I don’t think everyone recognizes how damaging silence and indifference can be. In biblical terms, the direct opposite of love is indifference.
I get it, it’s hard. There are many out there who lack the faith, time, and energy these days. But it’s okay to hold on to hope for something better...
I guess we'll have to see how that goes. Skyrim can be fun at times, but it's a very atmospheric game in many respects. It's got its high action moments and its quiet moments. I hope you're able to find some enjoyment in the next play attempt. :)
Hey all. Has anyone here ever had a sudden downturn in your RP communities or endeavors, perhaps key members ghosting, or some undesired drama, something along those lines that put you on the backfoot…
But then you were able to rebound somehow and kick things off again? I did. Remaining...
Now here’s an intriguing question to ask.
I voted, but I’d definitely like to throw in my own two cents. Romance has a place in storytelling, absolutely. Exploring the human condition is a fundamental driving element of storytelling, even in RP.
Romance is a fundamental part of human...
Despite some ghosting and initial hiccups, my community is coming along well. Special thanks to some persistent and new friends who fought to keep things going.
Check my interest check in Off-Site Ads for info.
God willing, we’ll find it.
Not exactly an easy road though, especially when the bridge was burned by a dear friend….
I have found others who are helping me to bounce back though.
Hoping Timothee has found the same.
Hey. I'm looking for some creative folks to connect with. Would you be up for having a chat? Wanting to get involved with some real creative storytelling and expression.
I have to go to work, but thanks for the input. I’ll try to think on your words. If you have an idea of what I can tell my community, I’d appreciate it.
Cause I’m at a loss.
Fair enough… Though I’m not kidding when I say this individual was foundational. It’s one thing when you lose a basic RPer. It’s another when you lose someone who, frankly, was an enthusiastic and core contributor that everyone was really starting to love. It’s one thing to tell me to temper my...