could do so much...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Cyrus winked at Hunter and blew him a quick kiss before moving to catch up with Loire. “You know you’re so obsessed with the killing that you totally missed Hunter just try and steal me from you! You didn’t even care. He wanted to use a leash and everything.”...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Ah, you know red heads aren’t my type. If they were Bill Weasley and I would have run off together years ago.” Cyrus smirked down at Loire, his hands smoothing over her white locks as his eyes searched hers for a long while. How could he ever walk away from this? It was hard enough the...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus It wasn’t worth it to try and fight with Larkyn, not after the night the man had… he was always bullheaded but he also had to imagine anyone would be fairly prickly after getting their ass handed to them. Especially when their entire career revolved around being the one who hands the ass...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Don’t make that face…” Cyrus sighed, a slow breath escaping him as his hands smoothed over her hair. He gently clasped them at the nape of her neck and pulled her forward to place a firm kiss against her forehead. He knew what she was thinking, he knew that she was already accepting...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “See I knew you liked me, you can’t help but flirt.” Cyrus grinned over at Loire as her fingers moved through his, the two of them making their way to the dance floor. Only they didn’t make it far before they were stopped by a large red and blue wall of a man. Remind him to tell the...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Shouldn’t those, whatever, you gave him be kicking in by now? I mean the guy is still scarfing down appetizers like his stomach is an empty pit.” Cyrus grumbled from where he leaned again the wall with Hunter and the twins. “Patience C, all good things come to those who wait and what...

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Hey now, down girl. I was just kidding.” Cyrus signed, a soft chuckle pairing it as Loire curled into his side. “Loire you’re not as good as dead, worst come to worst we dye your hair and move to Iceland. We could get a nice little cabin and live amongst the muggles. Your parents would...

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Jung “Oh.” It was all Jung could say as he listened to Suua explain what was going on with Lee. They had just gone out on a simple outing and then suddenly they were in hospital beds. Jung could remember the drive, he and Lee had been chatting about their shopping list for after her meeting...
  10. KAYDEN

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus Cyrus couldn’t believe how bad things had gotten, he hadn’t believed that he didn’t see how awful Larkyn was doing. The guilt was eating him alive but he couldn’t focus on himself, he couldn’t let this fight consume him no matter how much it wanted to. Cyrus had been sent here for a...
  11. KAYDEN

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “Y-you do?” Cyrus breathed the words softly behind Loire. He had felt it from her, he hadn’t doubted it but hearing it was something else entirely. Hearing her say that she loved him was something else entirely, something that he didn’t think would mean as much as it really did. Cyrus...
  12. KAYDEN

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “No.” Cyrus grinned at Loire, smoothing a hand through his messy hair as he answered honestly. He wasn’t ready, they needed to get back but that didn’t mean he was thrilled to do so. Their night had been so perfect, it was an escape from the shit show of reality. “But we have to. And...
  13. KAYDEN

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Jung “I’m not worried.” Jung lied through his teeth as they rolled up to the large home, well large to him. He and his family growing up were nothing near poor but this was still excessive to him. His home was large, two stories with four bedrooms, it was large but modest compared to a lot of...
  14. KAYDEN

    Fantasy +lumos; becoming the light+ (Closed)

    Cyrus “One day you’ll learn not to let the Gaunt side show when playing this game love, it’s not always the most expensive things that are the best in life.” Cyrus laughed as he counted the colorful fake money, it was like this every time. “Of course you still won’t beat me but maybe one day...
  15. KAYDEN

    Realistic or Modern Haenghada University//Closed

    Jung Last night Lee had let him know that he would be joking her for a dinner, which didn’t sound like the worst thing until she further explained the reason for said dinner. It wasn’t that he didn’t know her parents, it was that he would be meeting them as her boyfriend during a meal that...