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  • Just Gonna chill and watch the world burn :)
    @Ammy Two more months doesn't amount to squat, it's virtually nonexistent. Like seriously, what can Obama possibly do in two months? (spoiler: nothing). America itself will be fine, I just can't wait to see what people will do with this turn of events. It's gonna be great lmao
    Not arguing that. Just challenging the perception that Trump is going to step outside, wave his hand, and magically turn cities to dust on sunrise tomorrow. Two months before he even starts his job, everyone needs to take that time to accept the results of this election and chill out a bit or make a plan that's accommodating to their lifestyle.

    Hysteria serves no purpose.
    @Ammy Truth be told, I actually don't care about the results and I'm not hysterical about it either. However, I feel like his winning should also not be downplayed too hard. He will have an easy couple of years since the Republicans run congress. So he's basically going to get away with whatever he wants (of course within reason by the constitution). It's also wise not to underestimate mob mentality. Which is what I meant by watching the world burn. 

    I mean, it was all for satire purposes anyways but still anything can happen
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