Things have been going pretty interesting. Working on potentially 2 team projects. One for school, the other one for not school. And ofcourse, got a fun RP going.
So, I'm pretty sad right now. I upset a friend of mine and no matter how much I tried to apologies and fix the problem... it didn't do anything and she has decided to move on. I'm pretty upset about this... I mean I come back to RPNation after I don't know how long.... to try and get a RP, and all I end up doing is hurting someone I considered a friend. *sigh*
I'm getting pretty annoyed at my copy of Pokemon Diamond. Seriously, it's like all the old DS games just don't want to work any more... especially the Pokemon ones.
For starters, I have to use my DS in order to get it to occasionally start. Then I've had a few times where the dumb thing will just freeze and I gotta reset it.. then mess with repeated inserting and removing the game card in the DSi Slot.
hello everyone. Man I miss the older chat feature.. but anyways, I want to know if there's any active RPs I could get into pretty quickly. Cuz I could try and start my own RP... but that'd assume others would be interested and how long it'd take to get people to join.
We have a discord chat room for the server. Unfortunately we're still working on a way to reintegrate it back into RPN, so it'll be while before people can join it once more.